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Old 11-21-2017, 11:37 AM
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Kesstryl Kesstryl is offline
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Default Dragon Lord - text based RPG Alpha test

I've been working for a few years now on an old school text based PBBG RPG, and about a month ago I finally an alpha server up. I've been looking for alpha testers to help out with bugs and feedback, and I thought I'd extend that invitation here as well. Keep in mind that alpha accounts will not extend to open beta, as the beta server will be permanent, and the alpha server is temporary. There is email validation so make sure to use a valid email when registering, and be assured that I do not spam or sell email accounts. It's just an extra measure against spam bots.

EDIT - The alpha is now closed, and the game has moved into open beta. The new url is:

Last edited by Kesstryl; 12-21-2017 at 05:55 PM.
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