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Old 10-05-2012, 03:30 PM
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Default Error with profile.php

When I visit a user's profile and click on, "Adoptables," for example, it just shows profile.php?user=(user'susernamehere)#adopts in the url area.

I checked in the js folder and looked over all of those files and checked to see if I accidentally messed up something but apparently not. How can I fix this issue?
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:33 PM
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umm this... The profile tab should be working for you even if you are using a custom theme. It seems to me that jquery on profile page aint working. Are you really sure you havent modified the profile.php file before?

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:43 PM
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Positive. I haven't touched it since when I was trying to get it to show what usergroup the user was in.

Here's my profile.php
PHP Code:



// This page handles user profiles and shows the site members...

$user $_GET["user"];
$page $_GET["page"];
$user != ""){

// We have specified a specific user who we are showing a profile for...
  // See if the user exists...
$article_title "{$user}'s Profile";
$row $adopts->join("users_status""users_status.uid = users.uid")->join("users_profile""users_profile.uid = users.uid")
join("users_options""users_options.uid = users.uid")->join("users_contacts""users_contacts.uid = users.uid")
select("users", array(), constant("PREFIX")."users.username = '{$user}'")->fetchObject();
$row->username == $user){
// First let's initiate tab system!
$article_content "<div id='page-wrap'><div id='profile'>                   
            <ul class='nav'>
            <li class='nav0'><a href='#visitormessage'>Visitor Message</a></li>
            <li class='nav1'><a href='#aboutme' class='current'>About Me</a></li>
            <li class='nav2'><a href='#adopts'>Adoptables</a></li>
            <li class='nav3'><a href='#friends'>Friends</a></li>
            <li class='nav4 last'><a href='#contactinfo' class='last'>Contact Info</a></li>
            </ul><div class='list-wrap'>"
// Format user profile information...
$id $row->uid;
$ccstat cancp($row->usergroup);
$website = (empty($row->website))?"No Website Information Given":"<a href='http://{$row->website}' target='_blank'>{$row->website}</a>";
$facebook = (empty($row->facebook))?"No Facebook Information Given":"<a href='{$row->facebook}' target='_blank'>{$row->facebook}</a>";
$twitter = (empty($row->twitter))?"No Twitter Information Given":"<a href='{$row->twitter}' target='_blank'>{$row->twitter}</a>";
$msn = (empty($row->msn))?"No MSN Information Given":$row->msn;
$aim = (empty($row->aim))?"No AIM Information Given":$row->aim;
$yahoo = (empty($row->yahoo))?"No YIM Information Given":$row->yahoo;
$skype = (empty($row->skype))?"No YIM Information Given":$row->skype;
$row->username = ($ccstat == "yes")?"<img src='templates/icons/star.gif' /> {$row->username}":$row->username
$row->favpet = ($row->favpet == 0)?"None Selected":"<a href='http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/levelup.php?id={$row->favpet}' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/siggy.php?id={$row->favpet}' border=0></a>";      

// Here we go with the first tab content: Visitor Message
$article_content .= "<ul id='visitormessage' class='hide'><strong><u>{$user}'s Profile Comments:</u></strong><br /><br /><table>";
$stmt $adopts->select("visitor_messages", array(), "touser = '{$user}' ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 0, 15");    
$vmessage $stmt->fetchObject()){ 
$date substr_replace($vmessage->datesent," at ",10,1);
$sender $adopts->join("users_profile""users_profile.uid = users.uid")
select("users", array(), constant("PREFIX")."users.username = '{$vmessage->fromuser}'")
$article_content .= "<tr>
           <td><img src='
{$sender->avatar}' width='40' height='40'></br></td>
           <td><a href='profile.php?user=
{$sender->username}'>{$vmessage->fromuser}</a> ({$date}) <a href='vmessage.php?act=view&user1={$user}&user2={$vmessage->fromuser}'> <img src='templates/icons/status.gif'> </a>
{$vmessage->vmtext} </br></td>
           <td><a href='vmessage.php?act=edit&vid=
{$vmessage->vid}'> <img src='templates/icons/cog.gif'> </a>
           <a href='vmessage.php?act=delete&vid=
{$vmessage->vid}'> <img src='templates/icons/delete.gif'> </a></br></td></tr>";
$isloggedin == "yes"){ 
isbanned($loggedinname) == 1$article_content .= "</table>It seems that you have been banned from this site and thus cannot send profile comment.";
$article_content .= "</table> To Post a profile comment, please write your message in the text area below:
        <form action='profile.php?user=
{$user}' method='post'>
        <textarea rows='10' cols='50' name='vmtext' wrap='physical' ></textarea><br>
        <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'></form>"
$vmcontent $_POST["vmtext"]; 
// Now check if the two users are friends...
if($vmcontent != ""){
$datesent date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
// $date = "2010-23-03 21:02:35";
$fromuser $loggedinname;
$touser $user;
$adopts->insert("visitor_messages", array("vid" => NULL"fromuser" => $fromuser"touser" => $touser"datesent" => $datesent"vmtext" => $vmcontent));
$article_content .= "<p>Your comment for user has been posted. You may now view your conversation with {$user} from <a href='vmessage.php?act=view&user1={$fromuser}&user2={$touser}'>here</a>.</p>";
$article_content .= "</table>Guests cannot post profile comment, sorry..."

// Now the second tab: About me...

$article_content .= "</ul><ul id='aboutme'><li><strong><u>{$lang_basic_info} {$user}</u></strong><br /><br />
                            <img src='
{$row->avatar}' border=0 width='100' height=100 /><br />
                            <strong>Member Since:</strong> 
{$row->membersince}<br /><br />
{$row->gender}<br />
                            Favorite Color: 
{$row->color}<br />
{$row->nickname}<br />
                            Bio: <br />
{$row->bio}<br /></li>";
// The third tab: Adopts...                        
$article_content .= "</ul><ul id='adopts' class='hide'><h2>.:AdoptSpotlight:.</h2><br />
{$row->favpet}<br />{$row->about}<br /><br />
{$user}'s Pets:</u></strong><br /><br />";

$query "SELECT COUNT(*) AS pets FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."owned_adoptables WHERE owner = '{$user}'";
$stmt $adopts->query($query);
$total $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$total['pets'] > 0){
$rowsperpage 15;
$totalpages ceil($total['pets'] / $rowsperpage);
is_numeric($page)) $currentpage $page;
$currentpage 1;
$currentpage $totalpages$currentpage $totalpages;  
$currentpage 1$currentpage 1;   
$offset = ($currentpage 1) * $rowsperpage
$stmt $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "owner = '{$user}' LIMIT {$offset}{$rowsperpage}");
$row $stmt->fetchObject()){
$image getcurrentimage($row->aid);
$article_content .= "<a href='levelup.php?id={$row->aid}'><img src='{$image}' border='0' /></a>";
$article_content .= "<br />";
$currentpage 1){
$newpage $currentpage 1;
$article_content .= "<strong><a href='profile.php?user={$user}&page={$newpage}'><img src='templates/icons/prev.gif' border=0> Previous Page</a></strong> ";
$article_content .= "<strong><img src='templates/icons/prev.gif' border=0> Previous Page</strong> ";
$currentpage $totalpages){
$newpage $currentpage 1;
$article_content .= " ::  <strong><a href='profile.php?user={$user}&page={$newpage}'>Next Page <img src='templates/icons/next.gif' border=0></a></strong> ";
$article_content .= " ::  <strong>Next Page <img src='templates/icons/next.gif' border=0></strong>";
$article_content .= "This user currently does not have any pets.";
// The fourth tab: Friends...
$friendlist getfriendid($user);
$friendnum getfriendnum($user);    
$article_content .= "</ul><ul id='friends' class='hide'>{$user} currently have {$friendnum} friends.<br /><table>";
$friendnum != 0){
$friendlist as $friendid){
$friendinfo $adopts->join("users_profile""users_profile.uid = users.uid")
select("users", array(), constant("PREFIX")."users.uid = '{$friendid}'")
$uid $friendinfo->uid;  
$username $friendinfo->username;
$friendgender getfriendgender($username); 
$onlinestatus getonlinestatus($username);    
$article_content .= "<tr><td style='text-align: left'><img src='{$friendinfo->avatar}' border=0 width='60' height =60></td>
        <td><strong><a href='profile.php?user=
{$username}'>{$username}</a></strong>  {$friendgender}<br />{$friendinfo->nickname}<br />{$onlinestatus}
        <a href='
{$friendinfo->website}' target='_blank'><img src='templates/icons/web.gif'></a>
        <a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user=
{$username}'><img src='templates/icons/title.gif'></a></td>";
$article_content .= ($user == $loggedinname)?"<td style='text-align: right'><br /><br /><br /><a href='friends.php?act=delete&uid={$uid}'>Break Friendship </td></tr>":"</tr>";
$article_content .= "</table>";

// The last tab: Contact Info!             
$article_content .= "</ul><ul id='contactinfo' class='hide'><img src='templates/icons/web.gif' /> {$website}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/facebook.gif' /> 
{$facebook}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/twitter.gif' /> 
{$twitter}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/aim.gif' /> 
{$aim}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/msn.gif' /> 
{$msn}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/yahoo.gif' /> 
{$yahoo}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/skype.gif' /> 
{$skype}<br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/title.gif' /> <a href='messages.php?act=newpm&user=
{$user}'>Send {$user} a Private Message</a><br />
                        <img src='templates/icons/fr.gif' /><a href='friends.php?act=request&uid=
{$id}'>Send {$user} a Friend Request</a><br />
                        <br /></div></div>"
$article_content .= "Sorry, but we could not find a user in the system with the name {$user}.  
                            Please make sure you have the username right.  The user's account may also have been deleted by the system admin."

// We did not specify a user, so show the memberlist
$article_title "Memberlist";
$article_content "Here are all of the members of this site, sorted by registration date.<br /><br />";
$query "SELECT * FROM ".constant("PREFIX")."users ORDER BY uid ASC";
$stmt $adopts->query($query);
$rowsperpage 15;
$pagination = new Pagination($adopts$query$rowsperpage"http://www.".constant("DOMAIN").constant("SCRIPTPATH")."/profile.php");

$stmt $adopts->select("users", array(), "1 ORDER BY uid ASC LIMIT {$pagination->getLimit()},{$rowsperpage}");    
    while (
$row $stmt->fetchObject()){
$status cancp($row->usergroup);
$star = ($status == "yes")?"<img src='templates/icons/star.gif' border=0' /> ":"";
$article_content .= "<strong><a href='profile.php?user={$row->username}'>{$star}{$row->username}</a></strong><br />";

$article_content .= "<br />{$pagination->showPage()}</div>";



echo showpage($article_title$article_content$date);


Last edited by Aasixx; 10-05-2012 at 03:47 PM.
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Old 10-19-2012, 03:11 PM
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Aasixx Aasixx is offline
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Still having this issue and I've tried everything to fix it..
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Old 10-19-2012, 09:08 PM
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I do not see any error in the profile page script you posted last time, strange your site is glitched.

Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site.
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Old 10-20-2012, 06:08 PM
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I managed to make the profile.php page different. Thanks anyway! :)
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