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Old 11-06-2018, 04:18 PM
p810 p810 is offline
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p810 is on a distinguished road

You're starting out in the right direction by building out your frontend and filling in the functionality. One thing that's very important to remember is that you should not mix the two. What I mean by this is that the code you've written for the frontend should function independently of the code you're going to implement for the backend -- code that talks to the database, for example.

If this is confusing then let's consider how WordPress handles templating. You have templates for different sections of the site, like home.php for the index and page.php for individual post pages. You'll never see a declaration in a template file. A declaration is a variable or a function. You'll see functions being called in certain places, like to get the latest posts, but they're declared separately. This is known as separation of concerns and it's easily one of, if not the most important tenant of SOLID as it applies to PHP.

My personal opinion is that WordPress is not well suited for this type of site, mainly because of its user system and access control, but also because it's a blogging platform that's been duct taped together to be a CMS, so you'll have to do some weird things to get it to be an adoptable site.

But that doesn't mean you can't use Mysidia or a custom framework for your game alongside WordPress (as a blog or general site). Of course that includes bbPress for the forum.

Last edited by p810; 11-06-2018 at 04:26 PM. Reason: Adding an example to clarify what I mean
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