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Old 08-27-2011, 03:38 PM
TheShadow TheShadow is offline
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Default [SE] Looking for coders and artists

My site, ShadowedEclipse Limited Adoptables, has grown way faster than I ever anticipated. It's come to the point where we need some serious staff help.

So far we've been kludging things together. Our current coder started learning php when we started a month ago, and while she's done some really nice fixes, doesn't have the skills to make the modifications we need. We need things like account integration with phpbb, and an unique trading system. So, we need someone at least semi-professional who knows what they're doing.

All of our art is pixel art, so we're obviously hiring pixel artists. Other than that we take just about anyone with talent. Our theme changes every month (Last month was shoes, next month dragons, the month after that may be wolves, or kittens or trees, etc.), so if one thing is your weakness, the next month may be one of your strengths.

For both positions I will be paying in real life cash as I am able to. I don't know how much we will be taking in, but I will promise to give a fair share as per the work you do, and should we not garner much in profits for the first few months, I am willing to dip into my own pockets to make sure you are justly compensated.

To apply, please either leave a post here with what your talents are, and what you'd be up to doing, or for a quicker answer, contact me via AIM; my screen name is ZelphyrianShadow.

Thank you,
Shadow and the ShadowedEclipse Staff
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