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Old 01-28-2009, 04:31 PM
BMR777 BMR777 is offline
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Default RE: Eggs randomly displayed

Originally Posted by Blackmagic
works good :) *happy*

another question:
I want to show the eggs side by side and not line up under it
look :

where have I change the script ?

thank you :)
In the file adopt.php there is this:

PHP Code:
$article_content=$article_content."<p align='center'><b><a href='adopt.php?aID=".$aID."'>".$name.":</a></b></p>
<p align='center'><a href='adopt.php?aID="
.$aID."'><img src='".$imageurl."' border='0'></a> </p>
<p align='center'><a href='adopt.php?aID="
.$aID."'>Adopt ".$name."</a></p>"
That's the HTML code that actually outputs the adoptables from the database to the users waiting to adopt. You could edit that to change how they are displayed. Keep in mind that anything with a $ in front is a variable and is pulled from the database for each creature. :)

EDIT: There's also a similar looking bit of code a little bit further down the file for guest adoptions.

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