Forum Time
Apparently it has something to do with the host and it won't give me 12 hour format without the extra 0. Where can I change this?
I'm assuming you mean with myBB. It uses the php date() function to tell time, so to have it in 12 hour format without the leading 0, you go to the board settings in the adminCP -> Date and Time formats and you'll see "h:i A" in the time format. Change it to "g:i A" and it will get rid of the extra 0.
I did. It's still giving me 24 hour time.
This is my settings, it was already default. Maybe this site will help if that's not working. http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php You might have the H capitalized in your settings, that would make it 24 hour Or in the case that you're wanting, you might have a capital G rather than lower case g. For 12 hours without the leading 0 Last edited by Chaos77777; 01-23-2017 at 07:02 PM. |
nope I have a little g
If you switch it back to h, does it go back to 12 hour with the leading 0?
no it does not :(
Could you take a screen shot for me?
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