How would i edit the currency mod so that it doesn't repeat, like it does
PHP Code:
// Easy Adoptables Script by Brandon Rusnak
// Get our includes out of the way
include("inc/nbbc.php"); // BBCODE Parser
$bbcode = new BBCode;
$stop = 0;
// Connect to our database
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql database!');
//Set up our login info...
$username = "";
$password = "";
//Check for cookie
if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu']) and isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){
$username = $_COOKIE['adoptu'];
$password = $_COOKIE['adoptp'];
$username = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $username);
$password = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $password);
//Run login operation
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
//Loop out code
while ($i < 1) {
if($username == $luser and $password == $lpass){
$isloggedin = "yes";
if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptu'])){
$past = time() - 10;
if (isset($_COOKIE['adoptp'])){
$past = time() - 10;
$isloggedin = "no";
//User is not logged in
$isloggedin = "no";
// Define our Template File
$file = $current_theme;
// Get our content for the adoptables page
if($isloggedin == "yes" and $aID == ""){
$article_title = "Shop";
$article_content = "Welcome, welcome! We've been expecting you! From what we understand, you've helped some creatures grow up, so to reward you we're letting you pick one creature from below, in a color of your choice!<br><br>";
$query = "SELECT * FROM adoptables WHERE memberlevel = 'shop'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_numrows($result);
//Loop out code
while ($i < $num) {
//Begin our content output...
$article_content=$article_content."<center><table border='2' bordercolor='#3d3d3d' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1'>
<td bgcolor='#575757'><p><font face='Verdana' size='1' color='ffffff'><center>Blue Mudskip<p><img src='images/shop_adoptables/mudskip_blue.png' /><p>250 Pearls<p><a href='buy.php?aID=20'>Buy a Blue Mudskip!</a></td>
<td bgcolor='#575757'><p><font face='Verdana' size='1' color='ffffff'><center>Green Mudskip<p><img src='images/shop_adoptables/mudskip_green.png' /><p>250 Pearls<p><a href='buy.php?aID=21'>Buy a Green Mudskip!</a></td>
<td bgcolor='#575757'><p><font face='Verdana' size='1' color='ffffff'><center>Purple Mudskip<p><img src='images/shop_adoptables/mudskip_purple.png' /><p>250 Pearls<p><a href='buy.php?aID=22'>Buy a Purple Mudskip!</a></td>
<td bgcolor='#575757'><p><font face='Verdana' size='1' color='ffffff'><center>Red Mudskip<p><img src='images/shop_adoptables/mudskip_red.png' /><p>250 Pearls<p><a href='buy.php?aID=23'>Buy a Red Mudskip!</a></td>
<td bgcolor='#575757'><p><font face='Verdana' size='1' color='ffffff'><center>Yellow Mudskip<p><img src='images/shop_adoptables/mudskip_yellow.png' /><p>250 Pearls<p><a href='buy.php?aID=24'>Buy a Yellow Mudskip!</a></td>
$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);
else if ($isloggedin == "no" and $aID == ""){
// Guest is viewing the available adoptables
$article_title = "Shop";
$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
$article_content = "Please log in to buy adoptables.";
$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);
else if ($isloggedin == "no" and $aID != ""){
// Guest is trying to adopt an adoptable -- not allowed for tracking purposes
$article_title = "Error";
$article_date = date('Y-m-d');
$article_content = "You must <a href='register.php'>register</a> an account before you can buy adoptables.";
$article_title = stripslashes($article_title);
$article_content = stripslashes($article_content);
// Should we show the extra pages in the nav bar?
$link1 = "";
if($show_extra_page1 == "yes"){
$link1 = "<li><a href='$extra_page1_link'>$extra_page1_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>";
$link2 = "";
if($show_extra_page2 == "yes"){
$link2 = "<li><a href='$extra_page2_link'>$extra_page2_name<span class='tab-l'></span><span class='tab-r'></span></a></li>";
// Do the template changes and echo the ready template
$template = file_get_contents($file);
$template = replace(':SITETITLE:',$site_title,$template);
$template = replace(':SITENAME:',$site_name,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLETITLE:',$article_title,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLEDATE:',$article_date,$template);
$template = replace(':ARTICLECONTENT:',$article_content,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK1:',$link1,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK2:',$link2,$template);
$template = replace(':LINK3:',$link3,$template);
//Get the featured adoptable...
$featured = getfeatured();
$template = replace(':FEATURED:',$featured,$template);
//Ad Management
$header = @file_get_contents("ads/header.txt");
$footer = @file_get_contents("ads/footer.txt");
$tower = @file_get_contents("ads/tower.txt");
$header = stripslashes($header);
$footer = stripslashes($footer);
$tower = stripslashes($tower);
$template = replace(':HEADERAD:',$header,$template);
$template = replace(':FOOTERAD:',$footer,$template);
$template = replace(':TOWERAD:',$tower,$template);
//Is the user logged in?
//$isloggedin = "no";
if ($isloggedin == "yes"){
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','',$template);
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', '<p>Hi, <a href="profile.php?owner='.$username.'">'.$username.'</a>
<p><a href="logout.php">Log out</a>' ,$template);
//User is not logged in
$template = replace(':WELCOMEORREGISTER:','Hi there, please login or register',$template);
$loginform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
<p><font size=1>Username
<input name='username' type='text' id='username' size=10>
<p><font size=1>Password</font>
<input name='password' type='password' id='password' size=10>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Let`s Go!'>
$template = replace(':LOGINORACCT:', $loginform ,$template);
echo $template;