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cyber-fox 07-06-2008 04:34 AM

Moving to linux

Ive had enough of windows its comepletly out the window for me... However ive seen linux its being talked about everywere so im new to linux and i intend using linux for the future of my websites....

1 thing im finding hard at the moment is adding my NTFS drive... Now linux does automaticly see it? Anyone help please baby talk as im new to linux :P

Ajof 07-06-2008 10:42 AM

RE: Moving to linux
Wheeee welcome to freedom!
May I ask what distribution you are using?

BMR777 07-06-2008 11:12 AM

RE: Moving to linux
I am also new to Linux, having just installed it on my laptop. For a workstation install you can use a program called Wubi to install Linux right alongside Windows, then you choose which OS to boot when you start the PC. Wubi is nice as you don't have to alter your drive for Linux to work.

For a standalone or server install of Linux, I'm not sure. I've heard that Linux can read NTFS drives fine, but you need something special to write to them, but I could be wrong.


Ajof 07-06-2008 12:50 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Unless your using a very old distribution then you can read and write to ntfs partitions.

Wubi is a feature of the ubuntu distribution only and if you are serious about running linux then I wouldn't recommend using it as it still relies on windows etc.
Instead you should partition your hard disk so that you have you linux distribution on one partition, windows on another, your linux 'home' folder on another and finally a swap partition. There are many guides around on the net to help you with this though.

Once I know what distribution you are using though I will be happy to help :)

cyber-fox 07-06-2008 04:59 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Ive found linux very easy to get on with now this has been my first attempt today to get everything up and running smoothly and linux has done just that.

Im using Centos 4, Perfect for servers.

Want to check how my server is doing cool:

Ajof 07-06-2008 05:21 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Ah so your running it as a server! Geesh looks like centOS doesn't support ntfs by default!
Luckly I found a work around -
Try it at your own risk!
So are you using it as a desktop aswell as a server? What uplink have you got on it?

cyber-fox 07-06-2008 06:08 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Yes im running it as a server. No its not a desktop machine. Ive got a seprate machine running windowsxp for a desktop :) The uplink is 700KB enough to handle what i need :) Its a very good machine ive just put another 1GB block of ram in it to keep things running smoothly, which equals 2gb of ram now.

Ive solved the NTFS problem thanks though.

BMR777 07-06-2008 06:37 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Nice server! Are you running this from a home connection or do you have a datacenter location for it?

cyber-fox 07-06-2008 07:08 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Its running from home mate.

BMR777 07-06-2008 07:10 PM

RE: Moving to linux
I hope you have a good ISP for that. Some of them will really crack down on users who run servers from home. Others, like Comcast, block or degrade some ports or traffic. ;)


cyber-fox 07-07-2008 10:07 AM

RE: Moving to linux
Yes its perfectly legal on my connection to run a webserver and they dont limit or block any ports :P

BMR777 07-07-2008 10:23 AM

RE: Moving to linux

Originally Posted by cyber-fox
Yes its perfectly legal on my connection to run a webserver and they dont limit or block any ports :P

Lucky. :)

cyber-fox 07-07-2008 12:15 PM

RE: Moving to linux
Yh just a bit :P

Dj_Mint 07-13-2008 05:09 AM

RE: Moving to linux
I LOVE Linux,

Especially because you don't need to CHMOD!

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