[tutorial] Using Mysidia with x10Hosting!
So, including myself, a lot of people appear to be having a lot of issues trying to get Mysidia to work with x10Hosting? Well the fix is even simpler than I thought. I could never get 1.3.4 to work at all so trialled 1.3.2 before realising that there must be a fix: there is!
So the issue I had at first was trying to connect Filezilla to my MySQL Database - whatever I seemed to enter it would not work. Filezilla does not want the Database Username you created previously, it wants the Log-In details you use to enter x10Hosting in the first place with a small edit to the name: you need to do it like this: usernamex1 (the 'x1' is vitally important) and then the password you would use to enter the site. The host is literally: yoursite.x10host.com (or whatever domain you use in this format).
Once you are in you can just follow the official tutorial that Hall of Fame created for everyone and it should work fine! Although there are a few notes:
Change the file 'config_adopts' to just 'config'.
MUST be placed in the 'Public_HTML' file otherwise it will not work.
Feel free to ask questions below, although I may not be able to answer them I am sure someone viewing this thread will :3