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Old 04-22-2012, 01:15 PM
superdude44 superdude44 is offline
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Default A newbie asking for help

So I had a very hard time getting MAS to install on x10hosting. After a long time I gave up and switched to 000webhost. It installed the first time and I was able to get everything working. Now that it is installed I would like to begin personalizing it. I looked around the forums and saw some people had themes that were ok to use but when following the instructions, it woulnd't work. So my first question would be how do I, upload a theme to my site? Then I was looking around and seeing the multitude of options. When I started out on the home page, it confused me a little. I wasn't 100% how to edit that. That would bring me to question number two, how do I Change the contents of the home page? I was then searching around some more, began uploading adoptables and whatnot and came to the gender of the pets. My last and final question, I'd there a way to synchronize the gender of the pet with the alt forms?

- thank you so much
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:20 PM
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The themes posted were for version 1.2.x and you're using 1.3.x, so unfortunately they can't be used. You can have someone help you make your own theme, or you can modify any of the themes that come with the installation.

To edit a page on your site, find the "admin center" link, go to content and click the gear to edit that page.

I believe some people can synchronize the gender/alt images, but I don't know how, sorry.
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:21 PM
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To edit the contents of pages, go to the admin panel (Click the Admin Center link in the sidebar) and click on the Content tab. Edit pages from there. :)
To upload a theme you'd need CSS and a template, but you probably wouldn't want to create a new one. There are some free themes though that might not work with the new menubar.
It's probably possible to synchronize the gender of a pet with alt forms, I don't know how though..
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Old 04-22-2012, 01:35 PM
superdude44 superdude44 is offline
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Thank you for the help.
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