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Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 02:17 PM

Mysidia Adoptables v1.3.0[Security Release]
Just as expected, the official version of Mys v1.3.0 is available to download starting from March 18, 2012. The release of Mys v1.3.x is a milestone of our dev team, and we will be moving forward to a brand new era of the development of this script. The feedback from members regarding the beta version also proved to be helpful to make this security release better than it otherwise would. Also you may notice the usage of objects and PDO's fetchObject() in this release, this is a significant change and will affect whoever aspire to make Addons/Mods for this script.

New Features:
1. Items and Itemshops
2. User Profile Redesign with Tabs
3. CK Editor for Custom Pages/Articles and Shoutbox
4. Dropdown Navtabs
5. Security Improvements
6. New ACP interface and features
7. MyBB forum integration
8. Further Script Improvement/Optimization and Bug fixes

Note: Please check the beta release thread for details of these new features. The MyBB forum integration is available in this security release now, I will post instructions on how to use it. Several glitches have been fixed in the official release too. The missing file admuploadpic.php has been added, the issue of unable to set default theme in ACP is fixed, and the green theme can be used now(it actually works fine with the drop down menu).

Installation Guide:
1. Use ftp to Upload the entire folder Mysidia Adoptables v1.3.0 Beta to your preferred directory, and change the name to whatever you like.
2. Change the CMD of folder "picuploads" to 777, together with its subfolders, this is required to enable user uploading images.
3. Access the installer script at "", follow the instructions and proceed.
4. Congrats, you've successfully installed Mys v1.3.0. There is no need to manually encrypt your password in Mys v1.3.0, so cheers!

Note: The value pepper code can be generated from a website called:, it can be of any length and may contain symbols. Make sure to delete the file install.php after running this script, or your site is potentially at danger if this file is accessed by someone else.

Note: An upgrader from mys v1.2.x is not yet available, and there is no way to update user passwords even if it will be available someday. For members currently using Mys v1.2.x, you will have to force all of your users to update their passwords manually when the day comes.

Forum Integration Guide:

First of all, make sure you have both fresh installation of Mysidia Adoptables and MyBB forum. Open the file /inc/config_forum.php, enter each empty field for the database info of your MyBB forum. Then Change the variable mybbenabled from 0 to 1. The very last step is to disable registration on the forum. It is all said and done, new users will have accounts created from both the adoptables site and the forum from now on.

Note the forum statistics cannot be automatically updated with registration from adoptables site, so run your maintenance tool regularly. The trick is quite simple, go to forum ACP -> Database Backup -> Recount/Rebuild -> Rebuild Statistics. It is not required though, but your forum statistics can be messed up if you dont do this.

Download Links(both .rar and .zip are provided):


rar version:

zip version:


rar version:

zip version:

Again I appreciate all of you who stayed with me and Mysidia Adoptables when we've made little promises like we did before. Life as a senior is difficult but I try to survive. I can say the same to the other dev staff such as Nyxi and Fadillzzz. This script is nothing without supporters and users, so I owe you all big thanks here.

Hall of Famer
March 18, 2012

Abronsyth 03-18-2012 04:50 PM

I seems that the Forum integration isn't working. I entered all of the info correctly and checked it several times, yet it is not working. My forum directory is, so I should put '/Forum' in as the path, correct?

Also, it's saying that setting the default theme via the Admin CP isn't working. It says that the action does not exist.

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 04:54 PM

Well this is weird, I do not suppose it matters what path you set for your forum. The forum integration automatically inserts a row of data to your forum database. You may have entered incorrect database info for your forums? Also note that the integration does not apply for the very first root admin users. When the admin set up a Mybb forum, his/her account is already created on the forum. Because of this, it is pointless to insert another admin user to forums.

Well for now you change default theme through the basic settings. I added one more field for default theme(its actually on the top, so hard to miss it).

Abronsyth 03-18-2012 04:57 PM

Nope, the passwords, names, etc, are all correct...and I was testing by creating a Test account on the Mysidia portion and it wasn't working properly :(

Corsair 03-18-2012 05:03 PM

Let me see if I can try it.

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 05:03 PM

umm this is weird, worked perfectly for me on my demo site/forum... What message did you receive after registration? With successful forum integration, it should tell you something like 'You may also visit your forum account and edit your profile'.

If you do not get this message, go to your config_forum.php file and see if the value mybbenabled is set to be 1. The number 1 means mybb integration is enabled, 0 indicates that integration is turned-off.

If you get even worse messages like 'Failed to create forum account', then chances are the database info is entered incorrectly.

Corsair 03-18-2012 05:46 PM

I tried it my self and it worked perfectly.

Edit: For some reason i can login to the adoptable site.

SilverDragonTears 03-18-2012 06:24 PM

Not working for me either. I get the message that I can visit the forum but then when I go it won't let me log in.

Could it be because there are some fields in the user table that aren't listed in the register script?

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 06:37 PM

Are you encountering any problems? I tested it with the latest MyBB forum release and it never caused any issues for me. If your forum users database table is altered, or the MyBB password encryption system is changed, you may have trouble logging into the forum. Thats what I can think of at this moment.

umm from the way it looks, your user has been successfully inserted into the forum database. If you aint sure for this, go to Phpmyadmin and look at the forum database table users and see if the row has been inserted successfully. You should get an error message saying 'forum account creation failed' if otherwise.

SilverDragonTears 03-18-2012 06:38 PM

I'm looking at the database right now and I'm the only member in there :/

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 06:41 PM

I see, this is strange. Are you using MyBB forum? And if so, what is the version of it? I believe the database insert query is using the latest version of MyBB.

Corsair 03-18-2012 06:41 PM


I can login to the forum just fine it's the main adoptable site I can not login to.

SilverDragonTears 03-18-2012 06:43 PM

It's the newest one... I just downloaded it yesterday MyBB 1.6.6

SilverDragonTears 03-18-2012 07:04 PM

Woot!! It's working. Not sure what I did the first time but I reuploaded the function.php and register.php and it's working now!!

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 07:33 PM

@ Corsair:
umm now I am even more confused. You cant log into the forum but not into the adoptables site? Are you using a fresh installation of Mys v1.3.0?

@ Silverdragontears:
Congrats you got it to work.

Abronsyth 03-18-2012 07:34 PM

All of my database info seems to be entered correctly, and I am getting the message "failed to create forum account" when trying to register a new user. It is set to one...for host, should I have 'localhost' set in?

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 07:38 PM

umm do you happen to have your forum hosted on a different server? If so, it can get somewhat tricky. If you have it hosted on the same server, Id say its most likely 'localhost'. From the way it seems, the insert query is not executed properly so something must be wrong with it. Either with your database info entered at config_forum.php, or perhaps the forum database table users has a different structure than the one I am using.

Kesstryl 03-18-2012 07:41 PM

Just a suggestion, every time I've re-installed I've had trouble, and it's because of one little thing...I've had to use this path in my browser ( instead of ...install/install.php

Don't know if that makes a difference for others, but that seems to be what I have to type to start the set up.

Corsair 03-18-2012 07:52 PM

No no I can login to the forum.

I can not however login to the adoptables site.

I used this fresh install. It says I I logged in but it does not really log me in to the adoptable site.

SilverDragonTears 03-18-2012 07:54 PM

HoF Imma kill you, lol!! Didn't realize by uploading the new functions.php that I'd have to reupload ALL my files :/ What is this new -> thing here? and the smd or whatever new thing that is?

Chibi_Chicken 03-18-2012 07:58 PM

So I have started with a fresh install of myBB 1.6.6 and Mysidia 1.3.0
I put myBB in root/forum and Mysidia in root/mys130

I made the changes to the config_forum.php

Now when I am on the forums I can still create a new account.
When I jump to the mysidia registration page I can create a new accout. The info is created to both databases.

I can log in to both sites however when I log in to one it doesnt show up in the other.

When logged in to the mysidia portion of the site I can change my email and the effects take place on the adopt db but not the forum db. I can not seem to change my password.
When i go to the forum user CP I can change my password. The new password only works for the forum login but not the mysidia login.

Also on the mysidia site I can not view my profile I get:
( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\wamp\www\mys130\profile.php on line 18
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0011 456936 {main}( ) ..\profile.php:0

( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\www\mys130\inc\tabs.php on line 20
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0011 456936 {main}( ) ..\profile.php:0

When I try to jump to the forum from the mysidia top tabs I get
Not Found

The requested URL /mys130/forum.php was not found on this server.

My main question is how do I set up the two software so it can reconizie that I have logged in to the forum login and dont need to do it in the mysidia site or vice versa. I am guessing it is the cookies but I am not sure.

Oh and I am useing wamp
Apache Version :
PHP Version :
MySQL Version :

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 08:09 PM

@ Corsair:
It is weird though... Does this happen to your admin user, or every registered user? Check your /functions/functions.php file and see if the passencr() function is missing or malfunctioning.

@ Silverdragontears:
Well '->' is the most basic operator used to access object properties and methods, while $stmt is just like $result we had before. This script is moving towards the direction we called object-oriented programming. I did it for the security release 'cause I am making a point clear what directions new Addons/Mods for Mys v1.3.x. should follow. But yeah I agree creating addons/mods may be more difficult for beginners nowadays, you need intermediate programming skills to interpret objects and OOP design.

@ Chibi_Chicken:
For now the only thing Mybb forum integration does is to create user in both adoptables and forums database. In future I will make a better bridge between Mys and MyBB, and perhaps adding another tab to user profiles to show users forum activities. I still need to browse more into MyBB's database structure and programming conventions at this point.

AlexC 03-18-2012 09:17 PM

Apparently I'm having trouble with registering? My account works fine on both forums, it appears - but when I try to make a new account via the adoptable site, I get this message;

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/gloometh/public_html/register.php on line 81
Failed to create forum account

However, I do have a new user on the adoptable site.

Hall of Famer 03-18-2012 09:25 PM

umm what version of PHP are you using? It seems that function eregi() is used to validate email addresses but for certain version of PHP it aint working. No idea why it happens, but at times...

SilverDragonTears 03-19-2012 12:25 AM

How do I get a number for this? Now that I can't use this format :/

$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='".$loggedinname."' AND currentlevel<='3' AND isfrozen='no'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($num >= 5){
$canadopt = "no";
$article_title = "Too many eggs!";
$article_content = "You already have too many eggs to take care of! Come back once you have hatched an egg!";

fadillzzz 03-19-2012 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 21837)
umm what version of PHP are you using? It seems that function eregi() is used to validate email addresses but for certain version of PHP it aint working. No idea why it happens, but at times...

HoF, just change eregi() to preg_match(), then it will go away

Hall of Famer 03-19-2012 01:21 AM

@ Silverdragontears:
You mean to count number of rows? With the new script you will have to write these:

PHP Code:

$stmt $adopts->query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."owned_adoptables WHERE owner='".$loggedinname."' AND currentlevel<='3' AND isfrozen='no'");
$data $stmt->fetchAll();
$num count($data);

$num >= 5){ 
$canadopt "no"
$article_title "Too many eggs!"$article_content "You already have too many eggs to take care of! Come back once you have hatched an egg!"

In future we will implement a database class that comes with a num_rows() method so you can call easily.

I see, its weird how I never noticed eregi() being used in the script right from the start. Was it deprecated in the new PHP versions? If so, we have to update the script asap.

fadillzzz 03-19-2012 01:38 AM

Yes, it's deprecated since PHP 5.3
I guess Gloometh is using PHP 5.3+ :smile:

Hall of Famer 03-19-2012 01:46 AM

I see, should have tested the script on my new server then. XD It worked flawlessly on the old one using PHP 5.2.17, lol.

SilverDragonTears 03-19-2012 03:31 AM

Thanks for the code HoF :)

AlexC 03-19-2012 06:01 AM

Yes, I checked and I've got 5.3.8. oops. xD Do I have to wait then?

Hall of Famer 03-19-2012 06:49 AM

Well you aint suppose to tell people to check out your site in a thread like this one when its sole purpose is to offer supports, but good site so far. The layout looks quite spectacular.

You do not need to wait anything. Did not Fadillzzz offer a solution? Try it and I suppose this should suffice.

PokePets 03-19-2012 10:03 AM

I'm so happy :D

Corsair 03-19-2012 10:46 AM

?:eye: for some reason now I can login.

PokePets 03-19-2012 10:58 AM

Ok, I installed the Mys script, anything works.
Then I installed the forum script and edited the config_forum fille.
Now I get this on the index of my Mys site;

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000] [1044] Access denied for user 'u693722181_niels'@'' to database 'u693722181_beta'' in /home/u693722181/public_html/Beta/functions/functions.php:11 Stack trace: #0 /home/u693722181/public_html/Beta/functions/functions.php(11): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=mysq...', 'u693722181_niel...', 'MyPASSWORD') #1 /home/u693722181/public_html/Beta/index.php(3): include('/home/u69372218...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/u693722181/public_html/Beta/functions/functions.php on line 11

I didn't change my username or so and the forum is in another database.


Hall of Famer 03-19-2012 11:25 AM

@ Corsair:
Perhaps it has something to do with your cookies and browser cache. Glad you can log in now.

@ Pokepet:
Did you forget to give the forum database user all access privileges? Access denied error is usually present when you have such a problem, though its also possible that you entered database info incorrectly.

And your databases got deleted? Can you please explain it a bit more clear? Was it just the adoptables database, or your forum database too? It is weird though, I do not think there is a line in this script that drops tables from database.

Corsair 03-19-2012 11:36 AM

It seems when I register a new account I can't login but for some reason after a certain time I can.

PokePets 03-19-2012 12:19 PM

My database from the old Mys script is completly deleted.
Well, the database still excist but all the fields inside are deleted.

Maybe it has something to do with my host? I don't know how it's possible...

As for the forum error, I did anything like in the MyBB installation guide but I will install again.

Hall of Famer 03-19-2012 01:06 PM

Umm interesting. Now try to register on my dev demo site and see if you have the same problem. Its strange how you can log in like after a certain time. Id say your cookies and browser cache settings may be the cause of it:

The old Mys script? What do you mean by that? You are talking about your old adoptables site made with Mys v1.2.x or v1.1.x? What version were you using? I thought you had a customized rusnak script...

And yeah, your host can possibly do that since you may be using too many database queries, tables and rows. Contact them for info and see if it is the case.

PokePets 03-19-2012 02:15 PM

Yes my old adopt site is made with mys version 1.2
The newest verwion before the version that is yesterday released.

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