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Old 01-20-2009, 05:45 PM
aroymart aroymart is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 74
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Default you lost me... >.<

Step 1: Create a new MySQL database.
Step 2: Run the SQL queries inside of sql.txt that is included with the download.
Step 3: Upload the contents of the "adoptables" folder to your server where you want to install this script.
Step 4: Open up inc/config.php in a text editor. Edit the fields with your information.

For the domain name, put something like without any http:// or www.

If you are installing this script in a subdirectory off your domain, for the Script Path ($spath) you'll want to put something like:


If you're installing at the root of a domain, leave the $spath variable blank.

For the $auser and $apass variables enter in your desired login details for the Admin CP.

Step 5: CHMOD the following files:

ads/header.txt - 777
ads/footer.txt - 777
ads/tower.txt - 777
inc/settings.php - 777
inc/levels.php - 777

Step 6: Log in to your Admin CP at and then edit your site. You may want to rename the adm directory for additional security.

you lost me at sql queries... anyone want to help?
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