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Old 04-17-2015, 10:39 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Alright, let's just not display any pets here at all if the user has too many eggs, then? It'd just be teasing them, anyway.

Here's the whole document now:
PHP Code:

class AdoptView extends View{
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $this->document;

$number 5/* You want users to have no more than THIS ($number) many pets with...*/
$level 6/* ...a level less than or equal to THIS ($level) number! */
$petsAtLevel $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}' AND currentlevel <= $level")->rowCount();
        if (
$petsAtLevel $number){ /* If the number of pets at this level is greater than number... */
$document->setTitle("Too Many Eggs!");
$document->add(new Comment("You've got too many eggs and should wait until you've hatched one."FALSE));
        else { 
/* Else show existing things... */   
$aid $this->getField("aid")->getValue();
$name $this->getField("name")->getValue();
$eggImage $this->getField("eggImage")->getValue();
$image = new Image($eggImage);
$document->setTitle("{$name} adopted successfully");            
$document->addLangvar("Congratulations!  You just adopted {$name}.  You can now manage {$name} on the ");
$document->add(new Link("myadopts""Myadopts Page."));
$document->add(new Comment(""));
$document->add(new Link("myadopts/manage/{$aid}""Click Here to Manage {$name}"));
$document->add(new Comment(""));
$document->add(new Link("myadopts/bbcode/{$aid}""Click Here to get BBCodes/HTML Codes for {$name}"));
$document->add(new Comment(""));
$document->addLangvar("Be sure and");
$document->add(new Link("levelup/{$aid}""feed "));
$document->addLangvar("{$name} with clicks so that they grow!");
$adoptForm = new Form("form""adopt""post");
$adoptTitle = new Comment("Available Adoptables");
$adoptTable = new Table("table"""FALSE);
$adopts $this->getField("adopts");
$i 0$i $adopts->length(); $i++){
$row = new TRow;
$idCell = new TCell(new RadioButton("""id"$adopts[$i]->getID()));                
$imageCell = new TCell(new Image($adopts[$i]->getEggImage(), $adopts[$i]->getType()));
$imageCell->setAlign(new Align("center"));
$type = new Comment($adopts[$i]->getType());
$description = new Comment($adopts[$i]->getDescription(), FALSE);
$typeCell = new TCell;

$adoptSubtitle = new Comment("Adopt");
$adoptForm->add(new Comment("Adoptable Name: "FALSE));
$adoptForm->add(new TextField("name"));
$adoptForm->add(new Comment(""));
$adoptForm->add(new Button("Adopt Me""submit""submit"));
@draugluin - As for the adopt shop, it's not a feature I'm making use of on my site so I wouldn't know how to make modifications there without creating one... If this is a feature to prevent new players from hoarding pets without patience, it's unlikely these new players will have enough funds to even purchase more eggs from a shop. And if they have money, why not let them, anyway? If you still really want this, classes/class_adoptshop.php, the display() function can be changed:

PHP Code:
public function display(){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");      
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();              
$this->gettotal() == 0){

$number 5/* You want users to have no more than THIS ($number) many pets with...*/
$level 6/* ...a level less than or equal to THIS ($level) number! */
$petsAtLevel $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner = '{$mysidia->user->username}' AND currentlevel <= $level")->rowCount();
    if (
$petsAtLevel $number){ /* If the number of pets at this level is greater than number... */
$document->setTitle("Too Many Eggs!");
$document->add(new Comment("You've got too many eggs and should wait until you've hatched one."FALSE));
    else { 
/* Else show existing things... */   
$adoptList = new TableBuilder("shop");
$adoptList->setAlign(new Align("center""middle"));
$adoptList->setHelper(new ShopTableHelper);      
$this->adopts $this->getadopttypes();
$this->adopts as $stockadopt){
$adopt $this->getadopt($stockadopt->type);
$cells = new LinkedList;
$cells->add(new TCell($this->getadoptimage($adopt->eggimage)));
$cells->add(new TCell($adopt->class));
$cells->add(new TCell($adopt->type));
$cells->add(new TCell($adopt->description));
$cells->add(new TCell($adopt->cost));
$cells->add(new TCell($adoptList->getHelper()->getAdoptPurchaseForm($this$adopt)));

Try that and let me know how it's working?
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.

Last edited by Kyttias; 04-17-2015 at 10:49 AM.
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