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Old 07-16-2014, 02:09 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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+Bump plus more examples of possibilities:

(If using the $cash variable set in the above post!)
{if $cash < 7777}User has more than 7777 currency!{/if}
{if $cash > 7777}User has less than 7777 currency!{/if}
Adding in a user's online variable to classes/class_template.php:
PHP Code:
$online $mysidia->db->select("online", array(), "username != 'Visitor'")->rowCount();
$this->assign("online","{$online} Users Online"); 
To be used like (this will link to a page that shows who is online):
<a href="{$home}online">{$online}</a>
Another possible use:
{if $online > 50}More than 50 users online!{/if}
{if $online < 10}Less than 10 users online!{/if}
You could also use these (in addition to the two variables above to check for users online) in classes/class_template.php:
PHP Code:
$guests $mysidia->db->select("online", array(), "username = 'Visitor'")->rowCount();
$this->assign("population","{$online} Users Online + {$guests} Guests"); 
Then you would use {$population} to print out something like "10 Users Online + 5 Guests". Perhaps it'd look nice in a footer, if that fits your site? This could also be used in an 'if' statement if you wanted something to happen if you had a certain number of guests online at once! Get creative. ^^

And back into classes/class_template.php, you can set up messages to display at specific times of the day (server time - good for promo codes people can't cheat and use their computer's clock to get):

PHP Code:
$now = new DateTime();        
$hrs $now->format('G');
if (
$hrs >  0$msg "<b>After Hours Promo Code:</b> PC0000"// After midnight
if ($hrs >  5$msg "<b>Dawn Promo Code:</b> PC0005"// After 5am
if ($hrs >  7$msg "<b>Morning Promo Code:</b> PC0507"// After 7am
if ($hrs 12$msg "<b>Afternoon Promo Code:</b> PC0712"// After noon
if ($hrs 17$msg "<b>Evening Promo Code:</b> PC1217"// After 5pm
if ($hrs 22$msg "<b>Dusk Promo Code:</b> PC1722"// After 10pm
These would be displayed with {$timemsg}.

Keep it mind that you can infinitely combine if statements with Smarty in your template. So imagine something with a 20% chance of happening only if it is between noon and five and there are less than x amount of people online.
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.
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