99webs domain expired
My domain 99webs has expired but the server will always remain running.
If you need access to the Control Panel (Zpanel) it is at this IP If you were using a 99webs subdomain you will need to get another domain and add it in the zpanel.
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Is the domain going to be renewed? I'm glad I can back up my database, but jeez that was sudden.
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I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it. |
Yeah I was wondering the same thing, will the domain be back? As far as I know, domain registration costs only $10-15/yr for most domains, its not terribly expensive.
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Well I do apologize for it being sudden, I am not even sure how many people were using it. I did make a post somewhere about not having plans to renew this domain, but that was like about 6 months ago. Then it also sort of just sneaked up on me, and it had expired all of a sudden.
Also money is not an issue I am just not interested in that name any more, nor do i care for a .org, which is $19.99. I am however thinking of a new domain for the server just don't know what yet. Also anyone can can use their own domain/subdomain and point that at my server ip, or set it up in zpanel.
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Well, here's the thing - I don't know how to connect via ftp now. The host was "ftp.99webs.org" and without this you've left us all without access to our files since there is no server side file manager in place. The forums don't exist so people won't be able to ask you what's going on nor find instructions on how to fix anything.
I'm actively working on two websites and I'm just glad I backed up all my files last week. I don't know how to access MY sites via an ip address, since they were subdomains to yours. How do I go about pointing to a location if I have no idea where that location is? I don't mind getting a dot.tk address and forwarding my site, I just don't know how.
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I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it. |
ftp.99webs.org was just an alias for 99webs.org. Actually I don't recall that ever being set up I have always used 99webs.org to connect via filezilla.
There was a wildcard to point any subdomain to that ip so any name worked. Just use your ftp user and pass and it knows what directories you have access to. Need any more help let me know. But I assure you the server is not going anywhere so you can stay, you just need to set up a different domain.
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I've figured it out! I can now access my site at novulae.tk.
After doing all that, magically my FileZilla could connect again and visiting the url immediately took me where it was supposed to go. Of course I then needed to hop into my Mysidia's inc/config.php file and change the domain. So everything's good on my end now, at least. I was really panicking.
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it. Last edited by Kyttias; 03-18-2016 at 12:35 AM. |
Glad you got things sorted out and again sorry for the inconvenience.
In the future I may get WHM so we can upgrade from zpanel.
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So the server has crashed like really hard.
Is there anything that needs to be backed up? Because I am probably going to do a clean install. :/
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I'm good, I guess... everything important is backed up, anyway. Go ahead and wipe what's there if you have to, files and database.
Keep us posted?
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it. Last edited by Kyttias; 03-28-2016 at 11:45 PM. |
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