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Old 12-30-2014, 06:40 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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Kyttias is on a distinguished road
Arrow Shop Loyalty & Exchange Pavillion

shop loyalty
Shopkeepers enjoy seeing you around! They remember just how much you've spent on their wares. Now, they want to repay the favor. You'll be able to check your loyalty level with participating stores in the upper left hand corner, each level represented as a star.

A new player starts at level 0 - no benefits. Spend a little bit there and unlock level 1 loyalty with a shop to immediately unlock new items that weren't available before! At level 2 you'll gain a 5% discount off all items in their shop, plus gain access to even more items. At level 3 you'll get to enjoy a whole 10% discount. Even more benefits are to come - including opportunities to begin quests and fuse items. All you have to do is continue being such a great customer. The more you spend, the closer you'll get to the next level.
exchange pavillion
At the Exchange Pavillion, you'll meet Aubrey. She's part 'Fauxxit' and so long as you bring her supplies, she can fuse and enhance items for you. Eventually I want all shopkeepers to be able to do item fusion, and at that point, Aubrey will be operating a bit more like Crimm on Flight Rising, asking for a random item (below a certain rarity threshold) and offering to buy it from you for a tiny bit more than its ordinary worth. Until she teaches her ways to the other shopkeepers, she is in charge of all item fusion.
concept art
Oh, and I created a thread where I'll post some unfinished and in progress art. So go check that out, if you like!
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.
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