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parayna 11-29-2014 03:23 PM

YC Adopts Open For CLOSED Beta :)
That's right! We are now open for closed beta! Here is the Adoptable's Buzz post if you want to see art, etc. from it:

We are in need of some beta testers! Who wants to be one? (This block of text is a test, you MUST read it so that we can see if you would be suitable for the job!) Those who we can tell have read it will be eligible. Those who ignore it or one of the rules posted below won't be. Please fill in the form posted below and we (break! Please post your lucky number/favourite number in your entry so we know you read this :P) will read it and evaluate whether or not you can be a beta tester! Don't worry, you won't get NOTHING in return for your services. Payment for being a beta tester will be posted up after we have had a few forms :P Any other info will be messaged to you in the form of a Q&A and questions are welcome. Please post on this post the form (no PM's) although if you have a question before filling it in feel free to PM me and I will answer them! Please bump if I don't reply, I may not see it. THERE ARE 20 SPOTS AVAILABLE!

Rules For Entry:

1. You must fill it out properly (EVERY QUESTION ANSWERED!)

2. Please don't write one or two words, the more you write (without waffling) the more of a chance you have! Treat it like a job application :P

3. Only enter if you know you will be able to do it! Beta testing will last all of December and probably half of 2015. Although on January 1st the site will open for public beta and more people can join.

4. Try and have fun! XD I know, there is a lot to read. I know, there is a lot to write. :P It will be worth it though, I promise!

The Form:

How Old Are You?
You don't have to give the exact number, just something like 13+ or 21+ or 'less than 20'. We need a rough idea.

Do You Promise Not To Give The Site Link To Anyone Who Isn't An Official Beta Tester, Until We Open For Open Beta?
We need to know if we can trust you..

Why Do You Want To Be a Beta Tester?
So we can tell if you are really interested or not :P

Have You Beta Tested Before?
Doesn't really matter but if you have then you may have more experience.

Do You Promise To Come On Almost Every Day (onto YC Adopts) During The Beta Period?
If you really can't get on then that is fine, we just need people who can report things as much as possible. We need active beta testers, not people who come on once at the beginning and then never again.

Are You Good At Spotting Spelling Mistakes Or Grammatical Errors?
We need people who can help spell check the site, etc. (We do use British spellings so if you aren't sure of a word, then just ask us)

Would You Be An Active Member Of The Community Once Opened?
This doesn't really matter just we would like to know if you would stay on after the beta period to help people on the site or to continue testing features out as they are added.

Anything Else You Wish To Tell Us To Try and Increase Your Chances?
Can be almost anything. Go wild! Just no begging please :P Type something about you and why you think you deserve a spot... ;)

Thanks for reading! I look forward to your forms! This will be posted in multiple places/sites. If you wish to hear about the 'prizes' beta testers will get, please PM me or post here! I will tell anyone. You will get the link to the site after you have been accepted and you WILL NOT be allowed to give the link out to anyone else! Rules for betas will be PM'ed to you after your form entry (not necessarily straight away, but as soon as possible). You will also get what beta testers have to do/look out for when you are accepted.


parayna 11-29-2014 04:15 PM

Applications From:

Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- CS

parayna 11-30-2014 09:05 AM

Applications From:

Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- CS
animaniacs -- Ovipets

ilrak 11-30-2014 02:17 PM

Hi, my name is ilrak and my favorite number is 42. It's the meaning of life and everything and also the number of my favorite classic baseball player.

How Old Are You?
I am 26 years old.

Do You Promise Not To Give The Site Link To Anyone Who Isn't An Official Beta Tester, Until We Open For Open Beta?
I promise to not give the link to anyone who is not an official beta tester.

Why Do You Want To Be a Beta Tester?
Since I have been working on my own pet site, I feel much more eager to help out others with theirs.

Have You Beta Tested Before?
I haven't beta tested any games before, but I used to help my mom beta test credit union software.

Do You Promise To Come On Almost Every Day (onto YC Adopts) During The Beta Period?
I promise to come to YC adopts almost every day during the Beta testing process.

Are You Good At Spotting Spelling Mistakes Or Grammatical Errors?
I am very good at checking for spelling errors (and alright at checking for grammatical errors). The words in British English should not be a problem for me since my mom raised me to spell in British English (much to the detriment of several college papers).

Would You Be An Active Member Of The Community Once Opened?
I will try to stay an active member of the community once it is opened.

Anything Else You Wish To Tell Us To Try and Increase Your Chances?
Thanks to Flight Rising and Lioden, I've become a bit of a pet site addict, but I am also pretty blunt about things that don't work. This has definitely increased now that I've been working on my own site.

parayna 12-01-2014 02:18 PM

Thank you, Ilrak! We will review your application and notify you if you get a spot :P I appreciate that you're willing to help out ^_^ To be honest we need people like you (I am not much of a coder and so this is a huge learning curve for me) and I want to learn so I could do with people who will spot mistakes and notify us straight away! It'll be good to get the site more enjoyable as well :)

Applications From:

Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- Chicken Smoothie
animaniacs -- Ovipets
Silver-Chu – Ovipets
ilrak – Mysidia
CursedSeeker – Chicken Smoothie
Mystic Haze – Ovipets

parayna 12-02-2014 09:44 AM

Applications From:

Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- Chicken Smoothie
animaniacs -- Ovipets
Silver-Chu – Ovipets
ilrak – Mysidia
CursedSeeker – Chicken Smoothie
Mystic Haze – Ovipets
Silverlily1 – Ovipets
darksideInvader – Chicken Smoothie

parayna 12-02-2014 02:20 PM

Applications From:

Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- Chicken Smoothie
animaniacs -- Ovipets
Silver-Chu – Ovipets
ilrak – Mysidia
CursedSeeker – Chicken Smoothie
Mystic Haze – Ovipets
Silverlily1 – Ovipets
darksideInvader – Chicken Smoothie
ralucalaptes – Ovipets

parayna 12-03-2014 01:21 AM

Applications From:

Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- Chicken Smoothie
animaniacs -- Ovipets
Silver-Chu – Ovipets
ilrak – Mysidia
CursedSeeker – Chicken Smoothie
Mystic Haze – Ovipets
Silverlily1 – Ovipets
darksideInvader – Chicken Smoothie
ralucalaptes – Ovipets
Orange Uglad – Ovipets

parayna 12-03-2014 10:52 AM

Applications From:

Yurash – Owner
The Chelsea – Owner
Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- Chicken Smoothie
animaniacs -- Ovipets
Silver-Chu – Ovipets
ilrak – Mysidia
CursedSeeker – Chicken Smoothie
Mystic Haze – Ovipets
Silverlily1 – Ovipets
darksideInvader – Chicken Smoothie
ralucalaptes – Ovipets
Orange Uglad – Ovipets
Julie Walker – Ovipets
Aroura Borialice – Ovipets

parayna 12-03-2014 12:09 PM

Applications From:

Yurash – Owner – ACCEPTED
The Chelsea – Owner – ACCEPTED
Pooh Bear -- Ovipets
Sora Shineheart -- Ovipets
puuruuruu -- Chicken Smoothie
animaniacs -- Ovipets
Silver-Chu – Ovipets
ilrak – Mysidia
CursedSeeker – Chicken Smoothie
Mystic Haze – Ovipets – ACCEPTED
Silverlily1 – Ovipets
darksideInvader – Chicken Smoothie
ralucalaptes – Ovipets
Orange Uglad – Ovipets
Julie Walker – Ovipets
Aroura Borialice – Ovipets
**The Impossible Girl** – Ovipets
Danisaur_Rex – Ovipets

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