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Old 02-03-2016, 11:35 PM
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Ittermat Ittermat is offline
The awesomesauce
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~How about an easier way to make/edit themes?

~and an easier way to edit premade pages ^^?
For example, on the mailbox, instead of text you can have the ability to switch to use small images instead.? (that you can make yourself.) And the ability to edit the area around the premade pages- Like I want to add an npc to the mail system...all I have to do is add the image and text at the top from the basic site control panel.

Or edit the Text on the adopt page- without having to go all the way into the main files.

~Easier way to add games/daily events/etc.

~Ability to "restore" a Site to a previous version-
rather than having to download the entire site and reupload it- just do like what windows does- and make it autosave every once in a while- so if you mess up- you can roll it back to a earlier version-straight in the control panel. It would have a list limit-- (maybe? 10-20 at a time?) and when you hit the limit it will delete older ones to make room for the new ones you're saving (unless you Download them)
This one may already exist? but I couldnt find it.. x.x

~"folders"/tabs For your images
Rather than having them all in a huge list when you go to choose them, maybe you could have folders for items,pets,maps....npcs? That way you can just choose one of those and find what you need. Or even that the specific page already pulls from the tab/folder for that specific thing.

Like for example..Im adding a new pet, I go to add the base image from the list of images I've uploaded, and it automatically gives me the list of pets from the "pets" folder.

~Customizable Collapsible categories/organization (drag and drop maybe?) For your list of custom pages.
That way We can for example put...Our maps in the map area...and to see them all just click the category and they all appear.

Man all my thoughts are about making things easier...


However I dunno how easy anything would be to code...

Last edited by Ittermat; 02-04-2016 at 09:19 PM. Reason: added more XD
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