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Old 04-18-2017, 06:55 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Default No more automatic EXP upon viewing pets, please?

Hey guys! Long time no see~! Good news - I quit my retail day job, so I have the summer to work on my site. I'm back to ask questions and seek out some help if anyone's interested in a bit of tinkering.

Is it possible to redesign how pets are viewed so that they do not automatically gain EXP when visited? Instead, I would like a button to be present. I'm aware it adds unnecessary tedium, but I think it would really help my server in the long run.

Right now, a user can open twenty tabs of pets and then automatically close them with built in browser functions without even looking at them (ctrl-click a bunch of links to open up new tabs and then right click the tab nearest to the one you're on and you can "close all tabs to the right" - all of those pets opened would get EXP). If users had to click something on all those pages, it would help slow them down and save my server the strain of loading pages they won't even look at, you know?

So, what I would like to implement is a link that says "Play with {$name}!" and only after clicking it would the pet get EXP. A page refresh would be acceptable.

Other sites do similar but in a more advanced way -- for example, on Pokéfarm, each Pokémon has a favorite flavor of berry, and you need to click on the correct flavor to give the optimum amount of EXP and earn yourself the most currency. (I believe clicking wrong also either counts less towards their events or not at all, I can't recall, it's been years.) This is above and beyond my needs, but other people on Mysidia may be interested in such a feature.

Anyone up to the task?
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.
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