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Old 11-20-2018, 01:51 PM
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Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
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Dinocanid is on a distinguished road

I don't know about 1.4.0 since we've had no news about it in years, but I'm still working on mysidia deluxe (which might be getting a rewrite, still waiting to hear back on that).
Since it's now functional on PHP 7 and I'm working on some of the features, I'm hoping it might revive the community once it releases since one of the main reasons people moved on was because the original script was old.

There's still new sites being made with it was well. I'm making Wild Souls with mysidia, and eventually I'll be reviving Foodbabs with mysidia deluxe.
A griffin adopt site is also currently being made with mysidia, but I don't want to say too much about that.
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