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StarGirl 05-05-2012 03:45 AM

Group sort
This is a group sort mod. Create groups at myadopts.php, move pets in from their management page, navigate through groups through the drop down.

Screenshots: [NOTE: The way that the pets are shown in the screenshots is not how it will look on your site. It is just the way I want them to be displayed on my site.]


For a preview, check out my site at

1. Create a 'adopts_pet_groups' table
Since I have no idea how to do it with a query, go to PhpMyAdmin then go to your database, select the 'Operations' tab then create a table called adopts_pet_groups with 3 columns, replacing 'adopts_' with your prefix. Then fill in the details like this:

2. Create the group row
Go to the {$prefix}owned_adoptables table.. then select the 'structure' tab. Find this and press go:
Then in 'column', put "group", change "type" to "VARCHAR", set "length/values" to 15, set "Default" to "As defined:", "0", and leave all else.

3. Edits
You can close PhpMyAdmin now. Now it's time to edit the files;

In doadopt.php:
At line 60, find:
PHP Code:

                                        "imageurl" => NULL"usealternates" => $alts"tradestatus" => 'fortrade'"isfrozen" => 'no'"gender" => $genders[$rand], "lastbred" => 0)); 

And replace it with
PHP Code:

                                        "imageurl" => NULL"usealternates" => $alts"tradestatus" => 'fortrade'"isfrozen" => 'no'"gender" => $genders[$rand], "lastbred" => 0"group" => 0)); 

In myadopts.php:
Replace everything with:
PHP Code:




$id $_GET["id"];
$act $_GET["act"];
$more $_GET["more"];
$page $_GET["page"];
$group $_GET["group"];
$submit $_GET["submit"];
$groupname $_POST["groupname"];

$isloggedin == "yes"){
$act == "" and $groupname == ""){         
$article_title "Your Adoptables";
$group == ""){
$article_title "No group";
$article_content "Group does not exist.";
$row $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$group}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->id == $group and $row->user == $loggedinname){
$groupquery "AND
.constant("PREFIX")." = {$group}";
// Invalid group
$article_title "No group";
$article_content "Group does not exist.";

$groupquery "AND
.constant("PREFIX")." = 0";
$selected "selected";

// We need to get all of the user's adoptables from the database and display them...
$query "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables, 
.constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE     ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type 

                                                        ORDER BY "
$rowsperpage 10;
$pagination = new Pagination($adopts$query$rowsperpage"http://".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/stable.php?group={$group}");
$query "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables, 
.constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE     ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type 
                                                        ORDER BY "
.constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.totalclicks LIMIT {$pagination->getLimit()},{$rowsperpage}";
$stmt $adopts->query($query);
$groups ""// Get groups
$stmt2 $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'");
$row $stmt2->fetchObject()) {
$id == $group){
$groups .= "<option value='{$id}' selected>{$name}</option>";
$selected "";
$groups .= "<option value='{$id}'>{$name}</option>";
$article_content "
    <form method='get' action='myadopts.php'>
    <select name='group' id='group'>
<option value='0' 
    </select><br><input type='submit' value='Go'></form>
    <a href='stable.php?act=creategroup'>Create a new group</a>
                                    <th></th><th>Name and Type</th><th>Image</th><th>Clicks</th>
$row $stmt->fetchObject()){
$row->usealternates == 'yes'$image $row->alternateimage
$image $row->primaryimage
$row->currentlevel == 0$image $row->eggimage
$image==''$image $row->primaryimage
$article_content .= "<tr>
                                    <td><center><img src='picuploads/
{$row->name}</em> the {$row->type}</center></td>
                                    <td><center><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=
{$row->aid}'><img src='{$image}'></a></center></td>
$article_content .= "</table><br /><br />{$pagination->showPage()}";
$act == "manage"){
// We are managing a specific adoptable        
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// See if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    

// Check that the adoptable exists for real, or show an error...
if($row->aid == $id){
// The adoptable does exist, so we show the image and junk to the user...
$image getcurrentimage($id);
$article_title "Managing {$row->name}";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />This page allows you to manage {$row->name}.  Click on an option below to change settings.<br /><br />
                                    <b><a href='levelup.php?id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Level Up {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=stats&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/stats.gif' border=0> Get Stats for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=bbcode&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/bbcodes.gif' border=0> Get BBCodes / HTML Codes for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=rename&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/title.gif' border=0> Rename {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/trade.gif' border=0> Change Trade Status {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze or Unfreeze {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                            <a href='myadopts.php?act=group&id=
{$id}'> Group {$row->name}</a><br />                          
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound {$row->name}</a></b>";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// End the MANAGE action code
elseif($act == "stats"){
// We are getting the stats for the adoptable
        // Check that an ID was submitted...
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                
$row->aid == $id){
// The adoptable exists, so we show the stats for it...

$image getcurrentimage($id);
$nextlevelexists getnextlevelexists($row->type$row->currentlevel);

// If a higher level exists, get that level's information...

if($nextlevelexists == TRUE){
$nextlevel $row->currentlevel 1;

$levels $adopts->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$row->type}' and thisislevel='{$nextlevel}'")->fetchObject();    
$requiredclicks$levels->requiredclicks//The adoptable's ID

// End grab next level info...

                // Determine what to show for next level:

if($nextlevelexists == TRUE and $nextlevel != ""){
// See how many more clicks to go
$ctg $requiredclicks $row->totalclicks;
$nloutput "{$nextlevel}<br />Clicks Required for Level Increase: {$ctg}";
$nloutput "This adoptable is at its maximum level";

$article_title "{$row->name}'s Statistics:";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />
                                    <b>Total Clicks: 
{$row->totalclicks}<br />
                                    Gender: <img src='picuploads/
{$row->gender}.png'><br />
                                    Trade Status: 
{$row->tradestatus}<br />
                                    Current Level: 
{$row->currentlevel}<br />
                                    Next Level: 
{$nloutput}<br /></b>";

// Voters Information...

$article_content .= "<h2>{$row->name}'s Voters:</h2><br />
{$lang_voters_explain}<br /><br />
                                    <table width='450' border='1'>
                                            <td width='129'><strong>Username:</strong></td>
                                            <td width='156'><strong>Date Voted: </strong></td>
                                            <td width='82'><strong>Profile:</strong></td>
                                            <td width='55'><strong>PM:</strong></td>

// Select the voters from the DB

$stmt $adopts->select("vote_voters", array(), "adoptableid='{$id}' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");
$row $stmt->fetchObject()) {
$row->username == ""$row->username "Guest";
$row->username == "Guest"){
$article_content .= "<tr>
                                            <td><div align='left'>Guest</div></td>
                                            <td><div align='left'>
                                            <td><div align='center'></div></td>
                                            <td><div align='center'></div></td>
$article_content .= "<tr>
                                            <td><div align='left'>
                                            <td><div align='left'>
                                            <td><div align='center'><a href='profile.php?user=
{$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/profile.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
                                            <td><div align='center'><a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user=
{$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/pm.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
$article_content .= "</table><br />";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// End the STATS code
elseif($act == "bbcode"){
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                
$row->aid == $id){
$altbb grabanysetting("usealtbbcode");

// Adoptable exists, so show the BBCode:
$article_title "Codes for {$row->name}";
$article_content "{$lang_bbcode_explain}<br />
                                    <p><u>Forum Codes / BBCode: </u></p>
                                        <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>

$altbb == "yes"){
// Use the seo friendly alternate bbcodes...
$article_content .= "
                                    <p><u>Alternate BBCodes (Use if the above do not work on a forum): </u></p>
                                        <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
$article_content .= "<p><u>HTML Code</u>:</p>
                                        <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
                                            <a href=\"http://www."
.constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/levelup.php?id={$row->aid}\" target=\"_blank\">
                                                <img src=\"http://www."
.constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/siggy.php?id={$row->aid}\" border=0>
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// End the BBCODE generation for the adoptable...
elseif($act == "rename"){
// We are renaming an adoptable

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    

$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id);
$row->isfrozen != "yes"){
$more == ""){
$article_title "Rename {$row->name}";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename}{$row->name}{$lang_rename2}<br />
                                            <form name='form1' method='get' action='stable.php'>
                                                <p>Adoptable Name: 
                                                    <input name='more' type='text' id='more'>
                                                    <input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='
                                                    <input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='rename'>
                                                    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Rename Adoptable'>
// We are renaming the adoptable, lets first check if the user is its original owner.
$row $adopts->select("pounds", array(), "aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
$row->firstowner) and $loggedinname != $row->firstowner){
$article_title "Cannot rename";
$article_content "The site admin has specified that only original owners can rename their adoptables.";                     
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("name" => $more), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_title $lang_rename_success_title;
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename_success}{$more}
                                               You can now manage 
{$more} in your <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
// We cannot rename a frozen adoptable...

$article_title $lang_frozen_title;
$article_content "{$lang_frozen}<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'>unfreeze</a> {$lang_frozen2}";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "trade"){
// We are setting the trade status for an adoptable...

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

if($more == ""){
$article_title "Setting trade status for {$row->name}";
$article_content "Are you sure you wish to change the trade status of this adoptable?
                                        <center><b><a href='stable.php?act=trade&id=
{$id}&more=confirm'>Yes I'd like to change its trade status</a></b><br /><br />
                                        <b><a href='stable.php'>Nope I change my mind! Go back to the previous page.</a></b></center><br />"
$more == "confirm"){             
$article_title "Change trade status successfully";
$row->tradestatus == "fortrade"){
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'notfortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_content "The adoptable's trade status is now Not for Trade";
$row->tradestatus == "notfortrade"){
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'fortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_content "The adoptable's trade status is now For Trade";
$article_title "Something is very very wrong";
$article_content "Please check phpmyadmin to see if the settings are correct, or report your issue to Mysidia Adoptables support forum";
$article_title "Invalid Action";
$article_content "Invalid Action Specified";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "freeze"){
// We are freezing an adoptable here...

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
if($more == ""){
$row->isfrozen == "yes"){
$status "<img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif'> Frozen<br />";
$go "<a href='stable.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'><img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif' border=0> Unfreeze This Adoptable</a>";
$status "<img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif'> Not Frozen<br />";
$go "<a href='stable.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=freeze'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze This Adoptable</a>";

$article_title $lang_freeze_title;
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br /><b>{$row->name}'s Current Status: {$status}</b><br />
{$lang_freeze}<br /><br /><b>{$go}</b><br /><br />
// We are actually freezing or unfreezing the adopt...

if($more == "freeze"){
$frz "yes";
$article_title "{$row->name} Frozen Successfully";
$more == "unfreeze"){
$frz "no";
$article_title "{$row->name} Unfrozen Successfully";

$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("isfrozen" => $frz), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_content "Action Complete. You may now manage {$row->name} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "pound"){
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
if($more == ""){
$article_title "Pound {$row->name}";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_pound}<br /><br />{$lang_pound_warning}<br /><br />
                                        <center><b><a href='stable.php?act=pound&id=
                                        <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound 
{$row->name} - I dont want it anymore! 
                                        <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0></a></b><br /><br />
                                        <b><a href='myadopts.php'><img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0> 
                                        DO NOT Pound 
{$row->name}! <img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0></a></b></center><br />";
$more == "confirm"){
// Validate the pet can be pounded
$adopt = new Pound($row->aid"pound");
$adopt->settings->system->active == "no"){
$article_title "Invalid Action";
$article_content "The admin has turned off pound feature, please contact him/her for further explanation.";                    
$adopt->validate() == TRUE){
$article_title $lang_pound_title_complete;
$article_content $adopt->message;
$article_title "An error has occurred";
$article_content $adopt->message;     
$article_title "Invalid Action";
$article_content "Invalid Action Specified";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "group"){ 
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();     
$petname $row->name
$row->aid == $id){ 
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject(); 
$article_title "Group {$row->name}"
$row->group == 0){ 
$article_content "{$row->name} is not in a group. "
$groupname $row->group
$row $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$groupname}'")->fetchObject(); 
$groupname $row->name
$article_content "{$petname} is in the group '{$groupname}'."
$article_content .= "Select a group to move {$petname} into:<br><br>"
$stmt $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'"); 
$row $stmt->fetchObject()) { 
$groups .= "<option value='{$groupid}'>{$name}</option>"

$article_content .= "  <form name='form' method='get' action='myadopts.php?'> 
<input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='
<input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='changegroup'> 
    <select name='group' id='group'> 
      <option value='none' selected> </option> 
 <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Move'> 


$act == "changegroup"){ 
$submit == "Move"){ 
$row $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$group}'")->fetchObject();     
$row->id == $group and $row->user == $loggedinname){ 
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();     
$row->aid == $id){ 
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("group" => $group), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'"); 
$article_title "Moved {$row->name}"
$article_content "{$row->name} was moved to a new group.<br><br> 
                        <a href='myadopts.php?group=
{$group}'>Check out the new group</a>"
$article_title "No pet"
$article_content "This pet doesn't exist."
$article_title "No group"
$article_content "This group doesn't exist."
$article_title ""
$article_content ""

$act == "creategroup"){
$groupname == ""){
$count $GLOBALS['adopts']->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchAll();
count($count) > 4) {
$article_title "Sorry";
$article_content "You can only have 5 groups. <br><br>
        <a href='myadopts.php'>Go back</a>"
$article_title "Create a new group";
$article_content "
 <form name='form1' method='post' action='myadopts.php?act=creategroup'>
<b>Group Name:</b> <br>
Max length is 15.<br>
<input name='groupname' type='text' id='groupname' maxlength='15' /><br>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Create'>
$count $GLOBALS['adopts']->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchAll();
count($count) > 4) {
$article_title "Sorry";
$article_content "You can only have 5 groups. <br><br>
        <a href='stable.php'>Go back to your stable</a>"
$adopts->insert("pet_groups", array("id" => NULL"user" => $loggedinname"name" => $groupname));
$group $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "name='{$groupname}' and user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchObject();    
$id $group->id;
$article_title "Created group '{$groupname}'";
$article_content "You created a new group called '{$groupname}'.<br><br>
<a href='myadopts.php?group=
{$id}'>Visit it now</a><br><br>
<a href='myadopts.php'>Go back</a>"
// No valid action specified :: show an error 

$article_title $lang_invalid_action_title
$article_content $lang_invalid_action


$article_title $accden
$article_content $reqlogin

// End is logged in check else 

//  OUTPUT PAGE  // 

echo showpage($article_title$article_content$date); 


4. Done
That is it! :) I hope it works for you.

MaximumRide 05-05-2012 07:36 AM

Well when I make the group in php my admin, it wants me fill out....

Field Type Length/Values1 Collation Attributes Null Default2 Extra --- Comments

StarGirl 05-05-2012 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by MaximumRide (Post 23649)
Well when I make the group in php my admin, it wants me fill out....

Field Type Length/Values1 Collation Attributes Null Default2 Extra --- Comments

That should be right. (Did you remember to type in 3 columns, not 1?) Then just copy everything from the screenshot.

MaximumRide 05-05-2012 09:04 AM

Oh ok is "File Type" like "Column?"

Aasixx 05-05-2012 09:12 AM

Okay, when I'm at the "owned_adoptables" table and I'm trying to click "At End of Table" then go search for id, but when I click the dropdown menu, it for some reason goes back to "After".. plus, id isn't even on the dropdown menu. Did I do something wrong? Also, another thing, id isn't even listed in Structure on my "owned_adoptables" :mii:

And where do I go to edit files? Sorry, this is my first time installing a mod. :T

StarGirl 05-05-2012 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Aasixx (Post 23653)
Okay, when I'm at the "owned_adoptables" table and I'm trying to click "At End of Table" then go search for id, but when I click the dropdown menu, it for some reason goes back to "After".. plus, id isn't even on the dropdown menu. Did I do something wrong? Also, another thing, id isn't even listed in Structure on my "owned_adoptables" :mii:

And where do I go to edit files? Sorry, this is my first time installing a mod. :T

I don't know.. you should be at the "owned_adoptables" table, at the structure tab, and near the bottom should be what you're looking for. And I don't think it matters if you put it at the end of the table or not - I'd prefer it there though. Just simply press the go button, you don't need to change any details until the new window pops up. :3

And you go to file manager to edit files. Then navigate to public_html if not already, and find the files you need to edit. :3

Aasixx 05-05-2012 10:10 AM

One more question and then I'll leave you alone. :3
Where do I need to put the attached files after downloading them?

StarGirl 05-05-2012 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by MaximumRide (Post 23652)
Oh ok is "File Type" like "Column?"

I don't know what you mean, but I don't think so :P Here are more detailed instructions. Open PhpMyAdmin, it should look something like:
Now find and click on your database. Mine is called 'myxiplan_database', yours will be something different. It should bring you to a list of your tables..
My prefix is myxipets_. :P Now open the operations tab, and follow these directions:
Now fill in the details with what is shown in the screenshot and press go.
There you go. :P Now you go from step 2.

StarGirl 05-05-2012 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Aasixx (Post 23656)
One more question and then I'll leave you alone. :3
Where do I need to put the attached files after downloading them?

Just leave them in public_html, where the rest of the files are. :)

Aasixx 05-05-2012 10:15 AM

When you say "leave them in public_html" do you mean create a new file for each one? So, like for "creategroup" after I downloaded and opened it, it gave me this code:





$name = $_GET["name"];
$submit = $_GET["submit"];

if($isloggedin == "yes"){
if($submit == "Create"){
                $count = $GLOBALS['adopts']->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchAll();
                if(count($count) > 4) {
                $article_title = "Sorry";
                $article_content = "You have too many groups. <br><br>
                <a href='mygroups.php'>Go back to the group center</a>";
                // Create group!
                $adopts->insert("pet_groups", array("id" => NULL, "user" => $loggedinname, "name" => $name));
                $group = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "name='{$name}' and user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchObject();       
                $id = $group->id;
        $article_title = "New Group!";
        $article_content = "You have just created a new group - {$name}!<br><br>
        <a href='groups.php?id={$id}'>Click here to see it.</a>";
        $article_title = "";
        $article_content = "";
} // End the log in check IF
else {
        $article_title = "Login";
        $article_content = "You must login to create a group.";
} // End the log in check ELSE


echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date);


Would I need to create a new file and put that code in it for creategroup?

StarGirl 05-05-2012 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Aasixx (Post 23659)
When you say "leave them in public_html" do you mean create a new file for each one? So, like for "creategroup" after I downloaded and opened it, it gave me this code:





$name = $_GET["name"];
$submit = $_GET["submit"];

if($isloggedin == "yes"){
if($submit == "Create"){
                $count = $GLOBALS['adopts']->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchAll();
                if(count($count) > 4) {
                $article_title = "Sorry";
                $article_content = "You have too many groups. <br><br>
                <a href='mygroups.php'>Go back to the group center</a>";
                // Create group!
                $adopts->insert("pet_groups", array("id" => NULL, "user" => $loggedinname, "name" => $name));
                $group = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "name='{$name}' and user='{$loggedinname}'")->fetchObject();       
                $id = $group->id;
        $article_title = "New Group!";
        $article_content = "You have just created a new group - {$name}!<br><br>
        <a href='groups.php?id={$id}'>Click here to see it.</a>";
        $article_title = "";
        $article_content = "";
} // End the log in check IF
else {
        $article_title = "Login";
        $article_content = "You must login to create a group.";
} // End the log in check ELSE


echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date);


Would I need to create a new file and put that code in it for creategroup?

Well, you could create a creategroup.php in file manager and put that code in it, and repeat for each download. Or, just download each file here, and upload it to public_html.

Aasixx 05-05-2012 10:35 AM

I'll do the first one. XD Much more easier for my slow-processing brain. Thanks a ton, Star. :)

Um, this is what I get when I'm trying to view a group:
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchObject() on a non-object in /home/albisian/public_html/adopts/groups.php on line 58

Do you think you might know the problem? :| It also takes me to your site (MyxiPlanet) when I click to view a group..

and now I'm getting this when I'm trying to go to myadopts.php:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in /home/albisian/public_html/adopts/myadopts.php on line 434

StarGirl 05-05-2012 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Aasixx (Post 23661)
I'll do the first one. XD Much more easier for my slow-processing brain. Thanks a ton, Star. :)

Um, this is what I get when I'm trying to view a group:
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchObject() on a non-object in /home/albisian/public_html/adopts/groups.php on line 58

Do you think you might know the problem? :| It also takes me to your site (MyxiPlanet) when I click to view a group..

and now I'm getting this when I'm trying to go to myadopts.php:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in /home/albisian/public_html/adopts/myadopts.php on line 434

Oh, oops.. I forgot to take out the first bit which makes it lead to my site. -.- And can you post your myadopts.php? Maybe some if's got caught up or something. It works fine on my site.. And can you delete mygroups.php and do it again, because I've fixed the leading to my site.

Hall of Famer 05-05-2012 02:36 PM

Well you can just download the attachment and upload them to your server through ftp, this way there is no need to create empty files and copy/paste the code.

StarGirl 05-05-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 23667)
Well you can just download the attachment and upload them to your server through ftp, this way there is no need to create empty files and copy/paste the code.

Ah.. you see my terrible coding.. xP

Aasixx 05-05-2012 08:10 PM

Alright, here's myadopts.php




$id = $_GET["id"];
$act = $_GET["act"];
$more = $_GET["more"];
$page = $_GET["page"];

if($isloggedin == "yes"){
        if($act == ""){
                $article_title = "Your Adoptables";
                // We need to get all of the user's adoptables from the database and display them...
                $query = "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables,
                                                                ".constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE        ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}'
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type
                                                                                                                ORDER BY ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.totalclicks";
            $rowsperpage = 10;
        $pagination = new Pagination($adopts, $query, $rowsperpage, "http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/myadopts.php");
            $query = "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables,
                                                                ".constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE        ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}'
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type
                                                                                                                ORDER BY ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.totalclicks LIMIT {$pagination->getLimit()},{$rowsperpage}";
                $stmt = $adopts->query($query);

                $article_content = "<table>
                                                                        <th></th><th>Name and Type</th><th>Image</th><th>Clicks</th>

                while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()){
                        if($row->usealternates == 'yes') $image = $row->alternateimage;
                        else $image = $row->primaryimage;
                        if($row->currentlevel == 0) $image = $row->eggimage;
                        if($image=='') $image = $row->primaryimage;
                        $article_content .= "<tr>
                                                                        <td><center><img src='picuploads/{$row->gender}.png'></center></td>
                                                                        <td><center><em>{$row->name}</em> the {$row->type}</center></td>
                                                                        <td><center><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$row->aid}'><img src='{$image}'></a></center></td>
                $article_content .= "</table><br /><br />{$pagination->showPage()}</div>";
        elseif($act == "manage"){
                // We are managing a specific adoptable               
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        // See if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       

                        // Check that the adoptable exists for real, or show an error...
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                // The adoptable does exist, so we show the image and junk to the user...
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id);
                                $article_title = "Managing {$row->name}";
                                $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />This page allows you to manage {$row->name}.  Click on an option below to change settings.<br /><br />
                                                                        <b><a href='levelup.php?id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Level Up {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=stats&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/stats.gif' border=0> Get Stats for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=bbcode&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/bbcodes.gif' border=0> Get BBCodes / HTML Codes for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=rename&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/title.gif' border=0> Rename {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/trade.gif' border=0> Change Trade Status {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze or Unfreeze {$row->name}</a><br />

<a href='myadopts.php?act=group&id={$id}'> Group {$row->name}</a><br /> 
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound {$row->name}</a></b>";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        } // End the MANAGE action code
        elseif($act == "stats"){
                // We are getting the stats for the adoptable
                // Check that an ID was submitted...
                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                               
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                // The adoptable exists, so we show the stats for it...

                                $image = getcurrentimage($id);
                                $nextlevelexists = getnextlevelexists($row->type, $row->currentlevel);

                                // If a higher level exists, get that level's information...

                                if($nextlevelexists == TRUE){
                                        $nextlevel = $row->currentlevel + 1;

                                        $levels = $adopts->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$row->type}' and thisislevel='{$nextlevel}'")->fetchObject();       
                                        $requiredclicks= $levels->requiredclicks; //The adoptable's ID

                                } // End grab next level info...

                                // Determine what to show for next level:

                                if($nextlevelexists == TRUE and $nextlevel != ""){
                                        // See how many more clicks to go
                                        $ctg = $requiredclicks - $row->totalclicks;
                                        $nloutput = "{$nextlevel}<br />Clicks Required for Level Increase: {$ctg}";
                                else $nloutput = "This adoptable is at its maximum level";

                                $article_title = "{$row->name}'s Statistics:";
                                $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />
                                                                        <b>Total Clicks: {$row->totalclicks}<br />
                                                                        Gender: <img src='picuploads/{$row->gender}.png'><br />
                                                                        Trade Status: {$row->tradestatus}<br />
                                                                        Current Level: {$row->currentlevel}<br />
                                                                        Next Level: {$nloutput}<br /></b>";

                                // Voters Information...

                                $article_content .= "<h2>{$row->name}'s Voters:</h2><br />
                                                                        {$lang_voters_explain}<br /><br />
                                                                        <table width='450' border='1'>
                                                                                        <td width='129'><strong>Username:</strong></td>
                                                                                        <td width='156'><strong>Date Voted: </strong></td>
                                                                                        <td width='82'><strong>Profile:</strong></td>
                                                                                        <td width='55'><strong>PM:</strong></td>

                                // Select the voters from the DB

                                $stmt = $adopts->select("vote_voters", array(), "adoptableid='{$id}' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");
                                while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
                                        if($row->username == "") $row->username = "Guest";
                                        if($row->username == "Guest"){
                                                $article_content .= "<tr>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>Guest</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>{$row->date}</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'></div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'></div></td>
                                                $article_content .= "<tr>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>{$row->username}</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>{$row->date}</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'><a href='profile.php?user={$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/profile.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'><a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user={$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/pm.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
                                $article_content .= "</table><br />";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        } // End the STATS code
        elseif($act == "bbcode"){
                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                               
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $altbb = grabanysetting("usealtbbcode");

                                // Adoptable exists, so show the BBCode:
                                $article_title = "Codes for {$row->name}";
                                $article_content = "{$lang_bbcode_explain}<br />
                                                                        <p><u>Forum Codes / BBCode: </u></p>
                                                                                <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>

                                if($altbb == "yes"){
                                        // Use the seo friendly alternate bbcodes...
                                        $article_content .= "
                                                                        <p><u>Alternate BBCodes (Use if the above do not work on a forum): </u></p>
                                                                                <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
                                $article_content .= "<p><u>HTML Code</u>:</p>
                                                                                <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
                                                                                        <a href=\"http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/levelup.php?id={$row->aid}\" target=\"_blank\">
                                                                                                <img src=\"http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/siggy.php?id={$row->aid}\" border=0>
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        } // End the BBCODE generation for the adoptable...
        elseif($act == "rename"){
                // We are renaming an adoptable

                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       

                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id);
                                if($row->isfrozen != "yes"){
                                        if($more == ""){
                                                $article_title = "Rename {$row->name}";
                                                $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename}{$row->name}{$lang_rename2}<br />
                                                                                        <form name='form1' method='get' action='myadopts.php'>
                                                                                                <p>Adoptable Name:
                                                                                                        <input name='more' type='text' id='more'>
                                                                                                        <input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='{$id}'>
                                                                                                        <input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='rename'>
                                                                                                        <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Rename Adoptable'>
                                                // We are renaming the adoptable, lets first check if the user is its original owner.
                        $row = $adopts->select("pounds", array(), "aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
                            if(!empty($row->firstowner) and $loggedinname != $row->firstowner){
                            $article_title = "Cannot rename";
                            $article_content = "The site admin has specified that only original owners can rename their adoptables.";                   
                                                      $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("name" => $more), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                                    $article_title = $lang_rename_success_title;
                                                    $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename_success}{$more}.
                                                                                          You can now manage {$more} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
                                        // We cannot rename a frozen adoptable...

                                        $article_title = $lang_frozen_title;
                                        $article_content = "{$lang_frozen}<a href='manage.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'>unfreeze</a> {$lang_frozen2}";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "trade"){
                // We are setting the trade status for an adoptable...

                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

                                if($more == ""){
                                        $article_title = "Setting trade status for {$row->name}";
                                        $article_content = "Are you sure you wish to change the trade status of this adoptable?
                                                                                <center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id={$id}&more=confirm'>Yes I'd like to change its trade status</a></b><br /><br />
                                                                                <b><a href='myadopts.php'>Nope I change my mind! Go back to the previous page.</a></b></center><br />";
                                elseif($more == "confirm"){                       
                                        $article_title = "Change trade status successfully";
                                        if($row->tradestatus == "fortrade"){
                                                $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'notfortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                                $article_content = "The adoptable's trade status is now Not for Trade";
                                        elseif($row->tradestatus == "notfortrade"){
                                            $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'fortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                                $article_content = "The adoptable's trade status is now For Trade";
                                                $article_title = "Something is very very wrong";
                                                $article_content = "Please check phpmyadmin to see if the settings are correct, or report your issue to Mysidia Adoptables support forum";
                                        $article_title = "Invalid Action";
                                        $article_content = "Invalid Action Specified";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "freeze"){
                // We are freezing an adoptable here...

                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
                                if($more == ""){
                                        if($row->isfrozen == "yes"){
                                                $status = "<img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif'> Frozen<br />";
                                                $go = "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'><img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif' border=0> Unfreeze This Adoptable</a>";
                                                $status = "<img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif'> Not Frozen<br />";
                                                $go = "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=freeze'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze This Adoptable</a>";

                                        $article_title = $lang_freeze_title;
                                        $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br /><b>{$row->name}'s Current Status: {$status}</b><br />
                                                                                {$lang_freeze}<br /><br /><b>{$go}</b><br /><br />
                                        // We are actually freezing or unfreezing the adopt...

                                        if($more == "freeze"){
                                                $frz = "yes";
                                                $article_title = "{$row->name} Frozen Successfully";
                                        elseif($more == "unfreeze"){
                                                $frz = "no";
                                                $article_title = "{$row->name} Unfrozen Successfully";

                                        $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("isfrozen" => $frz), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                        $article_content = "Action Complete. You may now manage {$row->name} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "pound"){
                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
                                if($more == ""){
                                        $article_title = "Pound {$row->name}";
                                        $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_pound}<br /><br />{$lang_pound_warning}<br /><br />
                                                                                <center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id={$id}&more=confirm'>
                                                                                <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound {$row->name} - I dont want it anymore!
                                                                                <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0></a></b><br /><br />
                                                                                <b><a href='myadopts.php'><img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0>
                                                                                DO NOT Pound {$row->name}! <img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0></a></b></center><br />";
                                elseif($more == "confirm"){
                                        // Validate the pet can be pounded
                                        $adopt = new Pound($row->aid, "pound");
                    if($adopt->settings->system->active == "no"){
                              $article_title = "Invalid Action";
                              $article_content = "The admin has turned off pound feature, please contact him/her for further explanation.";                   
                    elseif($adopt->validate() == TRUE){
                          $article_title = $lang_pound_title_complete;
                              $article_content = $adopt->message;
                          $article_title = "An error has occurred";
                      $article_content = $adopt->message;       
                                        $article_title = "Invalid Action";
                                        $article_content = "Invalid Action Specified";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "group"){
            // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
            $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();   
            $petname = $row->name;
            if($row->aid == $id){
$row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
        $article_title = "Group {$row->name}";
        if($row->group == 0){
        $article_content = "{$row->name} is not in a group. ";
        $groupname = $row->group;
        $row = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$groupname}'")->fetchObject();
        $groupname = $row->name;
        $article_content = "{$row->name} is in the group '{$groupname}'.";
      $article_content .= "Select a group to move {$petname} into:<br><br>";
$stmt = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'");
while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
  $code .= "<option value='{$groupid}'>{$name}</option>";

$article_content .= "  <form name='form' method='get' action='hatchery.php?'>
<input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='{$id}'>
<input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='changegroup'>
    <select name='group' id='group'>
      <option value='none' selected> </option>
 <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Move'>
elseif($act == "changegroup"){
// Check if form was submitted
  if($submit == "Move"){
  // Check group exists
        $row = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$group}'")->fetchObject();   
    if($row->id == $group and $row->user == $loggedinname){
    // Check if pet exists
        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();   
        if($row->aid == $id){
        // Move it
        $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("group" => $group), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
            $article_title = "Moved {$row->name}";
                        $article_content = "{$row->name} was moved to a new group.<br><br>
                        <a href='groups.php?id={$group}'>Check out the new group</a>";
        $article_title = "Invalid ID";
                $article_content = "This pet doesn't exist.";
    $article_title = "Invalid Group";
        $article_content = "This group doesn't exist.";
  $article_title = "";
  $article_content = "";
        // No valid action specified :: show an error

        $article_title = $lang_invalid_action_title;
        $article_content = $lang_invalid_action;

    $article_title = $accden;
    $article_content = $reqlogin;

} // End is logged in check else


echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date);


StarGirl 05-06-2012 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Aasixx (Post 23685)
Alright, here's myadopts.php




$id = $_GET["id"];
$act = $_GET["act"];
$more = $_GET["more"];
$page = $_GET["page"];

if($isloggedin == "yes"){
        if($act == ""){
                $article_title = "Your Adoptables";
                // We need to get all of the user's adoptables from the database and display them...
                $query = "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables,
                                                                ".constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE        ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}'
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type
                                                                                                                ORDER BY ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.totalclicks";
            $rowsperpage = 10;
        $pagination = new Pagination($adopts, $query, $rowsperpage, "http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/myadopts.php");
            $query = "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables,
                                                                ".constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE        ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}'
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel
                                                                                                                AND ".constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type
                                                                                                                ORDER BY ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.totalclicks LIMIT {$pagination->getLimit()},{$rowsperpage}";
                $stmt = $adopts->query($query);

                $article_content = "<table>
                                                                        <th></th><th>Name and Type</th><th>Image</th><th>Clicks</th>

                while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()){
                        if($row->usealternates == 'yes') $image = $row->alternateimage;
                        else $image = $row->primaryimage;
                        if($row->currentlevel == 0) $image = $row->eggimage;
                        if($image=='') $image = $row->primaryimage;
                        $article_content .= "<tr>
                                                                        <td><center><img src='picuploads/{$row->gender}.png'></center></td>
                                                                        <td><center><em>{$row->name}</em> the {$row->type}</center></td>
                                                                        <td><center><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$row->aid}'><img src='{$image}'></a></center></td>
                $article_content .= "</table><br /><br />{$pagination->showPage()}</div>";
        elseif($act == "manage"){
                // We are managing a specific adoptable               
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        // See if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       

                        // Check that the adoptable exists for real, or show an error...
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                // The adoptable does exist, so we show the image and junk to the user...
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id);
                                $article_title = "Managing {$row->name}";
                                $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />This page allows you to manage {$row->name}.  Click on an option below to change settings.<br /><br />
                                                                        <b><a href='levelup.php?id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Level Up {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=stats&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/stats.gif' border=0> Get Stats for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=bbcode&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/bbcodes.gif' border=0> Get BBCodes / HTML Codes for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=rename&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/title.gif' border=0> Rename {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/trade.gif' border=0> Change Trade Status {$row->name}</a><br />
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze or Unfreeze {$row->name}</a><br />

<a href='myadopts.php?act=group&id={$id}'> Group {$row->name}</a><br /> 
                                                                        <a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id={$id}'><img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound {$row->name}</a></b>";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        } // End the MANAGE action code
        elseif($act == "stats"){
                // We are getting the stats for the adoptable
                // Check that an ID was submitted...
                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                               
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                // The adoptable exists, so we show the stats for it...

                                $image = getcurrentimage($id);
                                $nextlevelexists = getnextlevelexists($row->type, $row->currentlevel);

                                // If a higher level exists, get that level's information...

                                if($nextlevelexists == TRUE){
                                        $nextlevel = $row->currentlevel + 1;

                                        $levels = $adopts->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$row->type}' and thisislevel='{$nextlevel}'")->fetchObject();       
                                        $requiredclicks= $levels->requiredclicks; //The adoptable's ID

                                } // End grab next level info...

                                // Determine what to show for next level:

                                if($nextlevelexists == TRUE and $nextlevel != ""){
                                        // See how many more clicks to go
                                        $ctg = $requiredclicks - $row->totalclicks;
                                        $nloutput = "{$nextlevel}<br />Clicks Required for Level Increase: {$ctg}";
                                else $nloutput = "This adoptable is at its maximum level";

                                $article_title = "{$row->name}'s Statistics:";
                                $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />
                                                                        <b>Total Clicks: {$row->totalclicks}<br />
                                                                        Gender: <img src='picuploads/{$row->gender}.png'><br />
                                                                        Trade Status: {$row->tradestatus}<br />
                                                                        Current Level: {$row->currentlevel}<br />
                                                                        Next Level: {$nloutput}<br /></b>";

                                // Voters Information...

                                $article_content .= "<h2>{$row->name}'s Voters:</h2><br />
                                                                        {$lang_voters_explain}<br /><br />
                                                                        <table width='450' border='1'>
                                                                                        <td width='129'><strong>Username:</strong></td>
                                                                                        <td width='156'><strong>Date Voted: </strong></td>
                                                                                        <td width='82'><strong>Profile:</strong></td>
                                                                                        <td width='55'><strong>PM:</strong></td>

                                // Select the voters from the DB

                                $stmt = $adopts->select("vote_voters", array(), "adoptableid='{$id}' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");
                                while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
                                        if($row->username == "") $row->username = "Guest";
                                        if($row->username == "Guest"){
                                                $article_content .= "<tr>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>Guest</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>{$row->date}</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'></div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'></div></td>
                                                $article_content .= "<tr>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>{$row->username}</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='left'>{$row->date}</div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'><a href='profile.php?user={$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/profile.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
                                                                                        <td><div align='center'><a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user={$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/pm.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
                                $article_content .= "</table><br />";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        } // End the STATS code
        elseif($act == "bbcode"){
                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                               
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $altbb = grabanysetting("usealtbbcode");

                                // Adoptable exists, so show the BBCode:
                                $article_title = "Codes for {$row->name}";
                                $article_content = "{$lang_bbcode_explain}<br />
                                                                        <p><u>Forum Codes / BBCode: </u></p>
                                                                                <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>

                                if($altbb == "yes"){
                                        // Use the seo friendly alternate bbcodes...
                                        $article_content .= "
                                                                        <p><u>Alternate BBCodes (Use if the above do not work on a forum): </u></p>
                                                                                <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
                                $article_content .= "<p><u>HTML Code</u>:</p>
                                                                                <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
                                                                                        <a href=\"http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/levelup.php?id={$row->aid}\" target=\"_blank\">
                                                                                                <img src=\"http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/siggy.php?id={$row->aid}\" border=0>
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        } // End the BBCODE generation for the adoptable...
        elseif($act == "rename"){
                // We are renaming an adoptable

                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       

                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id);
                                if($row->isfrozen != "yes"){
                                        if($more == ""){
                                                $article_title = "Rename {$row->name}";
                                                $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename}{$row->name}{$lang_rename2}<br />
                                                                                        <form name='form1' method='get' action='myadopts.php'>
                                                                                                <p>Adoptable Name:
                                                                                                        <input name='more' type='text' id='more'>
                                                                                                        <input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='{$id}'>
                                                                                                        <input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='rename'>
                                                                                                        <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Rename Adoptable'>
                                                // We are renaming the adoptable, lets first check if the user is its original owner.
                        $row = $adopts->select("pounds", array(), "aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
                            if(!empty($row->firstowner) and $loggedinname != $row->firstowner){
                            $article_title = "Cannot rename";
                            $article_content = "The site admin has specified that only original owners can rename their adoptables.";                   
                                                      $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("name" => $more), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                                    $article_title = $lang_rename_success_title;
                                                    $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename_success}{$more}.
                                                                                          You can now manage {$more} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
                                        // We cannot rename a frozen adoptable...

                                        $article_title = $lang_frozen_title;
                                        $article_content = "{$lang_frozen}<a href='manage.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'>unfreeze</a> {$lang_frozen2}";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "trade"){
                // We are setting the trade status for an adoptable...

                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

                                if($more == ""){
                                        $article_title = "Setting trade status for {$row->name}";
                                        $article_content = "Are you sure you wish to change the trade status of this adoptable?
                                                                                <center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id={$id}&more=confirm'>Yes I'd like to change its trade status</a></b><br /><br />
                                                                                <b><a href='myadopts.php'>Nope I change my mind! Go back to the previous page.</a></b></center><br />";
                                elseif($more == "confirm"){                       
                                        $article_title = "Change trade status successfully";
                                        if($row->tradestatus == "fortrade"){
                                                $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'notfortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                                $article_content = "The adoptable's trade status is now Not for Trade";
                                        elseif($row->tradestatus == "notfortrade"){
                                            $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'fortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                                $article_content = "The adoptable's trade status is now For Trade";
                                                $article_title = "Something is very very wrong";
                                                $article_content = "Please check phpmyadmin to see if the settings are correct, or report your issue to Mysidia Adoptables support forum";
                                        $article_title = "Invalid Action";
                                        $article_content = "Invalid Action Specified";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "freeze"){
                // We are freezing an adoptable here...

                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
                                if($more == ""){
                                        if($row->isfrozen == "yes"){
                                                $status = "<img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif'> Frozen<br />";
                                                $go = "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'><img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif' border=0> Unfreeze This Adoptable</a>";
                                                $status = "<img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif'> Not Frozen<br />";
                                                $go = "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=freeze'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze This Adoptable</a>";

                                        $article_title = $lang_freeze_title;
                                        $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br /><b>{$row->name}'s Current Status: {$status}</b><br />
                                                                                {$lang_freeze}<br /><br /><b>{$go}</b><br /><br />
                                        // We are actually freezing or unfreezing the adopt...

                                        if($more == "freeze"){
                                                $frz = "yes";
                                                $article_title = "{$row->name} Frozen Successfully";
                                        elseif($more == "unfreeze"){
                                                $frz = "no";
                                                $article_title = "{$row->name} Unfrozen Successfully";

                                        $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("isfrozen" => $frz), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
                                        $article_content = "Action Complete. You may now manage {$row->name} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "pound"){
                        // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
                        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();       
                        if($row->aid == $id){
                                $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
                                if($more == ""){
                                        $article_title = "Pound {$row->name}";
                                        $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_pound}<br /><br />{$lang_pound_warning}<br /><br />
                                                                                <center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id={$id}&more=confirm'>
                                                                                <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound {$row->name} - I dont want it anymore!
                                                                                <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0></a></b><br /><br />
                                                                                <b><a href='myadopts.php'><img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0>
                                                                                DO NOT Pound {$row->name}! <img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0></a></b></center><br />";
                                elseif($more == "confirm"){
                                        // Validate the pet can be pounded
                                        $adopt = new Pound($row->aid, "pound");
                    if($adopt->settings->system->active == "no"){
                              $article_title = "Invalid Action";
                              $article_content = "The admin has turned off pound feature, please contact him/her for further explanation.";                   
                    elseif($adopt->validate() == TRUE){
                          $article_title = $lang_pound_title_complete;
                              $article_content = $adopt->message;
                          $article_title = "An error has occurred";
                      $article_content = $adopt->message;       
                                        $article_title = "Invalid Action";
                                        $article_content = "Invalid Action Specified";
                                $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                                $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
                        $article_title = $err_idnoexist;
                        $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text;
        elseif($act == "group"){
            // Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
            $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();   
            $petname = $row->name;
            if($row->aid == $id){
$row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
        $article_title = "Group {$row->name}";
        if($row->group == 0){
        $article_content = "{$row->name} is not in a group. ";
        $groupname = $row->group;
        $row = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$groupname}'")->fetchObject();
        $groupname = $row->name;
        $article_content = "{$row->name} is in the group '{$groupname}'.";
      $article_content .= "Select a group to move {$petname} into:<br><br>";
$stmt = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'");
while($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
  $code .= "<option value='{$groupid}'>{$name}</option>";

$article_content .= "  <form name='form' method='get' action='hatchery.php?'>
<input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='{$id}'>
<input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='changegroup'>
    <select name='group' id='group'>
      <option value='none' selected> </option>
 <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Move'>
elseif($act == "changegroup"){
// Check if form was submitted
  if($submit == "Move"){
  // Check group exists
        $row = $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$group}'")->fetchObject();   
    if($row->id == $group and $row->user == $loggedinname){
    // Check if pet exists
        $row = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();   
        if($row->aid == $id){
        // Move it
        $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("group" => $group), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
            $article_title = "Moved {$row->name}";
                        $article_content = "{$row->name} was moved to a new group.<br><br>
                        <a href='groups.php?id={$group}'>Check out the new group</a>";
        $article_title = "Invalid ID";
                $article_content = "This pet doesn't exist.";
    $article_title = "Invalid Group";
        $article_content = "This group doesn't exist.";
  $article_title = "";
  $article_content = "";
        // No valid action specified :: show an error

        $article_title = $lang_invalid_action_title;
        $article_content = $lang_invalid_action;

    $article_title = $accden;
    $article_content = $reqlogin;

} // End is logged in check else


echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date);


Yeah, the if's got caught up somewhere. Try replacing it all with:
PHP Code:




$id $_GET["id"];
$act $_GET["act"];
$more $_GET["more"];
$page $_GET["page"];

$isloggedin == "yes"){
$act == ""){
$article_title "Your Adoptables";
// We need to get all of the user's adoptables from the database and display them...
$query "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables, 
.constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE     ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type 
                                                        ORDER BY "
$rowsperpage 10;
$pagination = new Pagination($adopts$query$rowsperpage"http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/myadopts.php");
$query "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables, 
.constant("PREFIX")."levels WHERE     ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.owner = '{$loggedinname}
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.type 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.thisislevel = ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.currentlevel 
                                                        AND "
.constant("PREFIX")."levels.adoptiename = ".constant("PREFIX")."adoptables.type 
                                                        ORDER BY "
.constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables.totalclicks LIMIT {$pagination->getLimit()},{$rowsperpage}";
$stmt $adopts->query($query);

$article_content "<table>
                                    <th></th><th>Name and Type</th><th>Image</th><th>Clicks</th>

$row $stmt->fetchObject()){
$row->usealternates == 'yes'$image $row->alternateimage
$image $row->primaryimage
$row->currentlevel == 0$image $row->eggimage
$image==''$image $row->primaryimage
$article_content .= "<tr>
                                    <td><center><img src='picuploads/
{$row->name}</em> the {$row->type}</center></td>
                                    <td><center><a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id=
{$row->aid}'><img src='{$image}'></a></center></td>
$article_content .= "</table><br /><br />{$pagination->showPage()}</div>";
$act == "manage"){
// We are managing a specific adoptable        
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// See if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    

// Check that the adoptable exists for real, or show an error...
if($row->aid == $id){
// The adoptable does exist, so we show the image and junk to the user...
$image getcurrentimage($id);
$article_title "Managing {$row->name}";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />This page allows you to manage {$row->name}.  Click on an option below to change settings.<br /><br />
                                    <b><a href='levelup.php?id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/add.gif' border=0> Level Up {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=stats&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/stats.gif' border=0> Get Stats for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=bbcode&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/bbcodes.gif' border=0> Get BBCodes / HTML Codes for {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=rename&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/title.gif' border=0> Rename {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/trade.gif' border=0> Change Trade Status {$row->name}</a><br />
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze or Unfreeze {$row->name}</a><br />

<a href='myadopts.php?act=group&id=
{$id}'> Group {$row->name}</a><br />  
                                    <a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id=
{$id}'><img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound {$row->name}</a></b>";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// End the MANAGE action code
elseif($act == "stats"){
// We are getting the stats for the adoptable
        // Check that an ID was submitted...
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                
$row->aid == $id){
// The adoptable exists, so we show the stats for it...

$image getcurrentimage($id);
$nextlevelexists getnextlevelexists($row->type$row->currentlevel);

// If a higher level exists, get that level's information...

if($nextlevelexists == TRUE){
$nextlevel $row->currentlevel 1;

$levels $adopts->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$row->type}' and thisislevel='{$nextlevel}'")->fetchObject();    
$requiredclicks$levels->requiredclicks//The adoptable's ID

// End grab next level info...

                // Determine what to show for next level:

if($nextlevelexists == TRUE and $nextlevel != ""){
// See how many more clicks to go
$ctg $requiredclicks $row->totalclicks;
$nloutput "{$nextlevel}<br />Clicks Required for Level Increase: {$ctg}";
$nloutput "This adoptable is at its maximum level";

$article_title "{$row->name}'s Statistics:";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br /><br />
                                    <b>Total Clicks: 
{$row->totalclicks}<br />
                                    Gender: <img src='picuploads/
{$row->gender}.png'><br />
                                    Trade Status: 
{$row->tradestatus}<br />
                                    Current Level: 
{$row->currentlevel}<br />
                                    Next Level: 
{$nloutput}<br /></b>";

// Voters Information...

$article_content .= "<h2>{$row->name}'s Voters:</h2><br />
{$lang_voters_explain}<br /><br />
                                    <table width='450' border='1'>
                                            <td width='129'><strong>Username:</strong></td>
                                            <td width='156'><strong>Date Voted: </strong></td>
                                            <td width='82'><strong>Profile:</strong></td>
                                            <td width='55'><strong>PM:</strong></td>

// Select the voters from the DB

$stmt $adopts->select("vote_voters", array(), "adoptableid='{$id}' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");
$row $stmt->fetchObject()) {
$row->username == ""$row->username "Guest";
$row->username == "Guest"){
$article_content .= "<tr>
                                            <td><div align='left'>Guest</div></td>
                                            <td><div align='left'>
                                            <td><div align='center'></div></td>
                                            <td><div align='center'></div></td>
$article_content .= "<tr>
                                            <td><div align='left'>
                                            <td><div align='left'>
                                            <td><div align='center'><a href='profile.php?user=
{$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/profile.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
                                            <td><div align='center'><a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user=
{$row->username}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/buttons/pm.gif' border=0></a></div></td>
$article_content .= "</table><br />";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// End the STATS code
elseif($act == "bbcode"){
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();                
$row->aid == $id){
$altbb grabanysetting("usealtbbcode");

// Adoptable exists, so show the BBCode:
$article_title "Codes for {$row->name}";
$article_content "{$lang_bbcode_explain}<br />
                                    <p><u>Forum Codes / BBCode: </u></p>
                                        <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>

$altbb == "yes"){
// Use the seo friendly alternate bbcodes...
$article_content .= "
                                    <p><u>Alternate BBCodes (Use if the above do not work on a forum): </u></p>
                                        <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
$article_content .= "<p><u>HTML Code</u>:</p>
                                        <textarea name='textarea' cols='50' rows='4'>
                                            <a href=\"http://www."
.constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/levelup.php?id={$row->aid}\" target=\"_blank\">
                                                <img src=\"http://www."
.constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/siggy.php?id={$row->aid}\" border=0>
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
// End the BBCODE generation for the adoptable...
elseif($act == "rename"){
// We are renaming an adoptable

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    

$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id);
$row->isfrozen != "yes"){
$more == ""){
$article_title "Rename {$row->name}";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename}{$row->name}{$lang_rename2}<br />
                                            <form name='form1' method='get' action='myadopts.php'>
                                                <p>Adoptable Name: 
                                                    <input name='more' type='text' id='more'>
                                                    <input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='
                                                    <input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='rename'>
                                                    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Rename Adoptable'>
// We are renaming the adoptable, lets first check if the user is its original owner.
$row $adopts->select("pounds", array(), "aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
$row->firstowner) and $loggedinname != $row->firstowner){
$article_title "Cannot rename";
$article_content "The site admin has specified that only original owners can rename their adoptables.";                     
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("name" => $more), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_title $lang_rename_success_title;
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_rename_success}{$more}
                                               You can now manage 
{$more} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
// We cannot rename a frozen adoptable...

$article_title $lang_frozen_title;
$article_content "{$lang_frozen}<a href='manage.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'>unfreeze</a> {$lang_frozen2}";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "trade"){
// We are setting the trade status for an adoptable...

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...

if($more == ""){
$article_title "Setting trade status for {$row->name}";
$article_content "Are you sure you wish to change the trade status of this adoptable?
                                        <center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=trade&id=
{$id}&more=confirm'>Yes I'd like to change its trade status</a></b><br /><br />
                                        <b><a href='myadopts.php'>Nope I change my mind! Go back to the previous page.</a></b></center><br />"
$more == "confirm"){             
$article_title "Change trade status successfully";
$row->tradestatus == "fortrade"){
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'notfortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_content "The adoptable's trade status is now Not for Trade";
$row->tradestatus == "notfortrade"){
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("tradestatus" => 'fortrade'), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_content "The adoptable's trade status is now For Trade";
$article_title "Something is very very wrong";
$article_content "Please check phpmyadmin to see if the settings are correct, or report your issue to Mysidia Adoptables support forum";
$article_title "Invalid Action";
$article_content "Invalid Action Specified";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "freeze"){
// We are freezing an adoptable here...

// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...

$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
if($more == ""){
$row->isfrozen == "yes"){
$status "<img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif'> Frozen<br />";
$go "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=unfreeze'><img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif' border=0> Unfreeze This Adoptable</a>";
$status "<img src='templates/icons/unfreeze.gif'> Not Frozen<br />";
$go "<a href='myadopts.php?act=freeze&id={$id}&more=freeze'><img src='templates/icons/freeze.gif' border=0> Freeze This Adoptable</a>";

$article_title $lang_freeze_title;
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br /><b>{$row->name}'s Current Status: {$status}</b><br />
{$lang_freeze}<br /><br /><b>{$go}</b><br /><br />
// We are actually freezing or unfreezing the adopt...

if($more == "freeze"){
$frz "yes";
$article_title "{$row->name} Frozen Successfully";
$more == "unfreeze"){
$frz "no";
$article_title "{$row->name} Unfrozen Successfully";

$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("isfrozen" => $frz), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_content "Action Complete. You may now manage {$row->name} on the <a href='myadopts.php?act=manage&id={$id}'>My Adopts</a> page";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "pound"){
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
$image getcurrentimage($id); // Get the image for the adopt...
if($more == ""){
$article_title "Pound {$row->name}";
$article_content "<img src='{$image}'><br />{$lang_pound}<br /><br />{$lang_pound_warning}<br /><br />
                                        <center><b><a href='myadopts.php?act=pound&id=
                                        <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0> Pound 
{$row->name} - I dont want it anymore! 
                                        <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif' border=0></a></b><br /><br />
                                        <b><a href='myadopts.php'><img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0> 
                                        DO NOT Pound 
{$row->name}! <img src='templates/icons/yes.gif' border=0></a></b></center><br />";
$more == "confirm"){
// Validate the pet can be pounded
$adopt = new Pound($row->aid"pound");
$adopt->settings->system->active == "no"){
$article_title "Invalid Action";
$article_content "The admin has turned off pound feature, please contact him/her for further explanation.";                    
$adopt->validate() == TRUE){
$article_title $lang_pound_title_complete;
$article_content $adopt->message;
$article_title "An error has occurred";
$article_content $adopt->message;     
$article_title "Invalid Action";
$article_content "Invalid Action Specified";
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$article_title $err_idnoexist;
$article_content $err_idnoexist_text;
$act == "group"){
// Now we see if the adoptable actually exists...
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$petname $row->name;
$row->aid == $id){
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();
$article_title "Group {$row->name}";
$row->group == 0){
$article_content "{$row->name} is not in a group. ";
$groupname $row->group;
$row $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$groupname}'")->fetchObject();
$groupname $row->name;
$article_content "{$row->name} is in the group '{$groupname}'.";
$article_content .= "Select a group to move {$petname} into:<br><br>";
$stmt $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}'");
$row $stmt->fetchObject()) {
$code .= "<option value='{$groupid}'>{$name}</option>";

$article_content .= "  <form name='form' method='get' action='hatchery.php?'>
<input name='id' type='hidden' id='id' value='
<input name='act' type='hidden' id='act' value='changegroup'>
    <select name='group' id='group'>
      <option value='none' selected> </option>
 <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Move'>
$act == "changegroup"){
// Check if form was submitted
if($submit == "Move"){
// Check group exists
$row $adopts->select("pet_groups", array(), "user='{$loggedinname}' and id='{$group}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->id == $group and $row->user == $loggedinname){
// Check if pet exists
$row $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner='{$loggedinname}' and aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject();    
$row->aid == $id){
// Move it
$adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("group" => $group), "aid='{$id}' and owner='{$loggedinname}'");
$article_title "Moved {$row->name}";
$article_content "{$row->name} was moved to a new group.<br><br>
                        <a href='groups.php?id=
{$group}'>Check out the new group</a>";
$article_title "Invalid ID";
$article_content "This pet doesn't exist.";
$article_title "Invalid Group";
$article_content "This group doesn't exist.";
$article_title "";
$article_content "";
// No valid action specified :: show an error

$article_title $lang_invalid_action_title;
$article_content $lang_invalid_action;

$article_title $accden;
$article_content $reqlogin;

// End is logged in check else


echo showpage($article_title$article_content$date);


And can you also re-download groups.php, there's something I put in that made it so that only you can see your own groups and nobody else. Sorry ^^

Hall of Famer 05-07-2012 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by StarGirl (Post 23670)
Ah.. you see my terrible coding.. xP

Well I wasnt really referring to your script. I was just saying that users may as well download the attachment you provided and it would make things much easier. Of course it wont work for those with highly customized sites.

kristhasirah 05-07-2012 10:21 PM

Hi, just installed the mod.... but it show me an error page.... and redirects me to a Hatchery page??

Aasixx 05-07-2012 10:41 PM

Kris: You're probably getting an error because this mod is for Mys 1.3 and your site is currently using Mys 1.2.4. That's my thought, though. :T

kristhasirah 05-07-2012 11:00 PM

thats other site.... the site im working on is using 1.3.1, is called Pokeponies

MaximumRide 05-09-2012 12:35 PM

:catfish: I don't get it:displeased:

MaximumRide 05-16-2012 06:20 PM

Hey well I finally got it to work! :D but now this shows up when I try and create a group :(

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Database error 1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null' in /home/a2057352/public_html/classes/class_database.php:161 Stack trace: #0 /home/a2057352/public_html/classes/class_database.php(54): Database->_query('pet_groups', Array, 'insert') #1 /home/a2057352/public_html/creategroup.php(25): Database->insert('pet_groups', Array) #2 {main} thrown in /home/a2057352/public_html/classes/class_database.php on line 161

MaximumRide 05-17-2012 06:27 PM

Can anyone help? :(

Hall of Famer 05-17-2012 10:38 PM

The OP is not active anymore, so I have no idea if this Mod is still being supported.

MaximumRide 05-17-2012 11:01 PM

Oh ok, Stargirl do you know what going on [Btw thank HoF :3]

Alaric 05-24-2012 03:54 AM

When i put my articuno in my group "legendaries" which i created. it shows me this:

When i click on the move button it show me nothing here:

well as on it shows this:

StarGirl 06-06-2012 05:54 AM

I updated the mod. Works better now and there are less edits.
Sorry.. that's my site. I probably forgot to edit that..

Try deleting groups.php, mygroups.php, and creategroup.php that you downloaded and do the new step 3, replace all of myadopts.php with what is shown.

PTGigi 06-07-2012 03:10 PM

Just a noting a minor issue: you may want to edit the profile page slightly to work a bit better with this. I've noticed on sites that have this installed, if someone has a group with a second page of adoptables, the link to the second page doesn't have the group variable in the link (ie "&tab=GROUPNAME" is not in the url to the second page) so it'll just take you to the default group's second page (if it exists). Just a heads up. Neat script though! :3

StarGirl 06-08-2012 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by PTGigi (Post 24210)
Just a noting a minor issue: you may want to edit the profile page slightly to work a bit better with this. I've noticed on sites that have this installed, if someone has a group with a second page of adoptables, the link to the second page doesn't have the group variable in the link (ie "&tab=GROUPNAME" is not in the url to the second page) so it'll just take you to the default group's second page (if it exists). Just a heads up. Neat script though! :3

My script here is different to the ones that the sites you saw that have a group system, I think... I don't use "tab=something", I use "group=something", and I think my script works with 2 pages.. thanks though (:

PTGigi 06-08-2012 06:59 PM

Ah! Apologies then, I'd seen it on Kristh's site and I'd seen her posting in here for help so I assumed it must be the exact code on the front page. Sorry about that! D:

kristhasirah 06-10-2012 12:07 PM

I was installing this mod, but din make it work, so silverkitsune was kind to share her tab script with me, I will ask her how can i fix that problem whit the pages

draugluin 11-14-2012 09:01 AM

Thank you very much, Stargirl...

it works for me. And it's great :meow:

draugluin 11-18-2012 12:07 PM

But now I have two questions.

1. There's no way to move the adopt back to the "default" Group.
How can I solve this ?

2. I want to make possible, that the users can rename their groups or delete.
Can anyone help ?

Hall of Famer 11-21-2012 08:43 AM

Sorry to bring this up to you, but the OP's last activity was in June.

draugluin 11-21-2012 09:15 AM

yes, I know, but I hoped, anyone else used this idea and has the answer to this problems.

Hwona 03-06-2013 10:43 PM

Thanks for making this! :D Mine is SO close to working, but when I click the create a group link, it brings me to this link:

However, it says that the resource requested was not found on the server. Is this supposed to happen?

Hall of Famer 03-06-2013 10:48 PM

Well the OP is last activity was in June 2012...

Hwona 03-06-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 26168)
Well the OP is last activity was in June 2012...

Oh, I should have noticed that.:p Is there a way for me to add the "resource requested" myself?

Hall of Famer 03-07-2013 12:31 AM

I dont quite get what you are saying, what do you mean by 'resource requested'?

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