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Old 10-30-2012, 07:36 PM
Seasparkle Seasparkle is offline
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Hello! I hope... that maybe someone will answer me. I have a question reguarding the last parts of installations.

The form is below... Can someone tell me what goes into the Database name option? It seems so simple but im missing it :(

Mysidia Adoptables v1.3.1 Installation Wizard
Step 3: Database and Site Configuration

This page will set up your config.php file which is responsible for handling database and configuration information for your installation of Mysidia Adoptables.

Database Information:

Database Host:

Database User:

Database Password:

Database Name:

Domain Information:

Domain Name:

You must enter your domain name in the form of ONLY! DO NOT include the http:// or www. portions of the domain.

Script Path:

Your script path tells Mysidia Adoptables where it is installed on the server relative to your domain. If you have uploaded this script to the ROOT of your domain name then leave the Script Path box blank. If you installed this script in a subfolder, such as adoptables, then put the folder name with a slash before it, such as /adoptables in the Script Path box.

Database Table Prefix:

The table prefix determines how the tables in your database are named. In most cases, the adopts_ prefix will do, however if you are running multiple copies of Mysidia Adoptables on the same database, change the table prefix.