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Old 01-20-2017, 03:00 PM
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kristhasirah kristhasirah is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: In middle of the nothingness
Posts: 196
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If the donors and artists don't want to forget is their own choice, they do not need to join, and no one is being forced to join the site. I believe in second chances, and that people can change, so I will give my support to silver and keep doing art for the site.

Silvadopts was the first site where I started practicing pixel adopts and made me know lots of good friends and good memories, Silver gave a total newbie like me the chance to sprite some of the foxes and sill add them even with mistakes and for that im grateful. so I will keep providing art for the site and story I love, and for me this is a chance to see my babies and play with them once again! instead of getting digital dust in a dark corner and poking them with a stick.

And for the artist that don't want to see their art in the site, don't worry I don't have plans to use them. The foxes that will be used on the site are the ones i created, and I will create new foxes.

maybe I'm a softie or maybe I'm just to in love with misty woods that I don't want to leave it to die just like that.

And just to inform possible new members and old members
I KristhaSirah allow SilverDragonTears to use my art in her site ^^
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