Thread: Kritter Kingdom
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Old 03-11-2010, 09:30 PM
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Default RE: Kritter Kingdom

I suggest fixing the TOS so, for the people that actually read it can. It looks like on like '70' at the end you need to add a ';' ( Semi-colon ) Also, you can't see how much money you have... :/ Might try making it so you can. Or follow my simple guide below. :P

Guide to making money should on the Side Panel:

In 'inc/functions.php' go to line '217' or look around that line and find:

PHP Code:
if($isloggedin == "yes"){ 
Then after that put:

PHP Code:
$query "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE username = '".$loggedinname."'";

$result mysql_query($query);

$num mysql_numrows($result);


while (
$i 1) {



Change 'money' to whatever the currency name is then go to line '244' or around it should say:

PHP Code:
and after it put:

PHP Code:
<b>".$loggedinname."'s Money:</b> ".$money." 
Then change 'money' to yo currency name. Then that should be all!
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