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Old 02-18-2011, 03:32 PM
coffeeaddict coffeeaddict is offline
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Default A php question about changing the "level up" section

Hi everyone! I've just installed the script and have begun to tinker with it. I'm very familiar with CSS and HTML, but I haven't written my own PHP yet. I know the basics, just don't have much experience.

I'm hoping someone can give me some tips on making a change.

Instead of having visitors click on the pet to "level it up", I'd rather have the owner of the pet click on a button to "train" it. The pet would start with no training (0), and then with each click would gain training till it reached a certain number.

I've been reading php tutorials and I cannot wrap my brain around how to make this change.

If anyone's willing to help me out please let me know! I'm not expecting anyone to write the script for me, that would be asking a lot, just hoping I can get pointed in the right direction since there seems to be a lot of people here that are experienced in php.


Last edited by coffeeaddict; 02-18-2011 at 03:58 PM.
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