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Old 07-27-2011, 12:00 PM
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Your instructions for installing this mod on an already established site are,
If you want to install this code to an already installed copy of Mysidia Adoptables, run the install.php script to add in the tables and apc hook. For the pages look for:
#custom pet mod
this is the start of the new code that I have added in, I tried not to alter any code outside of this. The exceptions are in adopt.php I relinked from doadopt.php to customadopt.php, this also doesnt have the custom pet mod comments.

Here is the list of the files.
inc/functions.php //added in link to the cpet functions forgot to add in the comment however it is basically the third line.
adopt.php //redirected page and clear out/build a new variable in the session
breeding.php //added in section for the pet to breed with the custom background. note: I just had it pick a color randomly for the new adoptable.
doadopt.php //added in section to add the info from the custom pet session pet save it. Then build the image and save that to the adoptable.
levelup.php //added in find the parent id then level up the adoptable, level up rebuilds and saves the image again.

myadopts.php //altered how the image is taken from the db and displayed.
stats.php //altered how the image is taken from the db and displayed. Note: I missed a spot when the code get a random set of adoptable, it shows the egg image instead.

New Files
preview.php //used to display the new colors. Note: This may have caching issues with some browsers, I am not sure.
customadopt.php //form used to build the new pet.
cpetadmin.php //admin that manages the image assets for the custom adopts.
custompet_functions.php //core engine of the custom adopts does stuff minus toast.

Please leave any comments and questions in this thread.
so Basically for my clients if i were to add this to their sites i would need to run the install script, then over write the existing files with the changed ones and it should work? Also adding in the new files. thanks for help.
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