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Old 02-07-2009, 01:28 PM
fritchie fritchie is offline
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Default RE: Having Setup Issues

Originally Posted by BMR777
Yes, the config.php stays in the .inc folder, so that's right. :)

I'm looking at your site and yes, the script is not loading, just a white page. I can get to your site's admin panel though for the script.

Honestly, I think that this may be a web host issue. I noticed that your host forces advertisements on the pages. With another script I wrote sometimes this would cause issues, and I think the same thing is happening here. Sometimes when a web host forces ads on a page it messes with the .html code that it output to the browser and causes weird results, in this case a blank page.

I also think it is a host issue because one of my files, get.php appears to be blocked by the host. It is responsible for fetching the images for the adoptables for the BBCode and HTML codes. Some of the free hosts block this file for whatever reason, even though it is perfectly safe.

I would have to say, unfortunately, that you should find another web host to run the script on. I really think the forced ads are the issue. You can find free web hosts here:


you are amazing. i will try it and see what happens! If i ever get a site up and running, i am definitey donating. I know how it is to be a freelancer trying to make it in this ecomony lol.
Thanks Brandon,

*lets hope this works!*[hr]
Out of all those hosts, which do you recommend?
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