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Old 01-16-2017, 08:21 AM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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Default Problem accessing page

Can't access the /myadopts page or the /adopt page. It displays this message on /myadopts:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /home/equiland/public_html/classes/class_ownedadoptable.php on line 230

and the /adopt page is white blank page.

This is the code in /classes/class_ownedadoptable.php:

class OwnedAdoptable extends Adoptable{

    protected $aid;
    protected $name;
    protected $owner;
    protected $currentlevel;
    protected $totalclicks;
    protected $code;
    protected $imageurl;
    protected $usealternates;
    protected $tradestatus;
    protected $isfrozen;  
    protected $gender;
    protected $offsprings;
    protected $lastbred;
    protected $nextlevel;
    protected $voters;
    public function __construct($aid, $owner = ""){      
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $whereClause = "aid ='{$aid}'";
        if(!empty($owner)) $whereClause .= " and owner = '{$owner}'";
        $row = $mysidia->db->select("owned_adoptables", array(), $whereClause)->fetchObject();
        if(!is_object($row)) throw new AdoptNotfoundException("Adoptable ID {$aid} does not exist or does not belong to the owner specified...");
        foreach($row as $key => $val){
            $this->$key = $val;              

    public function getAdoptID(){
        return $this->aid;

    public function getName(){
        return $this->name;
    public function setName($name, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("name", $name);
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getOwner($fetchMode = ""){
        if($fetchMode == Model::MODEL) return new Member($this->owner);
        else return $this->owner;
    public function setOwner($owner, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("owner", $owner);
        $this->owner = $owner;
    public function getCurrentLevel($fetchMode = ""){
        if($fetchMode == Model::MODEL) return new AdoptLevel($this->type, $this->currentlevel);
        else return $this->currentlevel;
    public function setCurrentLevel($level, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE){
            $this->save("currentlevel", $level);
            if($this->getAltStatus() == "yes") $this->save("usealternates", "yes");
        $this->currentlevel = $level;
    public function getTotalClicks(){
        return $this->totalclicks;
    public function setTotalClicks($clicks, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("totalclicks", $clicks);
        $this->totalclicks = $clicks;
    public function getCode(){
        return $this->code;
    public function getImageURL($fetchMode = ""){
        if($fetchMode == Model::GUI) return new Image($this->imageurl);
        else return $this->imageurl;
    public function useAlternates(){
        return $this->usealternates;
    public function getTradeStatus(){
        return $this->tradestatus;
    public function setTradeStatus($status, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("tradestatus", $status);
        $this->tradestatus = $status;
    public function isFrozen(){
        return $this->isfrozen;
    public function setFrozen($frozen = TRUE, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("isfrozen", $frozen);
        $this->isfrozen = $frozen;
    public function getGender($fetchMode = ""){
        if($fetchMode == Model::GUI) return new Image("picuploads/{$this->gender}.png");
        else return $this->gender;
    public function getOffsprings(){
        return $this->offsprings;
    public function setOffsprings($offsprings = 1, $assignMode = ""){
        $this->offsprings = $offsprings; 
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("offsprings", $this->offsprings);
    public function getLastBred($fetchMode = ""){
        if($fetchMode == Model::OBJ) return new DateTime($this->lastbred);
        return $this->lastbred;
    public function setLastBred($lastBred = 0, $assignMode = ""){
        if($assignMode == Model::UPDATE) $this->save("lastbred", $lastBred);
        $this->lastbred = $lastBred;    
    public function getAltStatus(){
        if($this->alternates == "enabled" and $this->currentlevel == $this->altoutlevel){
            $rand = mt_rand(1, $this->altchance);
            if($rand == 1) return "yes";            
        return "no";
    public function getImage($fetchMode = ""){
        if($this->imageurl) return $this->getImageUrl($fetchMode);
        if($this->currentlevel == 0) return $this->getEggImage($fetchMode);
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");        
        $level = $this->getCurrentLevel("model");
        if($this->useAlternates() == "yes") return $level->getAlternateImage($fetchMode);
        else return $level->getPrimaryImage($fetchMode);            
      public function hasNextLevel(){
            $this->nextlevel = new AdoptLevel($this->type, $this->currentlevel + 1);
            return TRUE;
        catch(LevelNotfoundException $lne){
            return FALSE;
    public function getNextLevel(){
        if(!$this->nextlevel) return FALSE;
        return $this->nextlevel;
    public function getLevelupClicks(){
        if(!$this->nextlevel) return FALSE;
        return $this->nextlevel->getRequiredClicks() - $this->totalclicks;
    public function getStats(){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $document = $mysidia->frame->getDocument();    
        $stats = new Division("adoptstats");
        $stats->add(new Comment("<br><br><b>Total Clicks: {$this->totalclicks}"));
        $stats->add(new Comment("Gender: ", FALSE));
        $stats->add(new Image("picuploads/{$this->gender}.png"));
            $level = $this->getNextLevel();
            $levelupClicks = $this->getLevelupClicks();
            $nextLevel = $level->getLevel().$mysidia->lang->clicks.$levelupClicks; 
        else $nextLevel = $mysidia->lang->maximum;
        $adoptStats = "<br>Trade Status: {$this->tradestatus}<br>
                       Current Level: {$this->currentlevel}<br>Next Level: {$nextLevel}</b>";
        $stats->add(new Comment($adoptStats));
        return $stats;        
    public function hasVoter($user, $date = ""){
        if(!$date) $date = new DateTime;        
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        if($user instanceof Member){            
            $whereClause = "adoptableid='{$this->aid}' and username = '{$user->username}' and date = '{$date->format('Y-m-d')}'";
            $ip = secure($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            $whereClause = "adoptableid='{$mysidia->input->get("aid")}' and ip = '{$ip}' and date = '{$date->format('Y-m-d')}'";
        $void = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array("void"), $whereClause)->fetchColumn();
        if(is_numeric($void)) return TRUE;
        else return FALSE;        
    protected function save($field, $value){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $mysidia->db->update("owned_adoptables", array($field => $value), "aid='{$this->aid}'");
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