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AlexC 03-11-2012 03:09 PM

Oh, none of them bother me really. xD I just brought them up. I can probably worm my way through and delete them - and I'm otherwise fine about waiting for later. I can change them if they bug me later.

I can have a go at manually upgrading, which is probably what I'll do. I mean, I just need to reinsert all of the user and pet data into the site, right? Everything else is easy enough to recreate. Members won't notice the difference. xD

EDIT: also - default text for the editor. Can that be removed?

Inf3rnal 03-11-2012 03:12 PM

Viewing profile.php?user=whatever causes:
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Adding new themes via AdminCP still bugged. Says the destination is wrong even though it is correct.

Just a slight nitpick but the templates folder is full of junk and unused themes. Needs to be cleaned.

Other then then those everything seems to be in order.

Hall of Famer 03-11-2012 03:22 PM

Okay then, it is your call. I usually get rid of these debug variables before releasing a new version, guess lack of sleep was the cause of me not doing it this time. XD

To manually upgrade this time is somewhat tricky. I have split the table prefix.adoptables into two and prefix.users into five. You may download a copy of your old database table backup for these two tables, then open them with notepad++. Find and edit the lines prefix.adoptables into prefix.adoptables_conditions, and prefix.users into prefix.users_contacts, prefix_users_options, prefix_users_profile and prefix_users_status(save them in each separate file to import). This way you have multiple identical database tables under different names after you import them. The very last thing to do is to add new columns and get rid of old columns that do not make sense in each table. I know it sounds complicated, but hopefully you get what I am saying.

I've never had problems with user profiles. Are you sure this is not an issue on your side? I tried it on Firefox, GoogleChrome and IE(64bit), and nothing went wrong.

AlexC 03-11-2012 03:58 PM

I think I understand what needs to be done there - I was thinking over how to do it, and that was how I was going to anyway - I'll give it a try once my host is back up and running.

I tried that and didn't get an issue either - but I only had one user on my site, maybe it needs more.

Hall of Famer 03-11-2012 04:02 PM

Well I never got a HTTP error 500 with however many users on my site. I guess the script works fine, perhaps Infernal's webhost has a problem?

And btw, I like to check out suggestion threads on MA to see what other features an adoptables script can possibly offer. The only problem is that the ideas are scattered into several threads/posts and is therefore difficult to navigate. If anyone of you want to make any suggestions, feel free doing so.

AlexC 03-11-2012 05:00 PM

Would you like me to go through and collect a bunch of ideas in one main suggestion thread? I love organizing - and I have a pretty good idea of what is in scripts and what isn't, so I can go pretty far back, see what people wanted. Would that help?

Hall of Famer 03-11-2012 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gloometh (Post 21630)
Would you like me to go through and collect a bunch of ideas in one main suggestion thread? I love organizing - and I have a pretty good idea of what is in scripts and what isn't, so I can go pretty far back, see what people wanted. Would that help?

Sure thing, Id appreciate this. Some will help for an official release, others may be too specific/customized and thus will be better off as addons/mods. But either way it will be beneficial to this script, Id like to see what an adoptables script can possibly offer.

AlexC 03-11-2012 05:24 PM

Alright, I'll get to it then. Give me a few minutes.

Abronsyth 03-11-2012 06:49 PM

HOF, I posted this in Gloometh's suggestion thread...but would it be possible to add this by the security release..?:
Make it so there can be multiple adoptable pet stores, and then, when creating a new pet, users can assign the pet to one of the currently existing Pet shops. I believe you already have this available for the Items, so hopefully it wouldn't be hard for the pets..? Or at least a mod..?

Well, thanks for reading ;D

AlexC 03-11-2012 07:15 PM

As Iris already mentioned, I finished the thread. It's probably slightly obsessive... heehee.

Oh, got a question - when will there be a v3 mod forum? I have a mod I'd like to release once I test it with v3.

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