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Oh wait a sec what is this about? The glitch you have after trying to manipulate the register.php and login.php files?
Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site. |
No. This is a fresh install without modifying the files.
Oh a fresh install? I believe the problem is not with the script since I've installed/upgraded the script on my dev demo server for many times and never had problem leveling up/clicking adoptables.
Edit: I visited your site and tested the levelup.php myself on one of your pets. It worked perfectly, as I was able to click it at the first time and then receive an error message when I try to click again: So yeah, I have no idea why it was being mean to you. XD
Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site. |
Well no matter who's pets I click on, I've already leveled them up.
I see what you mean, I registered an account on your site and once I click one adoptable, I will not be able to click any others and instead receive the error message saying I've leveled them up. Again this is strange as I never had the issue on my two demo sites, are you sure this is a fresh installation? I just did a fresh installation and did not have this problem. Anyway I will ask other members and see if they have the same problem as well. Thanks for bringing it up.
Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site. |
I did add in some modifications but not to the levelup script.
Are you sure about that? If so, send me the levelup.php and the modified files on your site so I may see what was the cause of your problem. Also investigate into the table prefix.voters and see if anything appears abnormal there.
Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site. |
Nothing looks weird there I don't think.....
Only thing I changed here is the is_numeric thing. But I changed that on my other site and it never messed it up. levelup.php Code:
<?php include("functions/functions.php"); include("functions/functions_users.php"); include("functions/functions_adopts.php"); include("inc/lang.php"); //***************// // START SCRIPT // //***************// $id = $_GET["id"]; $id = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", "", $id); $id = secure($id); if($id == ""){ // If the ID is blank or non-numeric, then it is invalid... $article_title = $err_idnoexist; $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text; } else{ // We have what appears to be a valid adoptable ID, so we pull the adoptable's information from the database... $owned_adoptable = $adopts->select("owned_adoptables", array(), "aid='{$id}'")->fetchObject(); if($owned_adoptable->aid == $id){ // The adoptable does exist, so now we need to see if we can vote... // We need to get the date today and the user's IP address (if is guest we use this) $date = date('Y-m-d'); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9@._-]/", "", $ip); $ip = secure($ip); $where_clause = ($isloggedin == "yes") ?"adoptableid='{$id}' and username = '{$loggedinname}' and date = '{$date}'" :"adoptableid='{$id}' and ip = '{$ip}' and date = '{$date}'"; $voters = $adopts->select("vote_voters", array(), $where_clause)->fetchObject(); $userstatus = getuserstatus($loggedinname); if($isloggedin == "yes" and $userstatus['canlevel'] == "no") $article_content .= "It appears that you have been banned from leveling up adoptables. Please contact an administrator for assistance."; elseif(!is_object($voters)){ // The number of results is still zero, so we did not vote on this adoptable yet today... // Now we see if the adoptable is frozen by its owner. If it is, we do not level... if($owned_adoptable->isfrozen == "yes"){ $article_title = $lang_isfrozen_title; $article_content = $lang_isfrozen_explain; } else{ // Adoptable is NOT frozen, so I think we can actually proceed with the leveling up of this adoptable... $newclicks = $owned_adoptable->totalclicks + 1; // Add 1 click to the current click total of this adoptable... // Actually insert our click information into the database... $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("totalclicks" => $newclicks), "aid='{$id}'"); // Now we need to update our vote_voters table with the user's vote... $adopts->insert("vote_voters", array("void" => NULL, "date" => $date, "username" => $loggedinname, "ip" => $ip, "adoptableid" => $id)); // Now we need to see if we actually level this adoptable up, see if another level actually exists... $nextlevelexists = getnextlevelexists($owned_adoptable->type, $owned_adoptable->currentlevel); if($nextlevelexists == "true"){ // A higher level does exist, so we see if it is time to level up $nextlevel = $owned_adoptable->currentlevel + 1; $level = $adopts->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$owned_adoptable->type}' and thisislevel='{$nextlevel}'")->fetchObject(); // Check if the number of clicks we have now is greater than or equal to the required clicks to level up... if($newclicks >= $level->requiredclicks and $level->requiredclicks != 0 and $level->requiredclicks != ""){ // We need to level this adoptable up... $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $nextlevel), "aid='{$id}'"); // Now we check if we are enabling alternate images... $parentid = converttypetoparentid($owned_adoptable->type); // Get the ID of the parent type adoptable $altstatus = getaltstatus($parentid, $id, $nextlevel); // Check if we are using alternate images or not... if($altstatus == "yes") $adopts->update("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates" => 'yes'), "aid='{$id}'"); // Now we can see if the adoptable's owner gets a reward, the reward function will take care of sending out any reward that exists... $rewardstatus = reward($id, $owned_adoptable->type, $nextlevel, $owned_adoptable->owner); } // End the if statement if we are leveling the adoptable up } // Show a thank you message along with the adoptable's information to the user... $image = getcurrentimage($id); // Get the current image of the adoptable... $article_title = $lang_gave."{$owned_adoptable->name} one ".$lang_unit; $article_content = "<img src='{$image}'><br>{$lang_gave}{$owned_adoptable->name} one {$lang_unit}.<br>".$lang_levelup_encourage; } // Adoptable is not frozen, end isfrozen else check if($owned_adoptable->isfrozen == "no"){ $reward = clickreward(grabanysetting('rewardmoney'), $GLOBALS['username'], $GLOBALS['money']); $newamount = $GLOBALS['money'] + $reward; $adopts->update("users", array("money" => $newamount), "username = '{$loggedinname}'"); $article_content = $article_content . "<div align='center'><br />You have earned {$reward} ".grabanysetting('cost')." for leveling up this adoptable. <br />You now have {$newamount} ".grabanysetting('cost')."</div>"; } } else{ // We already voted on this adoptable today, so show an error... if($isloggedin == "yes"){ $article_title = $lang_alreadyleveled_title; $article_content = $lang_member_alreadyleveled; } else{ $article_title = $lang_alreadyleveled_title;; $article_content = $lang_guest_alreadyleveled; } } } else{ // Adoptable is invalid, show an error... $article_title = $err_idnoexist; $article_content = $err_idnoexist_text; } } // End the ID is not blank and is numeric else check //***************// // OUTPUT PAGE // //***************// echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date); ?> |
Yeah, it does not look any different from mine. Id recommend you to debug the codes then, and see if any variables are assigned with incorrect values. Assume you have not clicked a pet, the object $voters should be nonexistent and the property $voters->void should be absent. Now find this line:
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
Mysidia Adoptables, a free and ever-improving script for aspiring adoptables/pets site. |
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