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Old 04-04-2014, 12:35 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Since you've mailed me the files, I'll try to make a template/theme you can install directly into Mysidia.

After closer inspection, again, if you want the theme to change color, you will have to swap out the css file with javascript. Their method links you to an entirely different html page, and no, you can't just swap out a .tpl the same way, without creating an entirely separate theme for each one. So I will use the code I gave you above to hack that feature back in. (Would you be interested in me making a button for it next to the menu, so it doesn't take up so much of the page and users can change it on a whim? Or is this a feature you're not even interested in keeping?)

Otherwise I'm done:


I also noticed the IcoMoon icons weren't working at first, so I headed to the official site to download the newest version of the icons from their official site. (I had to do a bit of looking around to find why they weren't working, and a fix suggested that I redownload the package in a specific way - so if you go back to use the IcoMoon app, when you're downloading them, you need to make sure this box is checked:)

Also? The file structure changed a little bit because of this, with the Fonts folder now inside the CSS folder. IcoMoon allows you create your own icon fonts with a little bit effort, which is cool: Just remember to make sure that box is checked when you're downloading your font package.

(As an alternative to IcoMoon fonts, I can recommend Font Awesome - which is helpful in that the list of icons and instructions on using them is very beginner-friendly.)


I should be ready to hand this to you tomorrow, hopefully! Just let me know if you still want to be able to change from a light to dark theme still, and I can patch that in so it works (and optionally make it a button next to the menu).

(*psst* If you've got some spare change floating around in a PayPal account, a tip's always nice. *wink* Not necessary, though. This hasn't been too hard. I'm just trying to save up to buy this really cool book: jQuery Game Development Essentials.)

Last edited by Kyttias; 04-04-2014 at 02:20 AM.
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