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Old 11-03-2017, 04:09 PM
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Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
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My bad, I was thinking of pre-set adopt images, which in that case you would have to do that.

Depending on what method you want, you could do what I do on Wild Souls and have one "adopt species" (in this case, griffin). Then you add columns in the owned_adoptables table to hold the breed information (so base color, markings, breed, sex, level/stage). I don't know how you have your different breeds planned out, but if they have different linearts for certain ones then the dynamic image script can handle that by swapping them depending on the breed. What this means is that you would never have to use the "breed adopts" section of the ACP. This is what my table looks like as an example:

(I made a new custom table, but wid is basically the same as aid. In case you were wondering, "empty" means that there is no marking in that slot, so the script loads a blank PNG image of the same name on that layer.)
Then I modified the breeding script so things like markings and colors can be inherited with some probability. You could also modify it to where certain breeds result in another. In that case the combinations would be hard-coded in, but you wouldn't need to do any repeats and it reduces the busywork.

Last edited by Dinocanid; 11-03-2017 at 04:12 PM.
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