Thread: Is OOP better
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Old 08-31-2015, 02:46 PM
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Default Is OOP better

This is simply a discussion thread. This is not a commentary on Mysidia moving to OOP PHP. I'm more interested in opinions as I also program my own games.

Procedural PHP is fairly easy and has a logical progression that one can see immediately. Almost anyone who can utilize logic can pick it up. The pro for procedural, besides being fairly easy, is that it can also make the program run fairly quick (not a huge performance increase, but still there nontheless). The major con is the mess one can easily make in stringing a bunch of procedural ifs/elseifs/cases/switches along with repeating a lot of code (unless one is proficient with making functions).

OOP is a lot harder to pick up (I have not yet done so successfully, it's not that I can't, it's just that I have to keep backing in and out of pages to see the logical progression of what's going on, not fun). It's like learning algebra when procedural is basic arithmetic. That's the major con. It keeps only the elite programmers in, and the rest of the casual/hobbyists kind of out. The pro is having neat looking (easy for other OOP programmers to use) and re-usable code (although I argue that one can make re-usable code with functions).

Things like security, modern look, MVC, re-usability, all this can be done with procedural code. So why is procedural looked down on as being so dirty?
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