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Old 12-19-2016, 04:10 PM
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parayna parayna is offline
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I have a little question Does the mood/health automatically drop? I mean, I'm thinking of not having health (as I probably don't want to include battling... and can't really see much point of having it) but would like mood to drop a little either every day, or every hour/whenever. This way using items that increase mood (toys, etc) can increase it and be a good way of interacting with pets. And as I was typing this I thought it might be interesting to add hunger and thirst and if they both reach 0 it starts taking from health until that gets to 0, etc. (Then perhaps the pet dies, or 'runs away' for a more 'friendly' solution)

  Spoiler: Addon Idea c: 
Also, a cool addon idea using the held items and pet companions mod could be that you set specific properties they can do. Perhaps holding a certain item, or having a certain companion can keep mood up (it decreases slower), perhaps health takes longer to drop, or heals your pet when they get hurt, or maybe they 'play' with the item once a day and mood increases. Maybe even 'trick' items that do the opposite and hurt your pet/decrease mood (great for Halloween, etc!)

Thank you ^_^
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