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Old 11-17-2016, 07:47 PM
Dinocanid's Avatar
Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 516
Gender: Unknown/Other
Credits: 68,641
Dinocanid is on a distinguished road

As an update, there have been a few completed in the recent weeks:

The first one is a hunger/thirst system. They don't deplete yet, but it should be fully implemented soon. The second one is backgrounds! The only background so far is a simple cardboard box, since the art for the others are being worked on. (The background is not currently available in the shops yet)

Next we have the sidebar! Active pets will now say things from time to time and find currency for you. Later on, they'll be required in order to do certain activities such as exploring. Below that, there is a counter of how many species are available on the site so you can keep track of your collection.

The Festival Grounds now has a link to the event shop for the current month(s).

Karma is now on the site as well. It is gained by clicking adoptables and lost by eating them. It doesn't serve a purpose yet, but it will later be used to join associations and get exclusive items and babs from boxes.

The guidebook on the site has been updated. There is currently an "adoptable ID 0" bug on the profiles of users who haven't assigned a fav pet. If you get this error, just PM me and I'll fix it for you. I'm working on a permanent solution, but I haven't found one yet.
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