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Old 03-20-2009, 02:25 PM
BMR777 BMR777 is offline
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Default RE: Re-Write suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions. For the rewrite I have already started and I have begun to work on 1, 5 and 6.

For #1, you can now specify primary and alternate images for each level. You can also specify what the chances are of using the alternate images rather than the primaries, so you can do something like chance 1 in 2 for male or female or chance 1 in 100 for a rare adopt.

For #5, I have already begun working on this. You will be able to specify a code that will let the user adopt a special adoptable. Users can also earn promo codes if one of their adoptables reaches a certain level and you configured the level to give the user a promo code. :)

For #6, there will be some of this in the new release. You can specify certain conditions under which new adoptables may be adopted. :)

With 3#, this will almost certainly be in the new release, but I haven't started coding that yet. I'll also work on #4, but this may or may not be included and if it is included it might not work on all servers. I also like Idea #2. I'll see what I can do. :)

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