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mapleblade 05-04-2011 12:40 PM

slotmachine.php, the slotmachine from the levelup, but for the arcade!
2 Attachment(s)
Hiya there as u may have seen, ive made a slotmachine script for when u level and adoptable, that u have a chance to win prices!

Now ive made it that its an new .php file wich includes:

-Unspammable (users can only use it once a day)
-Easy customizable price gold amount

First of all, you will need to run a MYSQL Query
PHP Code:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `adopts_slotmachine_used` (
datevarchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
usernamevarchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
ipvarchar(50) DEFAULT NULL

Second: Download the slotmachine map for the images (if you dont already have it from the levelup script)

Third: Download slotmachine.php

And your done :D

Now the prices seem pretty low, 20,30,50 for once a day, but here i will explain how to edit the prices.

in slotmachine.php find:
PHP Code:

if($slot1 == && $slot2 == && $slot3 == 1){ 

You will see this line under it, this is if all slots are pointed at 1
PHP Code:

$reward 20

Change that value to whatever you like to get as prize when someone gets all 1's

PHP Code:

$reward 300

Do that the same for 2 and 3, those are precisely the same as the above, and should be under this first code.

Hoep i helped :)

Solistia 05-04-2011 01:15 PM

This is really awesome. I do find 1 problem though. If a user lines up 2 numbers, but they're in slot 2 & 3, they don't get the match 2 prize, only match 1. Is there any way to change that?

mapleblade 05-04-2011 01:20 PM

u have to have all 3 numbers to get a prize, that was meant to be

well, my base is coded like if slot1 =2 and slot2=2 and slot3=2 , then u will get a price, its easy to change tough. as u see this code
PHP Code:

if($slot1 == && $slot2 == && $slot3 == 1){
$reward 20;

You could in example change it to your likings i.e
PHP Code:

if($slot2 == && $slot3 == 1){
$reward 20;

this gives 20 coins when slot 2 and 3 are 1, try messing around with it, its easy :)

Solistia 05-04-2011 01:27 PM

ah, I see, I'll try adding some new prize numbers then :3
Thank you!

mapleblade 05-04-2011 01:28 PM

No Problem :)

Solistia 05-04-2011 01:34 PM

Just in case others would like there to be a match 2 secondary prize (and just change the rewards to match your taste)

    if($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 30;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 30;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 30;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    $reward = 1;

It's the long way I'm sure, but I'm no coder |D;;

mapleblade 05-04-2011 01:54 PM

i am not a VERY good coder myself too, but i manage to do stuff, it looks good :)

fadillzzz 05-05-2011 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Solistia (Post 16567)
Just in case others would like there to be a match 2 secondary prize (and just change the rewards to match your taste)

    if($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 30;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 30;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 30;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 1 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 2 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 1){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 3 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 2){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 1 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    }elseif($slot1 == 2 && $slot2 == 3 && $slot3 == 3){
    $reward = 10;
    $reward = 1;

It's the long way I'm sure, but I'm no coder |D;;

Instead of writing super long if statements like a longcat, I suggest you take advantage of array.
This is just a small example:
PHP Code:

$slot = array(1=>mt_rand(1,3), 2=>mt_rand(1,3), 3=>mt_rand(1,3));

$match count(array_unique($slot));

if (
$match === 3)
// No match. 
elseif (
$match === 2)
// 2 Slots match each other.
elseif (
$match === 1)
// All slots match each other. (i.e. jackpot! :D)

mapleblade 05-05-2011 01:15 AM

thanks, im not that good with array, i saw some examples, but if all 3 match would be good for me xD

fadillzzz 05-05-2011 04:46 AM

Mapleblade, instead of comparing the variable to a number why not just compare it to each other?
PHP Code:

if($slot1 == && $slot2 == && $slot3 == 1){
$reward 20;

should be
PHP Code:

if($slot1 === $slot2 && $slot2 === $slot3){
$reward 20;

That way, you don't need to create another if statement to compare the variable to another number like 2 or 3.

mapleblade 05-05-2011 05:28 AM

yeah, i tried that b4, but it didnt seem to work correctly, maybe i had a typo or something, and that gives 20 for all numbers
mine vary (all 1's give 20, all 2's give 30 and all 3's give 50)
EDIT: aah i see what i did wrong back then, i used 2 = (==) instead of 3 :x, im not an amazing coder :P

fadillzzz 05-05-2011 06:15 AM

No...actually, it doesn't really matter if you use 2 or 3 equal signs.
I use 3 in my example, so that it matches the type too not just the number value.
Using 3 equal signs is slightly faster
You probably did made a typo before or maybe something else that made the code didn't work properly

mapleblade 05-05-2011 09:03 AM

well, i rest this script now, im making me a item script, i already made item management(make items and edit thhem)

EDIT: ii also made an item seller now, im also gonna make a resell function now.

Hall of Famer 05-05-2011 10:27 AM

This looks rather awesome, will help lots of members I am sure. Slotmachine is a very popular minigame, hopefully everyone finds it valuable.

mapleblade 05-05-2011 10:52 AM

Ty :D

(btw, is there already an item mod for 1,3, im currently making one, but if theres already one being made ima stop.)

EDIT: wewt, i made a resell function for my items! :D

Hall of Famer 05-05-2011 11:16 AM

Well itemshop is a feature planned for Mys v1.3.0, which is still under development. You can definitely go ahead and create your itemshop suitable for your own site, since the official itemshop will have to compensate for public interest. If your site needs a highly customized itemshop, go ahead to make your own.

mapleblade 05-05-2011 11:26 AM

well, i dont really have a site, i just make things when im bored, ill just stop developing mine, because the one you guys will make will def. be much better.

Hall of Famer 05-05-2011 11:35 AM

I see, its so kind of you to say that. If you wish to contribute to this community, why not be a part of this project? Mys v1.2.x's development will continue for another 2 months at least, and its definitely worth trying. Also compatibility between Mys v1.2.x and v1.3.x will be considerably enhanced compared to Mys v1.1.x to Mys v1.2.x, so expect most mods that work on Mys v1.2.x also work on Mys v1.3.x:

mapleblade 05-05-2011 11:53 AM

okay, but writing the explinations in a topic will take hours XD

all left for me is the my items page, and add some functions for the items.

manimaran 07-12-2011 07:50 AM

hi where is the file include("inc/functions.php");

pls help me.

AndromedaKerova 04-19-2015 10:10 PM

I don't understand how to install this mod, how to do a MYSQL Query or how to make a single page that runs it.

I want a "Game Station" page under explore that has image links to various minigames' own pages. Slot machine being one.

Kyttias 04-20-2015 01:08 AM

This mod is for v1.2.x.

Old mods are not going to work in the newest version of Mysidia without significant changes. Even if I tell you how to make the table in the database (open up phpMyAdmin, open the SQL tab, and copy and paste the query given by the OP), you still won't be able to use this mod as-is. Someone will have to open it up, look it over, and bring the code up to date.

AndromedaKerova 04-20-2015 01:29 AM

Ah. Well it was the database thing and where to put the slotmachines images and folder that was troubling me the most. I'm quite happy to have a fiddle and see if I can upgrade the php myself.

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