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Old 08-27-2009, 05:31 PM
BMR777 BMR777 is offline
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Default RE: Naming and Changing Help

Both of what you have suggested are already possible. As for adding the name on the image, you can do this very easily. In your Admin CP go to Site Settings > View or Edit Adoptable Signature Image Settings / GD Settings and make sure the "Enable GD Signature Images for GIF files" option is enabled. This will print the adoptable's name and owner on the image. For this to work, however, your adoptables images must be .gif files and your server must have the GD image libraries installed. :)

As far as alternate outcomes go, that's exactly how it works now. The key is when you add a new level you have to add both sets of images, one for the normal outcome and one for the alternate. Once an adoptable has switched to the alternate outcome it will ONLY use the alternate outcome images you have selected. :)

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