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Old 07-19-2020, 10:13 AM
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Missy Master Missy Master is offline
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Tried it and voila, white page hehe. Did not throw an Invalid ID error, just whited out totally :(

Good try though.

It's baffling. I've scoured every where I could find what looked like validating going on and tinkered with it.

Always Invalid ID or a white page. And you know it's gotta be this one thing we can't locate! xD

I had a thought on it: this part -


If there was a way to change that to looking for something harmless that allows all the males owned by all to come up, like some way to have it check something *else* right there.

Like say, 'check' to see again if its male, or something like that. Then that would be verified, and it will allow the breeding.

It's this whole thing of wanting to find that username being the one who owns it.
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