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Old 02-25-2011, 10:39 PM
coffeeaddict coffeeaddict is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 13
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coffeeaddict is on a distinguished road
Default Newly adopted pets not inserting into database

So after tinkering with the script I seem to have created a glitch that makes newly adopted pets not insert into the database.

I can adopt a pet just fine, or so the screen says, but once I try to "manage" it I get an error saying the ID is not valid and when I check mysql the new pet hasn't been inserted into the owned adoptables database.

I'm posting the code for the myadopts.php page I've tinkered with, if anyone can spot the problem please let me know. I will be forever grateful. It was working ok before I made changes and I can't find my mistake.

I've also edited the levelup.php page bu I don't think that would cause the problem


// **********************************************************************
// Mysidia Adoptables Script: myadopts.php
// Copyright 2011 Mysidia Adoptables staff team
// For help and support:
// Redistribution prohibited without written permission
// **********************************************************************

// Wake the sleeping giant

// **********************************************************************
// Basic Configuration Info
// **********************************************************************


$themeurl = grabanysetting("themeurl");

// **********************************************************************
// Define our top links by calling getlinks()
// **********************************************************************

$links = getlinks();

// **********************************************************************
// Define our ads by calling getads()
// **********************************************************************

$ads = getads("any");

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any dynamic article content from the content table
// **********************************************************************

$pagecontent = getsitecontent("index");
$article_title = $pagecontent[title];
$article_content = $pagecontent[content];
$article_content = nl2br($article_content);

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any settings that we will need for the current page from the DB
// **********************************************************************

$browsertitle = grabanysetting("browsertitle");
$sitename = grabanysetting("sitename");
$slogan = grabanysetting("slogan");

// **********************************************************************
// Check and see if the user is logged in to the site
// **********************************************************************

$loginstatus = logincheck();
$isloggedin = $loginstatus[loginstatus];
$loggedinname = $loginstatus[username];

// **********************************************************************
// End Prepwork - Output the page to the user
// This file lets a user manage their adoptables...
// **********************************************************************

$id = $_GET["id"];
$id = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $id);
$id = secure($id);

$act = $_GET["act"];
$act = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $act);
$act = secure($act);

$more = $_GET["more"];
$more = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $more);
$more = secure($more);

$page = $_GET["page"];
$page = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $page);
$page = secure($page);

if($isloggedin == "yes"){

if($act == ""){

// No action specified, we just show all the adoptables with a manage link

$article_title = $loggedinname."'s Adoptables";
$article_content = $lang_adoptmanagement."<br>";

// We need to get all of the user's adoptables from the database and display them...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

$rowsperpage = 2;
$totalpages = ceil($num / $rowsperpage);

if(is_numeric($page) and $page != ""){
$currentpage = $page;
$currentpage = 1;

if ($currentpage > $totalpages) {  
$currentpage = $totalpages;  
if ($currentpage < 1) {   
$currentpage = 1;  
$offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage;  

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' ORDER BY type, name DESC LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num2 = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < $num2) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID

// Our code to determine if we show the table or not...

$article_content = $article_content."<table width='440' border='1'><tr>";

// Output the table information...
// Get the current adoptable's image

$image = getcurrentimage($aid);

$article_content = $article_content."<td><div align='center'><p>".$name."</p><p><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=".$aid."'><img src='".$image."' border=0></a></p><p>
<b><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=".$aid."'>Manage</a></b></p></div></td>";

$article_content = $article_content."</tr></table><br>";


$article_content = $article_content."<div style='text-align:center;'>";
if($currentpage > 1) {
$newpage = $currentpage - 1;
$article_content = $article_content."<a href='myadopts.php?page=".$newpage."'><img src='/templates/icons/prev.gif' border=0> Previous Page</a> ";
$article_content = $article_content."<img src='/templates/icons/prev.gif' border=0> Previouse Page ";
if($currentpage < $totalpages) {
$newpage = $currentpage + 1;
$article_content = $article_content." ::  <a href='myadopts.php?page=".$newpage."'>Next Page <img src='/templates/icons/next.gif' border=0></a> ";
$article_content = $article_content." ::  Next Page <img src='/templates/icons/next.gif' border=0>";
$article_content = $article_content."</div>";
else if($act == "manage"){

// We are managing a specific adoptable

if($id == "" or !is_numeric($id)){

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


// See if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


// Check that the adoptable exists for real, or show an error...

if($aid == $id){

// The adoptable does exist, so we show the image and junk to the user...

$image = getcurrentimage($id);

$article_title = "Managing ".$name;
$article_content = 


<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"width: 40%\">

		<td class=\"textRight11\" valign=\"top\" rowspan=\"2\">    	
			<table class=\"tables\" style=\"width: 40%\">

					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Name</td>
					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\">$name
					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Birthdate</td>
					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\">12/13/2010 (73 days old)</td>

					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Breed</td>
					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\">$type</td>
					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\"  height=\"21\" class=\"tblhead\">Sex</td>

					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\">$gender</td>
							<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Owner/Breeder</td>
							<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
							<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\">$owner</td>


					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Generation</td>
					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\">64</td>
					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Ration</td>
					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\" class=\"tblrow-1\"></td>

					<td width=\"35%\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">Sales</td>
					<td width=\"5\" align=\"right\" class=\"tblhead\">&nbsp;</td>
					<td width=\"58%\"  align=\"center\">		

$tradestatus<br>    </td>

<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"width: 40%;\">

<td align=\"center\" width=\"50%\" colspan=\"4\">
		<p align=\"left\">Current Stats For $name</td>
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\"  ><strong>Training</strong></td>
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" ><strong>Condition</strong></td>
	<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" ><strong>Socialization</strong></td>

		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" ><strong>Grooming</strong></td>
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\"background-color: #000099; color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\"background-color: #000099; color: #AFEEEE;\">

		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\"background-color: #000099; color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\"background-color: #000099; color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\" color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<b><a href='training.php?id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Session</a></b>
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\" color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<b><a href='condition.php?id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Session</a></b></td>

		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\" color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<b><a href='socialization.php?id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Session</a></b>
		<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\" style=\" color: #AFEEEE;\">
		<b><a href='grooming.php?id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Session</a></b>

<a href='myadopts.php?act=stats&id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/stats.gif' border=0> Get Stats for ".$name."</a><br>

<a href='myadopts.php?act=rename&id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/title.gif' border=0> Rename ".$name."</a><br>

<a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/trade.gif' border=0> Change Trade Status ".$name."</a><br>
<a href='myadopts.php?act=kill&id=".$id."'><img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Abandon ".$name."</a></b>";


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;



} // End the MANAGE action code
else if($act == "stats"){

// We are getting the stats for the adoptable
// Check that an ID was submitted...


// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

// The adoptable exists, so we show the stats for it...

$image = getcurrentimage($id);
$nextlevelexists = getnextlevelexists($type, $currentlevel);

$nextlevel = "";

// If a higher level exists, get that level's information...

if($nextlevelexists == "true"){

$nextlevel = $currentlevel + 1;

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."levels WHERE adoptiename='$type' and thisislevel='$nextlevel'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

while ($i < 1) {

$requiredclicks=@mysql_result($result,$i,"requiredclicks"); //The adoptable's ID


} // End grab next level info...

// Determine what to show for next level:

if($nextlevelexists == "true" and $nextlevel != ""){

// See how many more clicks to go

$ctg = $requiredclicks - totalclicks;

$nloutput = $nextlevel."<br>Clicks Required for Level Increase: ".$ctg;


$nloutput = "This adoptable is at its maximum level";


$article_title = $name."'s Statistics:";
$article_content = "<img src='".$image."'><br><br>
<b>Total Clicks: ".$totalclicks."<br>
Gender: ".$gender."<br>
Trade Status: ".$tradestatus."<br>
Current Level: ".$currentlevel."<br>
Next Level: ".$nloutput."<br></b>";

// Voters Information...

$article_content = $article_content."<h2>".$name."'s Voters:</h2><br>".$lang_voters_explain."<br><br><table width='450' border='1'>
<tr><td width='129'><strong>Username:</strong></td><td width='156'><strong>Date Voted: </strong></td><td width='82'><strong>Profile:</strong></td><td width='55'><strong>PM:</strong></td></tr>";

// Select the voters from the DB

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."vote_voters WHERE adoptableid='$id' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

while ($i < $num) {


if($username == ""){

$username = "Guest";


if($username == "Guest"){

$article_content = $article_content."<tr>
    <td><div align='left'>Guest</div></td>
    <td><div align='left'>".$date."</div></td>
    <td><div align='center'></div></td>
    <td><div align='center'></div></td>


$article_content = $article_content."<tr>
    <td><div align='left'>".$username."</div></td>
    <td><div align='left'>".$date."</div></td>
    <td><div align='center'><a href='profile.php?user=".$username."' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/profile.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
    <td><div align='center'><a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user=".$username."' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/pm.gif' border=0></a></div></td>



$article_content = $article_content."</table><br>";


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;



$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


} // End the STATS code
else if($act == "bbcode"){


// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

$altbb = grabanysetting("usealtbbcode");

// Adoptable exists, so show the BBCode:

$article_title = "Codes for ".$name;
$article_content = $lang_bbcode_explain."<br>
<p><u>Forum Codes / BBCode: </u></p>
  <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>

if($altbb == "yes"){

// Use the seo friendly alternate bbcodes...

$article_content = $article_content."<p><u>Alternate BBCodes (Use if the above do not work on a forum): </u></p>
  <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>


$article_content = $article_content."<p><u>HTML Code</u>:</p>
<textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'><a href=\"http://www.".$domain."".$scriptpath."/levelup.php?id=".$aid."\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"http://www.".$domain."".$scriptpath."/siggy.php?id=".$aid."\" border=0></a>


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;



$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


} // End the BBCODE generation for the adoptable...
else if($act == "rename"){

// We are renaming an adoptable


// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

$image = getcurrentimage($id);

if($isfrozen != "yes"){

if($more == ""){

$article_title = "Rename ".$name;
$article_content = "<img src='".$image."'><br>".$lang_rename."".$name."".$lang_rename2."<br>
<form name='form1' method='get' action='myadopts.php'>
  <p>Adoptable Name: 
    <input name='more' type='text' id='more'>
    <input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='".$id."'>
    <input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='rename'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Rename Adoptable'>


// We are renaming the adoptable

// The adoptable exists, so now we can rename it...

$query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET name='".$more."' WHERE aid='".$id."' and owner='".$loggedinname."'";

$article_title = $lang_rename_success_title;
$article_content = "<img src='".$image."'><br>".$lang_rename_success."".$more.".  You can now manage ".$more." on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=".$id."'>My Adopts</a> page.";


// We cannot rename a frozen adoptable...

$article_title = $lang_frozen_title;
$article_content = $lang_frozen."<a href='manage.php?act=freeze&id=".$id."&more=unfreeze'>unfreeze</a> ".$lang_frozen2;



$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


else if($act == "freeze"){

// We are freezing an adoptable here...


// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

$image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

if($more == ""){

if($isfrozen == "yes"){
$status = "<img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif'> Frozen<br>";
$go = "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id=".$id."&more=unfreeze'><img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif' border=0> Unfreeze This Adoptable</a>";
$status = "<img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif'> Not Frozen<br>";
$go = "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id=".$id."&more=freeze'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze This Adoptable</a>";

$article_title = $lang_freeze_title;
$article_content = "<img src='".$image."'><br><b>".$name."'s Current Status: ".$status."</b><br>".$lang_freeze."<br><br><b>".$go."</b><br><br>


// We are actually freezing or unfreezing the adopt...

$frz = "no";

if($more == "freeze"){

$frz = "yes";


$query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET isfrozen='".$frz."' WHERE aid='".$id."' and owner='".$loggedinname."'";

if($frz == "yes"){
$article_title = $name." Frozen Successfully";
$article_title = $name." Unfrozen Successfully";

$article_content = "Action Complete.  You may now manage ".$name." on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=".$id.">My Adopts</a> page.";



$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


else if($act == "trade"){

// We are setting the trade status for an adoptable...


// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

$image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

if($more == ""){

$article_title = "Setting trade status for ".$name;
$article_content = "Are you sure you wish to change the trade status of this adoptable?<center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id=".$id."&more=confirm'>Yes I'd like to change its trade status</a></b><br><br>
<b><a href='myadopts.php'>Nope I change my mind!  Go back to the previous page.</a></b></center><br>";


else if($more == "confirm"){  
  if($tradestatus == "fortrade"){
  $newtradestatus = "notfortrade";
  $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET tradestatus='".$newtradestatus."' WHERE aid='".$id."' and owner='".$loggedinname."'";
  $article_title = "Change trade status successfully";
  $article_content = "The adoptable's trade status is now Not for Trade";
  else if($tradestatus == "notfortrade"){
  $newtradestatus = "fortrade";
  $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."owned_adoptables SET tradestatus='".$newtradestatus."' WHERE aid='".$id."' and owner='".$loggedinname."'";
  $article_title = "Change trade status successfully";
  $article_content = "The adoptable's trade status is now For Trade";
  $article_title = "Something is very very wrong";
  $article_content = "Please check phpmyadmin to see if the settings are correct, or report your issue to Mysidia Adoptables support forum";


$article_title = "Invalid Action";
$article_content = "Invalid Action Specified";



$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;



else if($act == "kill"){

// X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X //
// We are killing an adoptable here...                       //
// X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X //


// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='$loggedinname' and aid='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID


if($aid == $id){

$image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

if($more == ""){

$article_title = "Abandoning ".$name;
$article_content = "<img src='".$image."'><br>".$lang_kill."<br><br>".$lang_kill_warning."<br><br>
<center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=kill&id=".$id."&more=confirm'><img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Abandon ".$name." - THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0></a></b><br><br>
<b><a href='myadopts.php'><img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0> DO NOT ABANDON ".$name."!  Go Somewhere Safe. <img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0></a></b></center><br>";

else if($more == "confirm"){

// Actually run the execution

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."abandoned VALUES ('$aid', '$type', '$name','$owner', '$currentlevel', '$totalclicks', '$code', '', '$usealternates', '$tradestatus', '$isfrozen', '$date', '$gender')");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE aid='$id' and owner='$loggedinname'");

$article_title = $lang_kill_title_complete;
$article_content = $lang_kill_complete;


$article_title = "Invalid Action";
$article_content = "Invalid Action Specified";



$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;



// No valid action specified :: show an error

$article_title = $lang_invalid_action_title;
$article_content = $lang_invalid_action;



$article_title = $accden;
$article_content = $reqlogin;

} // End is logged in check else

// **********************************************************************
// Begin Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

//Define our current theme
$file = $themeurl;

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template = file_get_contents($file);

$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);

$template = replace(':BROWSERTITLE:',$browsertitle,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$sitename,$template);

//Define our links
$template = replace(':LINKSBAR:',$links,$template);

//Get the content for the side bar...

$sidebar = getsidebar();
$template = replace(':SIDEFEED:',$sidebar,$template);

//Get the ad content...
$template = replace(':ADS:',$ads,$template);

//Get the slogan info
$template = replace(':SLOGAN:',$slogan,$template);

echo $template;

// **********************************************************************
// End Template Definition
// **********************************************************************


Last edited by coffeeaddict; 02-25-2011 at 10:42 PM.
Reply With Quote
Old 02-25-2011, 10:49 PM
Hall of Famer's Avatar
Hall of Famer Hall of Famer is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: South Brunswick
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Well something is wrong with your doadopt.php if your pets aint added to your party. First go to prefix_owned_adoptables table and take a screenshot of it. Then post your doadopt.php script file, I will see what exactly goes wrong with your site.

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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Old 02-25-2011, 10:57 PM
coffeeaddict coffeeaddict is offline
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Ok, I had to split the mysql screen shot into two parts because the tables are long.

I don't remember doing anything to the doadopt.php page but I could be wrong.

Thank you!

Edited to say: Darnit my pics got shrunk. One sec and I'll upload them to photobucket instead.


// **********************************************************************
// Mysidia Adoptables Script: doadopt.php
// Copyright 2011 Mysidia Adoptables staff team
// For help and support:
// Redistribution prohibited without written permission
// **********************************************************************

// Wake the sleeping giant

// **********************************************************************
// Basic Configuration Info
// **********************************************************************


$themeurl = grabanysetting("themeurl");

// **********************************************************************
// Define our top links by calling getlinks()
// **********************************************************************

$links = getlinks();

// **********************************************************************
// Define our ads by calling getads()
// **********************************************************************

$ads = getads("any");

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any dynamic article content from the content table
// **********************************************************************

$pagecontent = getsitecontent("index");
$article_title = $pagecontent[title];
$article_content = $pagecontent[content];
$article_content = nl2br($article_content);

// **********************************************************************
// Grab any settings that we will need for the current page from the DB
// **********************************************************************

$browsertitle = grabanysetting("browsertitle");
$sitename = grabanysetting("sitename");
$slogan = grabanysetting("slogan");

// **********************************************************************
// Check and see if the user is logged in to the site
// **********************************************************************

$loginstatus = logincheck();
$isloggedin = $loginstatus[loginstatus];
$loggedinname = $loginstatus[username];

// **********************************************************************
// End Prepwork - Output the page to the user
// This file actually processes the adoption of a pet...
// **********************************************************************

$id = $_GET["id"];
$id = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $id);
$id = secure($id);

$promocode = $_GET["promocode"];
$promocode = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $promocode);
$promocode = secure($promocode);

$name = $_GET["name"];
$name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $name);
$name = secure($name);

if($isloggedin == "yes"){

// I guess the first thing to do is see if we have a valid adoptable ID submitted...

if($id == "" or !is_numeric($id)){

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;


// The adoptable ID appears to be valid, so we need to double check that it is valid by pulling up the adoptable in the DB

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."adoptables WHERE id='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"id"); //The adoptable's ID


if($id == $aid){

// The ID submitted matches an existing adoptable type

$canadopt = canadopt($aid, "adopting", $promocode);

// If we can adopt this creature, do the adoption
// Otherwise we show an error...

if($canadopt == "yes"){

// **********************************************************************
// BEGIN the actual adoption process
// **********************************************************************

// First we see if we have a custom name.
// If not, we use the default name

if($name == ""){
$name = $type;

//The gender mod
$tempgender = rand(0, 1);
if($tempgender == "0") {
$gender = "Female";
else {
$gender = "Male";

// Now we determine if we are using alternate images or not

$alts = getaltstatus($id, 0, 0);

// Now we determine if the user has enough cash left to purchase an adoptable, if its price status is enabled.

$pris = getpricestatus($id); 
$priv = getpricevalue($id);
$mycash = getcash($loggedinname);

$moneyleft = $mycash - $priv;

if($moneyleft < 0){
  $article_title = $name." cannot be adopted";
  $article_content = "It appears that you do not have enough money to acquire this adoptable, please come back later.";


// Now we actually process the adoption and add it to the database...
// We need a unique code for the adoptable so we can show it to the user when we're done here...

$code = rand(1, 20000);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code', '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender')");

//Next, the user's lost an amount of money equal to the adoptable's price value.
$query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET dollar='".$moneyleft."' WHERE username='".$loggedinname."'";

// Adoption complete, show the user a confirmation screen...
// We need to show the adoptable info from the database...

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE code='$code' and owner='$loggedinname'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);

//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {


$article_title = $name." adopted successfully";
$article_content = "<img src='".$eggimage."'><br>".$congrats1." ".$name.".  You can now manage ".$name." on the 
<a href='myadopts.php'>My Adopts</a> page.<br><br><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=".$id."'>Click Here to Manage ".$name."</a><br>
<a href='myadopts.php?act=bbcode&id=".$id."'>Click Here to get BBCodes / HTML Codes for ".$name."</a></b><br><br>
Be sure and <a href='levelup.php?id=".$id.">feed</a> ".$name." with clicks so that they grow!";


// **********************************************************************
// END the actual adoption process
// **********************************************************************


$article_title = $accden;
$article_content = $adoptnoper;


} // End the if for if $id == $aid

// Adoptable does not exist, show an error.

$article_title = $err_idnoexist;
$article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;

} // End the else for if $id == $aid

} // End the valid ID input else test statement (bulk of code goes above here)

 // End the log in check IF

// Guests cannot adopt pets, so why bother...
$article_title = $guesttitleerror;
$article_content = $guesterror;

} // End the log in check ELSE 

// **********************************************************************
// Begin Template Definition
// **********************************************************************

//Define our current theme
$file = $themeurl;

// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template = file_get_contents($file);

$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);

$template = replace(':BROWSERTITLE:',$browsertitle,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$sitename,$template);

//Define our links
$template = replace(':LINKSBAR:',$links,$template);

//Get the content for the side bar...

$sidebar = getsidebar();
$template = replace(':SIDEFEED:',$sidebar,$template);

//Get the ad content...
$template = replace(':ADS:',$ads,$template);

//Get the slogan info
$template = replace(':SLOGAN:',$slogan,$template);

echo $template;

// **********************************************************************
// End Template Definition
// **********************************************************************


Attached Images
File Type: jpg mysql1.jpg (19.6 KB, 3 views)
File Type: jpg mysql2.jpg (20.3 KB, 2 views)

Last edited by coffeeaddict; 02-25-2011 at 11:02 PM.
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Old 02-25-2011, 11:00 PM
Hall of Famer's Avatar
Hall of Famer Hall of Famer is offline
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umm I cant see anything from your screenshots. Can you take a bigger one and upload to tinypics instead of using attachments here? Thank you.

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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Old 02-25-2011, 11:03 PM
coffeeaddict coffeeaddict is offline
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Just uploaded to photobucket and posted them. Didn't realize the screenshots would shrink if I attached them
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Old 02-25-2011, 11:12 PM
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I see where the problem is now, find this line from your doadopt.php file:

PHP Code:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('',  '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0', '$code',  '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender')"); 
Replace with:
PHP Code:
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('',  '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','0','0','0','0','0','0','0', '$code',  '','$alts','fortrade','no','$gender')"); 
Note the seven zero's here. I am assuming that all the five new columns you add in your sql table has default value 0, you can change them to whatever you like though. Whenever you make changes in owned_adoptables table, make sure you edit this mysql query line in doadopt.php to make sure the total number of columns from your script file matches the total number of columns in your database table.

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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Old 02-25-2011, 11:18 PM
coffeeaddict coffeeaddict is offline
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coffeeaddict is on a distinguished road

Awesome! That did it. Thank you very much
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Old 02-25-2011, 11:19 PM
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You are very welcome, glad it works out for you now. There are three common problems that PHP beginners usually run into when they begin coding their customized sites, I will post a troubleshooting thread when Mys v1.2.0 is released.

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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