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Old 04-23-2014, 06:55 PM
Zyraph Zyraph is offline
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That reminds me...I don't believe this was mentioned before, and would probably be kinda tricky to implement, but what would be nice might be a url shortener embedded in the script. Or at least an option to allow us to shorten urls from the longer ones that tend to be generated once a dragon hatches.

For example, I plan on using a custom url shortener which has its own API for link generation. If we could have a place to put an API token/secret into our installations, we could have shortened urls which would make sharing on different sites (like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc) a lot easier. Plus, a lot of forums tend to have a limited amount of characters we can put into signatures. This would most likely solve that problem since we would only really have to link the page and the image in the code, and it would show the rest.

The biggest issue I can think of is generating a link for each image. If the shortener has to generate a link for every individual image, it might get a little chaotic, but the individual pages should be fine. Although, if we allow hotlinking for different images of adoptables anyway that others can select, then it would probably be easier to just make it so that it only shortens the page links and not the image links. Or maybe have a "master link list" of the individual adoptable images that aren't customized by the user, have those shortened, and allow the user to shorten their image links on their own if they feel the need.

Just a thought :3

Also, I've noticed I've made a lot of recommendations...I tend to get carried away with these kinds of things, I hope it's not too much ^.=.^;;
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