Thread: Abandon system
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Old 03-28-2010, 01:09 PM
gensuperman gensuperman is offline
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Default RE: Abandon system

Well, I tried to install it, and I couldn't get it to work.

Although, I got half of it to work, the other half just gives errors.

Here are the steps I followed:

- SQL Query > Added new database information as required by original post in this thread.
- opened myadopts.php, replaced $aid information with longer information after the kill area in the script
- overwriten remove query with 2 lines as per post.
- added abandon information at the end of the functions.php script
- added ashowingtitle and ashowing to language file.
- uploaded by abandon.php file and doadobtab.php to the folder

Tested it and only half of it worked.

See, when you this is all installed, you go to kill your pet, and then you choose yes.

Your pet is then sent to the abandon.php area. Which the abandoned pet does show up, but it only shows the picture of the pet and not any details about the pet.

When you click on the pet in the abandon pet to adopt, it asks if you want to rename the pet, and to put in a name in the box field under the image... However, there is NO box field for name input. That is missing.

When you go to click adopt me, it gives a congratulations screen, but all the links are wrong and it gives errors whenever you click on any link on the congratulations page for adopting and abandoned pet.

For example:

On the congratulations screen for adopting a pet, you might see :

Original pets name Adopted successfully

click here to manage this pet
But, when you click to manage your new pet, it just leads to a link :

Then if you do click on that, it will come up with a page error:

Invalid Adoptable ID Specified

The ID specified does not match any adoptable in our system. Sorry. If you wish, you can adopt a pet.
Lastly, the abandoned pet does not show up in the "myadopts" page, so now, the pet is gone forever.

So... what did I do wrong? Is there someone that actually got this script to work and if they did, could you please PM me or respond back this post with the steps that you took to get it to work.

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