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Old 03-11-2012, 07:54 PM
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I see, thanks for elaborating Gloometh. And yeah the pagination class is available in Mys v1.3.0, though it uses a custom css that messes up the font style/size of the theme's. I've talked about this with Nyxi and hopefully she will find a way to fix the problem. As you see, I aint that good with css. XD

Oh so like a daycare system? Sounds interesting, it still seems quite similar to what the current stats.php already does but I will give a look.

Well yeah you are right, I kinda forgot when a previous owner mod was actually available. And the one who did the pet shows script was Gigi, she made it for Mys v1.1.x. If you look at the Mys v1.1.x Mod forum, you will see that a few of the ideas you proposed were available as old Mods. The problem is that we never bothered to convert them into Mys v1.2.x-compatible version. With Megaupload gone for good, it may not be possible to make simple edits nowadays. But anyway, creating them from scratch should not be quite difficult.

Also are you suggesting Arcade integration such as many sites/forums have done? Thats seems intriguing, but can be quite difficult especially with ACP integration. Time-based options are definitely possible, I will consider during the lifetime of Mys v1.3.x.

Btw there is one thing Id like to bring up though. The customizability of a script determines how easy and how soon it can be implemented. I made a simple stats mod a while ago, back when it was still Rusnak Adoptables. The difficulty comes with how to customize it. A hard-coded stats system is essentially worthless, a pokemon stats system is only for pokemon and nothing else. How to make a public stats system for people who prefer various growth mechanism and formula to use remains as a challenge. I've found a solution now, so expect the stats system to come no later than Mys v1.4.0.

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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