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RoconzaArt 01-26-2011 02:22 PM

My bad I forgot to add it feel free to point point any thing I missed.

konzair 01-26-2011 04:03 PM

I decided to use MySidia because there i have the full control over the code. The source lays infront of me and i can modify it to my likings. Also it's not restricted to ONE host. I also have full access to the database and all that stuff. I like to see what happens behind the scene because i don't think people using all the other adoptables hosts are just kids with big dreams of having their own game without nhvaing any knowledges ^^

if you want to create something you have to work hard for it. USE MYSIDIA ^^

RoconzaArt 01-26-2011 04:21 PM


if you want to create something you have to work hard for it. USE MYSIDIA ^^
Did you you know your my hero? jk Any how it's a good thing there are hosting site since more people learn there is more work in making a site then it seems. Sadly the fail rate for hosted scripts tend to be high. It really does take real effort and if it's on a whim it will not work.

PTGigi 01-26-2011 04:37 PM

Me being me I have to disagree partially on some points X3

A lot of the MyAdopts websites are crap/unedited sites that are never shown. But a lot of the more active base has websites that are very well done and have a lot of effort put into. Now you may say, 'why not use Mysidia, etc?' Well it's for a couple reasons:

1-Not everyone is a coder. The MA base is more artists.

2-Not everyone can buy their own server and from reading around free servers are never good for adoptables sites when they get popular


kids with big dreams of having their own game without nhvaing any knowledges
I've seen Rusnak (saying rusnak because that's the era I'm talking about, plus I haven't seen many Mys sites yet :3), V-Adopt, and MA sites that match. The difference is just the hosting. I was a complete n00b when I came to Rusnak about 1-2 years ago (forget the exact time). I did not know how to code nor did I learn it. It wasn't until I went to MA, made a site, put craploads of effort into it, got it really popular, then remembered Rusnak and felt more comfortable coding because I'd learned more coding languages from when I first came to Rusnak and when I was considering the site move. Also when I was first on Rusnak I had the 'big dream" opinion.

4-About the whim. My site is on a whim (or at least started that way). It went from Oh I should make an adoptables website, to POKEMONZ, to Mewtwo only, to Mewtwo and Mew, to Mewtwo, Mew and maybe a few others, to where it is now. And so much more work is going into this than my first Rusnak site *shudders at the horridness of it and it's bright purple theme*

5-And about effort, there is no way to measure effort. But truly a lot of the popular MA sites show great effort because people are going above and beyond what is expected of an MA site. Some people have added so much to the site the only way you can tell it is MA is the url and the footer text.

Free hosting gets down because, sadly, anyone can make a site and the majority of people see it as a way to make something without effort. But that is not true for all peeps :3

Sorry if that sounded offensive or ranty, it was not meant to be just making my point X3 Plus I have an essay to write (why I am writing so much here but barely anything on my essay D: )

Hall of Famer 01-26-2011 05:00 PM

Well there's actually one point that I'd like to mention after reading from gigi's post. Before I worked on RA v1.1 with Enddayne and Arianna, the old Rusnak PHP Adoptables script lacked too many basic features to make it even appealing to aspiring petsite builders. There was no gender and shoutbox, no cash mod, and no trade system. The only advantage of using RA was, well, you could fully customize your script and pay $15 to remove copyright. It wasnt even a surprise why most people use MA.

For Mysidia Adoptables, well, I dont really wanna comment on this yet since it was a brand new script project and will take time to grow. I am this type of guy who never hype up anything I am doing unless I am 100% sure that it will come out as amazing as I expect. I dont wanna promise anything, but I try my best to do as much as I can.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Mys, MA and VA aint perfect substitutes for each other. There are features exclusive on all three sites, even for VA.

RoconzaArt 01-26-2011 05:10 PM

I was going to reply with my opinion but I don't think any of you will like it so I'll just say let's agree to disagree gigi.

Like HOF said:


Another thing to keep in mind is that Mys, MA and VA aint perfect substitutes for each other. There are features exclusive on all three sites, even for VA.
Even if VA did break my heart. :'(

PTGigi 01-26-2011 05:12 PM

Yeah, part of the reason I went to MA was because of the added features X3

I've never used V-Adopts but I have to say I like their site layout, excluding having to be logged in to go everywhere X3 (I love stalking websites XD)

EDIT: Lolz, ninja. Well everyone is welcome to their own opinion :3 I was just stating mine since other peeps were ^-^

How'd it break your heart? D:

Hall of Famer 01-26-2011 05:13 PM

lol I can still see your post Roconza. ^^

Dont worry about it, you can have your opinion so long as it is not that offensive. Nothing is absolutely right or wrong, we'd definitely respect your idea so long as you have a point. I wouldnt really mind if people criticize me or Mys, it should be a good chance for me to learn what to do with this script to make it better.

PTGigi 01-26-2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 13774)
I wouldnt really mind if people criticize me or Mys, it should be a good chance for me to learn what to do with this script to make it better.

BMR said something like that once when someone made a topic for V-Adopts on MA. Basically seeing what the competition has or doesn't have can help improve what we've got :D

Hall of Famer 01-26-2011 05:21 PM

Well yeah, thats just one side about competition though. Competition can also bring hatred among communities, as I've seen a lot from pokemon forums. Even competition has pros and cons. XD

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