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Old 03-12-2018, 05:49 PM
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Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
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You could use variables in the image url, so it fetches the proper species type. For example:
You could create two separate folders for snakes and lizards, but the subfolder names would remain the same. If you don't want to mix up markings by naming them the same thing in both directories, you could label them "snake-stripes1.png" and "lizard-stripes1.png", then you can do this:
PHP Code:
'{$pet->type}/markings/' $pet->type '-stripes1.png'.png', 
If you want to go further and grab a different marking based on the level of a pet (assuming it has a baby stage, etc.), then you can replace "$pet->age" with "$pet->currentlevel", and then change the if statement accordingly. So:
PHP Code:
if($pet->currentlevel >= 1){
//image array for baby pets goes here...


Last edited by Dinocanid; 03-12-2018 at 05:52 PM.
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