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Old 03-05-2010, 09:56 AM
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Default Help: Change all users at once? [Answered]

Please move this to The Webmaster Bat-Cave, I put this in the wrong section, sorry!

( I may figure this out on my own :P ) Note: This isn't very related to the adoptable script, I'm making a game that is using the adoptable script as a... template you might say to run the game.

Okay, I am trying to make it so a user gets 100 Cash every five minutes, I've got it so the script/file will run every five minutes, I just can't get all the users getting 100 Cash. Only one user at a time, I'm trying to take the "User list" and have that update the user accounts resources, but, that doesn't seem to be working. :/ Here is the code that is suppose to be updating the users' resources:

PHP Code:
$query "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users";

$result mysql_query($query);

//Loop out code


while (
$i $num2) {






$cashs $cash 100;
$metals $metal 75;
$powers $power 25;
$fuels $fuel 50;

$query "UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET cash='".$cashs."' WHERE username='".$user."'";


$query "UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET metal='".$metals."' WHERE username='".$user."'";


$query "UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET fuel='".$fuels."' WHERE username='".$user."'";


$query "UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET power='".$powers."' WHERE username='".$user."'";



Any ideas? ( I know it says fuel, metal, power, and cash and that stuff, but as I said before, this is for a game that isn't related to adoptables. ;) )
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