Thread: Divinity
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Old 09-28-2014, 12:36 AM
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Folli Folli is offline
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Smile Divinic


Hai! Planning on making a new adoptable site called Divinic I use names of greek primordial gods for the names of the npcs. My previous websites I ditched because I was not happy with my art style! There is no website yet, hopefully getting that up next week. ;-;

It says divinity on thread title but I think I'm going with divinic


The plot is pretty random and probably makes no sense but basically, after creating earth these guys (gods/goddesses) got pretty tired and and went back to relax in their own world. However, Gaia, goddess of earth and her endless creativity can't help but continue to sculpt new beings and shoving them into Phanes's (god of creation who will look kinda like a giant cat) mouth. His body juices can give life. Normally, her creations run around the earth in different domains, upper, lower, mid and the sea. Each are inhabited by the different gods. There's 8 in total (2 in each region yano so none are lonely). I won't go into detail but anyways, Gaia shoves too many creations into Phane's body and he starts getting stomach problems and starts spewing and giving life to too many creatures and the gods/goddesses too out of energy to do anything about it. THUS they summon nice humans to take care of them cos humans like taking care of creatures.

There won't only be canines, but I've only made a canine base so far so


Example Adoptable

Another Example Adoptable

Example of Breeding (dunno how breeding works on mysidia yet just posted this to show cos it's pretty easy to do due to how I've organised the layers on my .sai file)

This is Gaia, the goddess of Earth. NPC art :D //notfinished (All art shown is by me btw >.<)

Anyways what do you guys think?? lol I feel like the npc art is so detailed and then you see my pixels -.- Any criticism/ideas welcome! Thanks for looking :)

Last edited by Folli; 09-29-2014 at 05:32 AM.
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