That still didn't work :/ This is the exact message if anyone can see what the issue is...
My class_privateitem is the updated code, and if you needed it, here's the funtions_items one..
PHP Code:
// File ID: functions_items.php
// Purpose: Provides specific functions defined for items
function items_valuable($item, $adopt){
$note = "The item {$item->itemname} is a valuable item, which cannot be used on any adoptable but may sell a good deal of money.";
return $note;
function items_level1($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$newlevel = $adopt->currentlevel + $item->value;
$lev = $mysidia->db->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$adopt->type}' and thisislevel ='{$newlevel}'")->fetchObject();
//Check if the adoptable's level is already at maximum.
// object not created, the level is already at maximum.
$note = "Unfortunately, your selected adoptable's level cannot be raised by using item {$item->itemname}.";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
//Execute the script to update adoptable's level and clicks.
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $newlevel, "totalclicks" => $lev->requiredclicks), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "Congratulations, the item {$item->itemname} raised your adoptable's level by {$item->value}";
return $note;
function items_level2($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$newlevel = $item->value;
$lev = $mysidia->db->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$adopt->type}' and thisislevel ='{$newlevel}'")->fetchObject();
//Check if the adoptable's level is already at maximum.
// object not created, the level is already at maximum.
$note = "Unfortunately, your selected adoptable's level cannot be raised by using item {$item->itemname}.";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
//Execute the script to update adoptable's level and clicks.
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $newlevel, "totalclicks" => $lev->requiredclicks), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "Congratulations, the item {$item->itemname} increases your adoptable's level to {$item->value}";
return $note;
function items_level3($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
//Execute the script to update adoptable's level and clicks.
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => 0, "totalclicks" => 0), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "Congratulations, the item {$item->itemname} has reset the level and clicks of your adoptable.";
return $note;
function items_click1($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$newclicks = $adopt->totalclicks + $item->value;
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("totalclicks" => $newclicks), "aid='{$adopt->aid}'and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "By using {$item->itemname}, the adoptable's total number of clicks has raised by {$item->value}<br>";
//Now lets check if the adoptable has reached a new level.
$ownedAdopt = new OwnedAdoptable($adopt->aid);
//new level exists, time to check if the total clicks have reached required minimum clicks for next level.
$nextLevel = $ownedAdopt->getNextLevel();
$requiredClicks = $nextLevel->getRequiredClicks();
if($newclicks >= $requiredClicks and $requiredClicks != 0 and $requiredClicks != ""){
// We need to level this adoptable up...
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $nextLevel->getLevel()), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note .= "And moreover, it has gained a new level!";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_click2($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$newclicks = $item->value;
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("totalclicks" => $newclicks), "aid='{$adopt->aid}'and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "By using {$item->itemname}, the adoptable's total number of clicks has raised by {$item->value}<br>";
//Now lets check if the adoptable has reached a new level.
$ownedAdopt = new OwnedAdoptable($adopt->aid);
//new level exists, time to check if the total clicks have reached required minimum clicks for next level.
$nextLevel = $ownedAdopt->getNextLevel();
$requiredClicks = $nextLevel->getRequiredClicks();
if($newclicks >= $requiredClicks and $requiredClicks != 0 and $requiredClicks != ""){
// We need to level this adoptable up...
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("currentlevel" => $nextlevel), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note .= "And moreover, it has gained a new level!";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_click3($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$mysidia->db->delete("vote_voters", "adoptableid = '{$adopt->aid}' and date='{$date}'");
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
$note = "By using item {$item->name}, you have make your adoptables eligible for clicking by everyone again!";
return $note;
function items_breed1($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
// Update the lastbred info.
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("lastbred" => 0), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it can breed again!<br>";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove(1, $item->owner);
return $note;
function items_breed2($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
// Note this function exists but is not useful until Mys v1.3.2, when adoptables can carry/attach items.
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("lastbred" => 0), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "The item has been successfully used on your adoptable, it can breed again!<br>";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_alts1($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
// First lets check if alternative image exists for an adoptable at this level.
$lev = $mysidia->db->select("levels", array(), "adoptiename='{$adopt->type}' and thisislevel ='{$adopt->currentlevel}'")->fetchObject();
if($lev->alternateimage == ""){
// The alternate image does not exist, cannot convert adoptable into its alternate form
$note = "It appears that your adoptable does not have an alternate image at its given level...<br>";
// The alternate image exists, conversion between primary and alternate image is possible.
case "yes":
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates" => 'no'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "Your adoptable has assume the species primary form.";
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("usealternates" => 'yes'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "Your adoptable {$adopt->name} has assume the species alternate form.";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_alts2($item, $adopt){
$note = "This feature will be available soon after we redesign the adoptable class, enjoy!";
return $note;
function items_name1($item, $adopt){
$note = "umm just realized that people can change adoptables names freely, will have to think about it later.";
return $note;
function items_name2($item, $adopt){
$note = "For now the items can only be used on adoptables, so user-based item usage will be implemented later.";
return $note;
function items_recipe($item, $adopt){
$note = "The item {$item->itemname} is a recipe item, which cannot be used on any adoptable and can only be useful if you are performing alchemy.";
return $note;
function items_companion($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
if ($adopt->companion != "nocompanion") {
$itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);
$itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);
$companion = $item->itemname;
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => $companion), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. <br /><br /> <a href=''><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_helditem($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
if ($adopt->item != "noitem") {
$itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->item);
$itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);
$helditem = $item->itemname;
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("item" => $helditem), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "You have given your pet a <b>{$item->itemname}</b>! It will now show up in your pet's profile. <br /><br /> <a href=''><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_unbindingcompanion($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
if ($adopt->companion != "No Companion") {
$itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->companion);
$itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("companion" => 'No Companion'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "You use the <b>{$item->itemname}</b> on your pet, breaking the bond between it and its companion. The companion has been returned to your inventory!<br /><br /> <a href='/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
function items_unbindingitem($item, $adopt){
$mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
if ($adopt->item != "No Item") {
$itemgive = new StockItem($adopt->item);
$itemgive->append(1, $mysidia->user->username);
$mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array("item" => 'No Item'), "aid ='{$adopt->aid}' and owner='{$item->owner}'");
$note = "You use the <b>{$item->itemname}</b> on your pet, breaking the bond between it and its held item. The held item has been returned to your inventory!<br /><br /> <a href='/inventory'><button type='button'>Return to Inventory</button></a><br>";
//Update item quantity...
$delitem = $item->remove();
return $note;
I did just redo every step to see if I had followed them wrong but it still came out the same. Thanks for helping!