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You can claim unlimited number of <adoptable> with conditions that tell it otherwise. Issue Tools
issueid=33 12-22-2013 08:40 PM
You can claim unlimited number of <adoptable> with conditions that tell it otherwise.
No matter the condition you set when creating animal, you can buy or obtain it infinite times.

Like past versions of this script, I have been unable to get an adoptable that I want to be limited edition and seasonal. Promo codes can be used by a member more than one time and adopts conditions such as below will do nothing it is supposed to. Short story, it's very buggy.

For example here is what is checked:

And the result:
Issue Details
Project The Bug Tracker
Category Unknown
Status Unconfirmed
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version Mys v1.4.0
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

04-12-2015 10:47 PM
Was this ever corrected?

I am trying to restrict how many times someone can adopt from the adopt page -- one to a customer -- and it doesnt work, I've checked everything and filled it all in right.

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