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Old 02-29-2016, 03:35 PM
FounderSim FounderSim is offline
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As a freelancer, I require FTP access and phpMyAdmin from all my clients. I do this for various reasons.

#1: If a client don't know how to send me a copy of database and files, I can easily download it all myself instead of going threw the hassle of explaining to someone how to do it.

#2: I can upload the new files and apply changes to DataBase when finished without having to explain how to do it. I also know I am fully responsible after uploading the new files/changes if something does not work correctly. I can not blame the person for not uploading or making incorrect changes to database.

#3: There is also this issue. If the person does know how to backup files and copy database and apply database changes and reupload files easily. There is still a time delay which means I have to wait for the client to apply changes. Some instances where a bug occurred and I have was not around asap to fix the issue. (figure out if a Server config issue, improper changes, what caused bug). I have had a problem a few times where they did not make there own back-up anymore so there site went down for a few hours. Once a few day(vacation).

There is a issue though, a lot of people don't like handling over there passwords like that. However; I am lucky enough to have built up a decent reputation where most people have no issues handing over there password to there FTP and cPanel.

I feel like having access is more convenient. I do however work locally. Send updates to the client (previews). Code to show its a real update.

I been freelancing a long time and have seen a lot of weird things.

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